Ginger Boy’s owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because his mouth seemed to be bothering him. He was drooling excessively, and had become reluctant to eat, even when his food was softened. This is despite Ginger Boy having had a dental cleaning and multiple extractions a couple of years prior – most of his teeth were actually missing at this point. The treating veterinarian recommended that Ginger Boy have full-mouth dental X-rays before scheduling another dental procedure, just in case he had any “retained roots.” Retained roots from previous extractions can cause pain and infection.
Dental disease – severe gingivitis and gingival (gum) erosion.
Ginger Boy had a full set of dental radiographs done while under anesthesia, and he had 2 more teeth removed.
Itemized procedures/costs:
Anesthesia $125
IV catheter placement $40
IV fluids $50
Fluid pump $25
Propoflo induction $60
Tooth extraction, single root (2 teeth) $50
Dental suture $24
Dental radiographs 2-4 views $60
Burprenorphine injection, 0.6mg/ml (analgesic/pain relief) $28.63
TOTAL COST: $462.63
Ginger Boy’s story is shared with permission from his owner.
This story was published by Suzanne Cannon on behalf of Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
Ginger Boy did well during his procedure and had an uneventful recovery.