Regular Vet Visit

Painful mouth, difficulty eating, Ulcers on a cats mouth/lips. Indolent/rodent ulcers. Feline


Werewolf was having trouble eating, eating less and also less active. His family thought he might have a bad tooth, which is common in older cats, but instead he had ulcers on the top lip, left and right.


Indolent Ulcer, Rodent Ulcer, Eosinophilic granuloma complex


Indolent Ulcer, Rodent Ulcer, Eosinophilic granuloma complex

Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: domestic short hair
Pet Date of Birth: 09/09/2007
Treatment Cost (USD): $143.70
Provider Business Name: Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
3961 Norrisville Rd
3961 Norrisville Rd
Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084
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Nicole Jacobs
Nicole Jacobs
5 years ago

Hi. Can you tell me how you treated this? My Pumpkin has a very similar problem, he has a set of asymmetrical ulcers on his upper lip, but they aren’t going away and none of his vets (regular and oncologist) have a clue what they are from or how to resolve them. He was doing well with chemotherapy for Lymphoma but the ulcers have made him backtrack.