Gov Jordan is here for dental extractions. He has dental disease grade 3 and is missing his complete upper arcade. He also presents with a heart murmur.
He arrived in the morning and a technician went over the check-in sheet and then answered any questions the owner had. Gov Jordan was then taken to the treatment area where a technician placed a catheter.
Dental radiographs were taken and there were multiple roots left behind from prior dental. After communicating with the owner, they agreed not to remove them as they were not problematic. 409 and 309 were extracted and sutured with 5-0 Monocryl.
Gov Jordan’s teeth were then scaled and polished. He will need to eat soft food only for 14 days. He is expected to make a full recovery.
Dental Cost Breakdown:
Fluid Pump $25.00
Dental X-Rays $85.00
Nail trim with Exam $0.00
Tooth extraction, 2 root (2) $88.00
Dental Suture $26.00
RVT Surgical Assistance $45.00
Dental Nerve Block, per quadrant (2) $40.00
Stage 1 scale and polish $85.00
Convenia 1 – 15# $82.00
Propoflo Induction, per use $42.80
Ampicillin injectable 100mg/ml $23.94
Gabapentin Oral Solution 250mg/5ml $27.20
Acepromazine Inj./ml $10.07
Carprofen INJ. 50mg/mL $21.54
CardioPet proBNP Feline $130.00
Wow Sarah, that’s brave of your vet AND the owner, must have been nerve-wracking to assist in that operation!
Tell us about this battling bruiser “winking” at the camera 🙂
How is he coping since the dental work?
Thank you Sarah!! Excellent job as always!! You are the best and I really appreciate your help!!