Regular Vet Visit

Frecvent Epilepsy Episodes


My dog is 3 years old. 2 and a half months ago she had her first seasure and continued having one every 3 weeks. But now things got complicated and from last morning until now she had 14 Seizures (epilepsy), in the distance of 1 and a half hours. Last night we went to the vet and they injected fenobarbital in her muscle but it didn’t make a difference, she had 4 episodes in the night, and continued having all day long. The next day, The vet injected again under skin fenobarbital 100mg but we didn’t saw any king of improvement, she continued having seasures in the same amount of time. What should we do? We are desperate and seems like nothing is working.


Possible epilepsy


No improvements

Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Dogo Argentino
Pet Date of Birth: 29/04/2015
Treatment Cost (USD): $50.00
Files of Receipts, Invoices, Documents, etc.:
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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

hello, i think that your intention was to add this to our question page. Can you go there and ask it? we will do our best to answer promptly.