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Neutering a feral cat. What is a TNR, and what does it cost?


Rey is a feral cat who showed up at one of our employees homes. She is feeding him and was able to trap him so he could be vaccinated, FeLV/FIV tested, and neutered. We also gave him a topical dose of Revolution to treat/protect against parasites. We also ear tipped him and gave him a microchip. He will be released at her home in a day or two.


TNR’s have been used for decades to help protect and minimize populations of feral cats. There is well documented proof of its success in minimizing disease and death in these populations.
A humane trap was used to trap him. We do this before kitten seasons starts (so we don’t separate nursing moms from babies) and on days when the weather is not too harsh (hot or cold) to be in the trap between inspections. It also must be timed with the vet who is doing the procedure to minimize time in the trap and stress to the cat.


TNR’s at my clinic include an intra-muscular injection through the trap they are trapped and also arrive in, of a cocktail of medications to allow them to be handled safely. After they are asleep we remove them from the trap. I do a physical exam, vaccinate, tip the left ear, microchip, take a few drops of blood for an FeLV/FIV test, and then neuter. We also place a dose of Revolution on them.
Rey was FeLV/FIV negative. He did well for his surgery and woke up uneventfully.
The cost for his care was as follows:
TNR neuter; $116 includes PE, sedation, neuter and ear tip
vaccines, FVRCP & leuk 1/2 and rabies 1 year is $46
revolution, free
microchip $25


Rey did well. He is young and hopefully now that he is neutered and vaccinated and has a caring family to look after him he should live a long healthy life.

Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: domestic short hair
Pet Date of Birth: 08/07/2018
Treatment Cost (USD): $187.00
Provider Business Name: Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
3961 Norrisville Rd
Jarrettsville Vet
Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084
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Stacey Harris
5 years ago

Thanks Krista for taking the mystery out of this procedure. Having worked for our local tnrv organization, Ive wondered how sedating such a wild animal trapped in a metal cage was accomplished, short of a blow dart?! The ferals I’ve trapped are surprisingly ferocious, completely unlike the typical domesticated pet. I applaud you for performing spay/neuter on ferals; we have difficulty finding vets who will perform this in Tulsa. Thank you!