Tuffie is a 1 year old Australian shepherd with plenty of energy! She reached a mature age and was ready to be spayed. She also had a small mass on her right leg that was removed while she was in for her spay.
Tuffie’s spay and mass removal went well and she is recovering nicely. Her owners had to make sure to keep her quiet so that her incisions healed, but she is doing very well now! Below are a list of the procedures that Tuffie had and their cost.
Pre op blood work- $60
Spay (50-100lbs)- $175
Anesthesia- $148
IV catheter, fluids, and fluid pump- $115
Laser and sutures (for mass removal)- $140
Post op pain medication- $14
Protective e-collar- $15
TOTAL- $667
After her recovery Tuffie is back to normal and doing well!
Her story is posted with her families permission and we thank them for letting us share this story.