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J | 1 month ago
I Have A Poor Feral Cat Out Back Who Got An Abscess. I Did Not Know …

I have a poor feral cat out back who got an abscess. I did not know what was going on about 8 days ago when I noticed her face or side of its head swelling. The cat seemed to be disoriented. In retrospect, I think the cat was febrile and suffering.

The next day the abscess popped. It was a big open sore for 2-3 days. Now it is healing, and the cat seems more comfortable. The cat is moving, and eating food & water in a couple of different locations. It has also slept in two different shelter spaces. (I replace the bedding in those.)

The wound on the side of its face appears to be healing. Given that the cat is feral, I did not want to try to administer antibiotics topically or orally. I considered putting the cat in a cage, and taking it to the vet. However, given its bad physical health, I almost sure the vet would rightfully put the cat down. Also, the trauma and stress of trapping the animal would be counterproductive.

The sore is very large – but as I said healing. I am afraid of secondary infections or chronic, growing infections. Are there any signs I can look for to determine whether or not the cat has a good chance of recovery, or is going downhill?


1 Response


  1. J Post author

    Cat seems old and enervated, but is stronger. I have now twice applied a topical antibiotic to the abscessed area – which appears to be healing some. (I am surprised I could touch the animal with a finger – and that is a function of weakness.) It ate pretty well this evening.

    I am on the fence on whether to euthanize the cat. I am afraid it will pass away over the fence in the neighbor’s yard.

    Right now, I am good with letting it live out its remaining days in this yard, and her shelter.

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Maryam | 5 months ago
Hello All, I Posted On Here Earlier This Year Asking For Some Advice About My Cat …

Hello all,

I posted on here earlier this year asking for some advice about my cat who had a very advanced cryptococcosis infection.
Her right lymph node (submandibular) was swollen the entire time, and the left one but to a lesser degree.

She developed anisocoria and horners syndrome, droopy right eye, and she had a mass that felt like bone on top of her eye.
The anisocoria disappeared after 3 days and her pupils were entirely normal again.

Things escalated last week. Her nose has always been blocked, to various degrees, since she developed the symptoms, 1.5 years ago, but it seemed like she was able to get enough air in with some gasping and mouth breathing. I didn’t know how comfortable she was, but I had to try the last recommendation the vet suggested: 150mg of fluconazole a day. She was on this massive dose for 3 months. (4 kg cat)
Previously, she was on 37.5mg for 6 months, her nose and lesions cleared up and she was able to breathe again (most importantly!)
But, in March, a big lump (cryptococcosis mass) exploded into an abscess. It wouldn’t heal. The vet performed surgery to remove it and other lesions nearby. It was an eyesore, I felt so bad for her. She had a cone on for nearly 3 weeks because the suture area got a bit infected. Raised her fluconazole dose to 75mg a day.

Last week, her nose got much more inflamed and distorted very rapidly. It began bleeding and ulcerating, drying up and then bleeding repeatedly.
She looked so uncomfortable and basically slept all day in various positions to keep her head elevated. When near me or when sleeping with me at night, she’d clamp onto my arm or neck with her teeth to keep her mouth open so she could breathe and fall asleep. I can’t fathom how difficult it was to sleep having to make a conscious effort to get air in through her mouth. I understand cats are not “mouth breathers” and can’t fully relax that way.

I took her in to see her vet, 11 days ago, after noticing blood on her paw, and no wound. The vet looked inside her mouth and looked said the fungus was pushing through her soft palate (roof of mouth) into her front teeth. She recommended euthanasia and said she was not going to “get better” in her professional opinion. And that my cat was suffering and it wasn’t ok, I asked outright if her quality of life was ok. She said no. My cat had lost 1 kg since her last visit. This also factored into the vet’s recommendation.

The vet was ready to put my cat to sleep at the time of our consult, but I requested some time to digest and take her home to say goodbye.
Then, 4 days later, I took her in for euthanasia. I wish I had canceled. Am I wrong to feel that she should have died on her own terms?
What she had was like a breathing disability, in other ways she was a strong and vital cat. She was still eating, though appetite decrease by 30 or 40%.
Why did her nose not clear up (while the cutaneous lesions cleared) and in fact get worse after 3 months on a higher dose?
I’m so devastated and confused and wish I could have done more to save her life.
I felt selfish for letting her live this way, knowing there was no hope and I’d just be prolonging the inevitable (probably suffocation).
I am in so much pain recollecting what’s happened.

I wish I had kept her at home and only taken for euthanasia if she had collapsed and refused to eat. Taking her in to have her put down when she still asked to be fed, showed playfulness in some moments, trotting around when it was food time, it felt hasty but also inevitable. I felt I was saving her from experiencing more suffering as the fungus grew.
But, I will never know how it would have gone if I left her. Maybe nature would have performed a miracle, and she would heal, or she would die without my intervention and without pain (like a quick heart attack). I feel so terrible for having made the choice to snuff out her little life when she was still very strong.
She fought the sedative the vet gave, they took her back to insert a catheter and didn’t bring her to me until 40 mins later, saying she was fighting the sedative.
It pains my heart thinking she was in terror during her last hour on earth. When they carried her in, sedated, she looked absolutely petrified and braced. I could see her spirit fighting with all its might.

The vet told me that she had a more thorough examination of her nose and that the masses had hardened/were like concrete all through her nasal airway and that she was breathing through a “pin prick” hole. She said she was never more certain that euthanasia was the right choice.

I am so heartbroken. I still feel like I took her life away too early. Why should it be up to me? I can barely trust myself now.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Based on your description and the photos I feel about as confident as I could that this was a cancer in the nose/face/brain and that you did the right thing.

    No matter how much money you would have had, or how many specialists you could have brought her to she was not able to survive or get better with this.

    I am so sorry. I do believe you did everything you could have and that your cat was so lucky to have had someone who loved her as much as you did.

    Sending love and condolences.

    1. Maryam Post author

      Thank you for your input, Dr Krista!

      It never occurred to me that it might be cancer. She had a biopsy done last year (for the cutaneous lesions) and it came back positive for cryptococcosis. They didn’t want to touch her nose or interfere with it, since it was so sensitive. Once she was on fluconazole, her nose response (clearing up) was so rapid, within 3 weeks all the crust, nasal bridge disfigurement and inflammation had virtually disappeared. She was breathing well. That was on 37.5 mg a day.
      When she developed a big ulcer on her side, and then later her nose starting to inflame and ulcerate again, I felt so solemn about it all. Previously she was in what appeared to be a “stall” state with her nose. Upping the dose did not do a thing, imo. It continued to worsen.

      Could it have been fungal AND cancerous? My theory was the fungus developed resistance to the meds, and also was far too embedded to loosen its grip. In months past, I looked up nasal cancer to get an idea what that looks like but it didn’t seem to fit her. Also looking it up because I was so worried about her not being able to get air in, and whether this was humane, while we searched for a cure. Cryptococcosis cases in cats are not well documented online. I have not yet found one where the cat’s nose was so blocked up, from nostrils all the way up, like hers was.

      She was very loved, I am amazed at her resilience and that is what also hurts. She was so intense and sensitive, with immense all-round hardiness. It really felt that whatever was afflicting her was not going away.

      Thank you for your reassurance. I felt I took her life too soon, and also concerned she was not comfortable. It’s challenging to separate what I want and see her /the situation objectively and compassionately.

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Rebecca | 8 months ago
My Kitten I Think Has An Abscess It Started Out As A Small Lump And It …

My kitten I think has an abscess it started out as a small lump and it just keeps getting bigger and I need advice on how to treat it at home as I don’t have money to go to vet

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Tash | 1 year ago
Our Cat Has What We Believed To Be An Abscess On His Cheek. Initially He Was …

Our cat has what we believed to be an abscess on his cheek. Initially he was struggling with scabs and itching under the skin, some sort of a skin condition, so we switched him to prescription food. Hasn’t changed anything. He had a scab on his cheek and kept scratching it, until it started to bleed. A lot. We took him to the vet, he was put on steroids and antibiotics to see if it would help…it did slightly, but the wound from picking at his scab started to get bigger. He is relentless with trying to scratch it. So now he’s been wearing a cone..the wound site has turned into a ball. It’s a bald spot and it slowly got bigger over time. It’s warm to the touch. We took him to a different vet. Says it’s too hard to determine what it could be and referred us to a dermatologist. Derm says likely could be cancer and it’s a mass…..even though we have explained how it all started. He is quoting us $5k to remove the mass and test for cancer. We are thinking it’s just an infection that is stuck under the skin….last vet tried poking it and draining it, but there was no puss, only blood. What could this be? We are worried but stil have a feeling it could just be an infection. Maybe he wasn’t on antibiotics long enough? Do we just proceed with this surgery?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think there are options before you spend that kind of money. You can ask about doing a culture of the area to see if there is a better antibiotic option. Or find someone who can surgically remove the lesion for a more affordable price.

    That’s where I would start.

  2. Shiria

    How is he doing? This heavily reminds me of a kitten, that developed cancer on his ear at the age of 4 months. It started with a tiny sratch, that scabbed over. We though maybe he’d played to rough with his littermates. But it started swelling, was red and incrediby itchy. He would sratch at it whenever he could. So at first we also tought abscess, so he was also on antibiotics and cortisone I think and of course he had to carry a cone. But it only helped a little.
    We took a biopsy, which showed a mast cell tumor. These produce histamines, hence the itchiness. As it was very small and on his outer ears removement was rather easy.

    I can imagine that with this size and lacement on your cat it will be harder to remove it if neccessary.

    So… sdditionally to a culture I would maybe do a biopsy?

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امین | 1 year ago
About Seventeen Days Ago,our Cat Was Bitten By Another Cat,she Wasn’t Treating As …

About seventeen days ago,our cat was bitten by another cat,she wasn’t treating as the same so we brought her to visit doctor the next day,
She had fever and had stopped eating,
They started antibiotics,we had vaccinated her about two months ago,so they decided that vaccination is not necessary,
After seven days she started to get worse,
And now we found an abscess in her waist,so they drained it and start another antibiotics and started cleaning the abscess with iodide and h2o2 3 percent,
She seemed to be better after two days,but stopped and again started getting worse so she doesn’t eat and hides from us ,we saw that while cleaning and washing the abscess area under the skin, is getting bigger,an right now after 10 days she is getting worse and worse,can you please give us some directions,please help her,she is in a very dangerous situation and our vet don’t know what to do،

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like a more aggressive approach might be warranted. I would ask the vet to consider doing blood work, culture the wound to look for the best antibiotic and hospitalization with iv fluids.

    That would be my plan if this were my patient.

    Best of luck.

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Kelly | 3 years ago
My Plott Hound Had A Large Internal Lipoma Removed On Monday Directly Above His Penis In …

My Plott Hound had a large internal lipoma removed on Monday directly above his penis in his abdominal area. Almost immediately, he developed prominent swelling directly to, proximal, and distal to his operative site. In addition, he has swelling down his leg. Took him back to the vet where a needle aspirate was done. He was diagnosed with multiple seromas. There was no WBCs seen or anything else visualized under the scope to indicate infection INSIDE. However, externally, his skin is red and angry and there is a lot of swelling. He is on 2 broad spectrum antibiotics. He is having a hard time walking on his right leg. Took him back today (day 5 post op) because swelling is even worse. He has swelling all down his leg. Vet says it made sense to her because of gravity. My dog is in a lot of pain, can’t sit down. He put his paws down and his bottom stays up in the air. No one can even palpate his operate site without him going through the roof in pain. He is on Tramadol and an NSAID. I’m extremely worried. The vet isn’t a fan of the drain because she doesn’t want to create more room for infection. Ultra Sound showed no abscess. He is drinking a lot of water (more than usual) and urinating normally. His last BM was yesterday. Eating mostly fine. Low grade temp. Does this sound all right? I hate that he is suffering. The pics I have included were yesterday, not today. But you get the idea of the areas of seromas and erythema. Today, the swelling is worse and his entire leg down to his paw is fluid filled.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are a few things that I am not completely clear about.
    The lipoma was not inside the abdomen it was between the skin and the abdomen. It is far more common to be here then inside rhe abdominal cavity. Also you wouldn’t get these seromas inside rhe abdomen.
    Next seromas shouldn’t be painful. Maybe get in the way of using there, but not painful.
    Lastly I only use a Darin of it is infected. And even then I am not an over ambitious drain user. It’s doctor preference.
    Last I think it would be better for you to get a second opinion. Everyone might feel better with it
    Good luck.

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Harshad | 4 years ago
My Cat Have Abscess On Her Head What Can I Do? Which Antibiotics Will You Referring?

My cad have abscess on her head what can I do? Which antibiotics will you referring?

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    An abscess is sometimes treated with oral antibiotics and topical medications. In other cases a drain is required. Your vet would have to examine your cat, decide the appropriate treatment plan and then prescribe medication based on all of that information.

      1. Laura

        An abscess is a form of infection. Left unchecked it can cause significant health issues. I would say yes, this is the beginning of a serious issue.

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Micki | 4 years ago
My Cat Was Diagnosed On Monday With An Abscess Most Likely From Dental Problems. My Cat …

My cat was diagnosed on Monday with an abscess most likely from dental problems. My cat was given an antibiotic shot at the appointment. The abscess has not gone down. How long does it typically take to go away?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Some abscesses can be really difficult to resolve. Especially if in bone or deep in tissue. If I don’t see improvement on an antibiotic within a few days I change the antibiotic. If it still not responding it might be time for a culture or advanced diagnostics. Like X-ray or biopsy. Please keep in touch with your vet especially if you feel like things are not progressing as expected.

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Chandler | 4 years ago
Hello! So I Just Took Home A Pup, He’s An 8 Week Old Cane Corso. The …

Hello! So i just took home a pup, he’s an 8 week old cane corso. The breeder had his ears cropped a couple weeks ago and slowly started to noticed a small fluid filled “lump” on the back of his neck between his shoulder blades. He had called the ear cropping vet as well as his regular vet whom didn’t seem concerned most likely a seroma. They prescribed an antibiotic just to prevent an abscess as well as sending me home with some dimethyl sulfoxide cream. The first couple days we had him at home we didn’t use the cream because it made his breath smell and now the small lump has grown to the size of an orange. It’s still soft, doesn’t seem to bother his besides some itching, and he’s still very playful. Ugh it’s just making me nervous! I have an appointment with the vet for his final shots in a couple weeks. Just looking for some advice to calm my nerves or if i should go in sooner.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that in this case I would get a second opinion to help ease your worries. I also think that the best way to identify a mass like this might be to aspirate it so you know what it most likely is. I had a puppy recently who had seen three other vets before he came to see me. He was 12 weeks old and had a large swelling in his neck. The puppy was acting normally he thought. I shaved the area and put a large gauge needle into it. We removed a huge amount of puss. This puppy had also been on an antibiotic. After two weeks he is healed and a fire cracker. He is a lot more lively then when I first met him which goes to show it can be hard to assess true behavior and attitude until after you get the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Also a seroma happens very near or at the surgical site. So I’m not sure this is that. I hope this helps. Keep us posted.

    1. Chandler Post author

      Thank you for your response! I saw it this AM and took him to the emergency vet. They took a sample to see what it was and it was indeed a seroma. What they’re wondering is why? They think it might be from the micro chip that was placed. They did drain it and said it’s a 50/50 chance it’ll come back- and sure enough it has. So I’ll have to make an appointment with my vet- they talked about possible “surgery” to remove the chip and figure out what’s causing the leak. Seems aggressive – everything i read said seroma stake time to go down. Any thoughts?

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Taihina | 5 years ago
I Saw Your Video On How To Deal With An Abscess And I Tried It, And …

I saw your video on how to deal with an abscess and I tried it, and some little white stuff came out first, but with blood. Then, I squeezed more, but only blood comes out and the more I tried the more he was pulling away, and I figured it was just hurting him, so I stopped. I stopped also because the abscess didn’t seem to get that much smaller after I did it several times. I made an appointment with vet, but they seem to charge a lot more than what your video said, like over $200. Also, I don’t want him to have surgery if that’s what they suggest for two reasons, I don’t want him under and I don’t have the money. I have been unemployed and without unemployment benefits yet since March. What do I do if they say he needs surgery? The dog you had on the video, his abscess looked a lot worse than my dog’s; if that dog didn’t need surgery, why would mine?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Why don’t you start with a vet appointment and ask for antibiotics. You hopefully won’t need surgery at all.