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Routine dog spay, OHE canine


Luna is a normal, healthy dog.


Luna had a recessed (very small and hidden) vulva. We had monitored for her puppy exams, and then decided to allow her to have her first heat cycle in the event it would help the vulva develop and protect her from the dangers of this (more frequent urinary tract infections, vaginitis, etc.)


routine OHE, spay, canine.


Luna was spayed with a high standard of care. She was given i.v. fluids, monitored very closely, pre.peri-post op. She was given pre-op pain medications, and did very well throughout her surgery day.
this story was posted by the staff of JVC with the pet parents permission

Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Siberian Husky
Treatment Cost (USD): $533.80
Provider Name: krista magnifico DVM
Provider Business Name: Jarrettsville Veterinary Center, Pawbly.com
3961 norrisville rd, jarrettsville vet
Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084
Files of Receipts, Invoices, Documents, etc.:
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