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Ej | 5 years ago
Hello Ma’am, My Cat Is Injured – Like, He Can’t Turn His Head And …

Hello ma’am, my cat is injured – like, he can’t turn his head and seems to be like swelling on his neck. He can’t walk normally because his head is not straight????. I saw him today. He was missing for 4 days when he was attacked by another cat. Can u help me please? I can’t go to vetenary hospital. Can u help me please any solution that I can do in my home and help my cat to revive? I have paracetamol tablet given for human. Can u help me out please… ????????

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m sorry, but your cat needs to be seen by a vet. Medications cannot be prescribed without a Rx from the vet, and it sounds like your cat has serious injuries. Please get your cat in to be seen as soon as possible.

  2. Ej Post author

    I have uploaded some photos of its neck.
    Can u help please. That I can do in home.

    1. Gloria

      You must take the cat to the vet. Figure out the payment stuff later.

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Alea | 5 years ago
I Have A 15 Y.o. Cat Who Was Attacked By A Feral Cat And I Treated 2 …

I have a 15 y.o. cat who was attacked by a feral cat and I treated 2 abscesses and they healed–now 2 weeks later one has re-abscessed. I’m a retired doc on a fixed Army pension and vets here in Hawaii charge $100 just to be seen, not including procedures! Can I puncture the abscess with a sterile scalpel and drain it myself again or did I miss something? The local pet store sells OTC Abx. Would I treat as a person–same staph type Abx?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    these cases need an examination, assessment of the size, depth and severity of the injury and then medications like an antibiotic, analgesic and ecollar,

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Evelyn | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Abscess On The Face How I Can Cure At Home? Is It Possible …

My cat has abscess on the face how i can cure at home? Is it possible her to give anti biotic for human?

2 Responses


  1. Evelyn Post author

    At first i observe that her face has swollen and i found out this morning that it like red almost rupture.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    At my clinic I always prescribe antibiotics and warm water compresses to do at home. I’m sorry but I can’t prescribe anything over the Internet. But yes in some cases we utilize human antivirus but the dosages are much much smaller so they are often given to you by the vet to make sure we aren’t overdosing.

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venus | 5 years ago
About How Much Is It To Treat An Abscess On A Cat?

about how much is it to treat an abscess on a cat?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    It all depends on the circumstances. Your vet will be able to tell after they examine your cat and then you can go from there. Best of luck – hope everything is ok.

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Claire | 5 years ago
Morning, I Have A Golden Retriever Called Roxy Who Developed A Abscess Following A Anti Inflammatory …

Morning, I have a golden retriever called Roxy who developed a abscess following a anti inflammatory injection (in her neck) – this was incised under GA and left a MASSIVE seroma. Many months later it eventually closed only to reform again and rupture. The vet gave a course of antibiotics when the discharge changed colour from a light pink to a dark red colour and the exudate improved to a lighter colour. It is still a very deep sinus. I have been dressing it twice a day with boiled cooled water and two drops of tea tree oil, and then packing it with a natural bee wax ointment and a Betadine solution mix. Recently I took her back for another opinion because the lump was not improving, which in all honesty was a nightmare vet trip. The vet stuck her hand into the sinus and scraped and scraped – the return was clots of blood that looked like liver and the consultation room looked like a slaughter house. They said that if it didn’t heal over the next few weeks she would need to have surgery again and they would do a ‘running stitch’ to close it from the inside. I am not going this route! I vowed that would be the last vet trip I take her too. It was so traumatic for her and for me (I am a nursing sister so I can stomach most things, but this was too brutal and too close to my heart). So the twice a day dressing continues. I have been working away at this for about 6 months now and it is a huge strain on me, washing bandages and dressing whilst working a fulltime job and caring for my child and house. I do not want to give up, but I have moments when this is what I want to do, I suppose this is normal. She is 11 years old. This morning it seems to be smelling like infection is brewing again… 🙁 Should I do Milton solution irrigations? What can I do to aid healing? Any advice gratefully received, I am desperate. Claire Neithercut

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pups condition and your experience with the vets so far. I would never advise anyone to give up on their pets but I am a vet so it is also difficult for me to advise you to go this without medical assistance my first concern is that it sounds like your pup needs a better plan for treatment. If this was an abscess/ seroma or hematoma it would be nice to have had a culture to better decide the antibiotic and maybe even a drain placed do help healing. Although it might have been difficult to see exploring a wound or mass is often indicated to help rule out infection disease and even cancer. This is important so we can provide a treatment plan and prognosis. If you are seeking alternative treatment options please ask for a referral for this. Or seek a third opinion from another vet who you trust. ask your friends if there is a vet they can recommend. I’m just concerned about going this alone. There are vets out there who can help. It sometimes takes a few visits before you find your preferred provider. I wish you both the best of luck.

    1. Claire Post author

      Thank you, I won’t give up, I love her dearly, just irrigated and fluid return is clear, just very deep, about 20cm, I will look for an alternative vet referral, thank you so much

      1. Claire Post author

        They did take a sample to look at but I haven’t had feedback, disappointing…

  2. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I am sorry that you are having such a time with this and worse that your experience with the vet hasn’t been the best. I would definitely find a vet thatbyou trust and will listen to you and help guide you through a treatment plan.

    1. Claire Post author

      Thank you, just hit a low point and here there isn’t a huge choice with vets and alternative treatments, just don’t want any aggressive treatment anymore xx

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Becky | 5 years ago
My Dog Had Surgery 3 Days Ago To Remove An Abscess. Then He Was Sent Home With …

My dog had surgery 3 days ago to remove an abscess. Then he was sent home with a drain. Today he had the drain removed; 3 hours ago. Where the stitches are above the drain hole has become swollen; a ping pong ball sized ball right where the stitches are. It was not this way before the drain was removed! Do I need to be concerned. My vet isn’t open until Monday and today is Saturday night

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can’t tell you whether or not this is an emergency. I don’t know if this is a return or the abscess or something else like a seroma. The best advice I can give is to monitor your dog very closely. Any sign of lethargy, inappetance or indication of infection at the site like pain, swelling, redness or discharge and you should see a bet immediately. Also it is always better of to be safe than sorry and see a vet as soon as anything abnormal occurs. Whether it’s an emergency is hard to tell and impossible to diagnose online. I hope this helps. Good luck. Let us know what happens.

    1. Becky Post author

      Thank for your opinion & advice. The swelling hasn’t gotten bigger overnight but is still there. Our vet opens tomorrow & I’ll definitely take him in first thing in the morning.

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Mary Fischer | 7 years ago
So My Dog Has An Abscessed Tooth, I Took Her To Festival Vet And I’m…

So my dog has an abscessed tooth, I took her to Festival vet and I’m quoted over $1000 to do the surgery. I don’t have that kind of money!
Any recommendations?? Any vets on here can do it for less or work with me? She had blood work and is on antibiotics.
You can see her little face is swollen. Just popped up yesterday…

4 Responses



    I know the hospital in N Richmond, VA does dogs teeth for $260.. and I can’t remember their name, but if theres one, there has to be more, right? and thats not just that tooth, they scale and clean all the teeth and remove the bad ones.

  2. Sarah

    I would make a few phone calls to other vets in your area and see what they charge. I would also talk to my vet and ask why it costs that much, and what exactly does that price include. See if you can work out some sort of payment plan with your vet too- perhaps a few months of $250 payments with $250 up front? Good luck to you?

  3. Krista Magnifico

    You can also come to my vet clinic Jarrettsville vet for a second opinion and price estimate. I’m sorry I cannot provide this over the phone or online without seeing her in person.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Puppy Was Spayed 6 Days Ago And 2 Days Post-spay, We Noticed A Red…

My puppy was spayed 6 days ago and 2 days post-spay, we noticed a red bump the side of my thumb just above the incision. It grew throughout the day and then the next day, it seemed to have leaked through an unhealed part of the incision. Not knowing what it was, we brought her to the vet and were told that it seemed that she had an infection…her incision was quite enflamed. We were given an antibiotic that we are currently still giving twice a day. After that, the bump shrank…and after then, if we’d push on it, it would leak through…very pink and watery fluid. Now at nearly a week after surgery, the bump is back(same size…like a thumb print), but now that the incision has healed, it no longer is drainable… What could this be? I was thinking an abcess(which is what I assumed the vet thought), but it was never filled with pus, just very watery.
Should I take her back to the vet to get it checked out or is this something that may resolve on its own and I’m just overreacting…?
I included the image from day 3 when it burst and then today, day 6.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would phone the vet and explain that it is back and that you are concerned.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has A Very Bad Abscess On His Head. Was Sick For A Few…

My cat has a very bad abscess on his head. Was sick for a few days before we realized. A drain tube was installed about 30 hours ago. Lots of drainage still. Cat not very responsive, eyes not opening to look at me, mostly laying in one spot. As far as i can tell, he’s only getting up to urinate in the box. He drank some water last night. Had a very very small bite of food but hasn’t really eaten for days. Is this normal now that the tube is installed? He was given fluids and a antibiotic shot. I feel like the infection, not the antibiotics, is winning the battle. How long before I see progress or need to take him back to the vet? I’m thinking we should go back tomorrow 48 hours after having the tube installed if he’s still like this. Thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I agree, I’d get him in today.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi Good Night One Of My Goat Has An Absess On Below The Neck I…

Hi good night one of my goat has an absess on below the neck i try gashing it put only a little inflammation came out but it is still swollen n hard

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It is likely more inflammation than actually abscess.  I would try getting him to see a vet for treatment as soon as you can.