One of the most common diseases that we see in veterinary medicine is dental disease. Lily’s mom thought that lily had very bad breath and wanted her teeth cleaned to remove the calculi on her teeth.
For all of the dental surgeries that we perform at the clinic we check pre-op blood work (make sure organ function looks normal, no sense doing an elective procedure without checking this first). We also place an intravenous catheter.
Lily was fortunate to have a dental cleaning before the dental disease could set in and jeopardize the health and integrity of the teeth. Most of the dentals we do are only elected after significant disease is present and multiple teeth require extracting.
Here is the breakdown of Lily’s dental care;
exam $45 (done with vaccines for part of the annual examination)
pre op blood work $60
i.v. catheter $40
i.v. fluids $50
fluid pump $25
scale and polish $95
anesthesia $150
reversal agent for sedation $25
Lily’s dental was performed by myself and her story is posted with her families permission. I thank them for letting me share it.