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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A 1 Year Old Female Staffordshire Terrier That My Wife And I Were…

I have a 1 year old female Staffordshire Terrier that my wife and I were considering turning into my service dog. After talking, her and I thought maybe we could get another dog and train one or both of them. As staffies being a bull breed member–thus she is somewhat dog aggresive–are there any breeds out there that would be compatible with a staffie?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would not say that staffues are “commonly dog aggressive”. They are like every other dog a product of their genetics and training. Every dog is different and no two are exactly alike. Ask the trainer who will be your service guide dog mentor for help in finding a dog that meets your needs both emotionally and physically. And then see how they do with your existing dog. It is always a process and it takes time and patience. It also takes knowing your abilities and limitations. Good luck

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A 3 Month Old Siberian Husky. He Loves Everyone And Is Never Aggressive…

I have a 3 month old siberian husky. He loves everyone and is never aggressive besides play biting, and even then it’s not bad. I live with my dad and my grandma, and he loves my dad. For some reason though, he’ll random run up to my grandma and start barking. She gets scared and says he hates her, but I try to reassure her otherwise. Why does he do this?

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    He wants attention from her. If you don’t want him doing this I suggest keeping a leash on him when he’s out of his crate, so you can pull him away from her (while calling him to you, to reinforce recalls).

  2. Ashlee Brown

    That’s what I thought, but she gives him treats, let’s him out sometimes, and talks to him. She doesn’t want to give him too much attention because she’s afraid of him charging at her (which I try to remind her that he’s not like that). He’s fantastic otherwise though, and it’s so random when he barks at her that it would be difficult to have him on a leash.

  3. Ashlee Brown

    I try telling her to just give him time and attention but she just gets stressed over it and says he is going to attack her when I know he won’t.

  4. Anonymous

    Okay, so this is where a drag leash REALLY comes in handy. She’s encouraging the behavior, so you need to step in. At this age he should have a leash on him and either leashed to someone or dragging it behind him (and confined to areas where you are, to ensure he can’t get into mischief, or crated when you can’t supervise him). It isn’t hard – just leave it on when he’s in the house and supervised, take it off when he’s crated. SHE needs more education on puppies and puppy behavior, and if she isn’t comfortable with puppy behavior she needs to stop encouraging him with treats. Remind her he’s a baby.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Just Got An 8 Week Old Puppy. I Just Picked Him Up Today And…

I just got an 8 week old puppy. I just picked him up today and took him to meet my other dogs he started acting aggressive he started growling and snapping at them. How do but an end to this aggressive behaviour before it turns into a problem?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    You’ll need to take a step back and introduce them more slowly. You may want to enlist the help of a good trainer/behaviorist. Your vet may be able to help you find a reputable one. In the mean time, I would keep the dogs separated when you cannot be there to watch them and try to slowly introduce them under supervision a little at a time. Crates in different rooms may be a helpful idea. Good luck.

  2. Anonymous

    I agree with Sarah.

    Most likely this is fear, not aggression. He’s been taken from the only home he knows and thrown into a household with strange dogs…anyone, human or animal, would be overstressed. Introductions need to be slow and gradual, with protection of every dog in the situation as your main priority. You really, really need to contact a good trainer who can work with you AND your dogs.

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
My New Cat (have Had For 3 Weeks) And Resident Cat Refuse To Tolerate Each…

My new cat (have had for 3 weeks) and resident cat refuse to tolerate each other. I brought Louie home with the knowledge that they might never like each other but they would at least learn to tolerate. The first week seemed to go pretty well because when we let Louie roam and get a feel for the house Mia avoided him… but now… things seem to be getting aggressive. It doesnt matter where Louie goes or what hes doing (even just sleeping) Mia wants to attack him. Granted, as soon as he sees her he starts growling… but he only started doing that after she batted at him the first time. The episodes seem to be getting more and more aggressive. I would keep him in my room but its clear he wants to roam. And i find it unfair to lock her in a room after 6 years of letting her roam around the whole house. Before we got mia 6 years ago we had an older male cat, they got along well but he passed about 2 years ago. And according to the shelter Louie was surrendered with a sister but she was adopted without him. I need help on this one

2 Responses


  1. Delaney Donelson Post author

    Thank you Sarah, the baby gate didnt work… i had one up and then a door screen up but no wwy to secure the screen so he found a way to get out of his own space. For the most part, he does confine himself to his own space still but now its more so the residemt cat that is ckming to him. I have thoe litter trays and food/ water areas still seperate so theres really no reason for him to HAVE to leave his room or for her to come in to his room but they still do. I just dont want this to be a stressful situation for either of them. Mia has never been a fan of any large cat toys (trees or posts) both of my cats are declawed (adopted that way) so they dont tend to “scratch” other than the occasional carpet scratching after a stretch. Shes afraid of the tree we have for her and hes too heavy for it, he knocked it over. (Hes 22 lbs) Any other ideas are welcome

  2. Sarah

    3 weeks in is still a fairly new situation. This will take more time than that. Having said that, keeping them together but separate may help. For instance, a baby gate or two could possibly help you confine them and keep them separated when not supervised, but still allow them to see each other and continue getting used to each other. It also gives them their own space which may help with the adjustment period. Just make sure each has access to their own litter tray and food and water. A few kitty “distractions” might also be helpful- for instance a cat tree and some scratch posts. If they have an outlet for some pent up energy, they may not use it on each other. Don’t give up? There are lots of people on this website that have lots of helpful ideas to share. Hopefully they will add more. Best of luck!!

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Traveling Multipurpose Non Aggressive Protective Multipurpose Service Dog Trainer That’s Willing To Travel To Kodiak…

Traveling multipurpose non aggressive protective multipurpose service dog trainer that’s willing to travel to Kodiak Alaska and help me out with my dog training program for the two years thanks

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Are you trying to post an ad? We aren’t an advertisement listing service. You may be better served by looking for training or dog groups on Facebook and posting there.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A 6 Month Old, Female Border Collie. We Are Having A Hard…

I have a 6 month old, female border collie. We are having a hard time with food aggression, especially towards our two year old daughter. What can we do stop the food aggression?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would involve a professional, someone who understands the breed quite well. If you’re in the US, I would go to the nearest chapter of the breed club:

    I would also search Google for “Border collie club $YourState.” They’ll be able to refer you to a GOOD trainer for the breed.
    Feed your dog in the crate, to prevent stress at meals. If you don’t have a crate, now’s the time to get one. Step up your obedience training, too – remember, you have THE smartest breed on the planet, and your dog needs a job or she will become a neurotic mess. If you haven’t worked on anything beyond basic obedience, start. BCs need to herd, or they need a sport that fulfills their need to work.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with both dr. Magnifico and Laura. Please do not give up on your pup. Find a behaviorist/trainer that can help you in the right direction of what you need to be working on with your dog. Very best of luck to you.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but these questions are often difficult to answer as they have a complicated and multifaceted evolution. Please ask your vet to guide you to a trainer who can come to your home and help understand the situation your dog lives in and the relationship they share with your family. In some cases this requires reestablishing boundaries and going back to basic obedience. Regardless always use positive reinforcement and understand that your dog is adapting to your family and there is a responsibility that you all have to helping her learn to be respectful and safe with your family.

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Vivienne Barnes | 7 years ago
My Eight Year Old Cocker Spaniel Is A Great Wee Dog, Friendly And Not At…

My eight year old Cocker Spaniel is a great wee dog, friendly and not at all cross and super with my grandchildren. However when the baby visits and cries Holly gets agitated and restless. No sign of aggression but the sound seems to really upset her. Holly is ok with my two year old grandson though when he was a baby she behaved in the same way. Any ideas?

2 Responses


  1. Vivienne Barnes Post author

    Many thanks for your reply. I do make sure that she does not feel excluded and give her reassurance that really all is well. She would never ever be left alone with any of the children and if when she has had enough she just gets offside to her own spot. Do you think Adaptil plug in would help?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    If she is anxious it is important to respect her discomfort and either remove her from the area to a safe and quiet place and/or start working with her so that she begins to get used to the crying and baby noises so you don’t have to worry about either of them. Ideally everyone needs to feel safe and secure in their own home. Please talk to your vet about a good behaviorist. They can help. Best of luck.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
1 Year Old Cat Left Home Alone For One Day (not Unusual For Her). When…

1 year old cat left home alone for one day (not unusual for her). When owners camehome she was very clingy and needed to sleep in primary owners lap. As she would sleep her head would suddenly drop down and she seemed to have slower heavier breathing. After sleeping off and on for a few hours she began to get very aggressive especially towards male owner. Has also been moving head erratically and seems to shake head when moving it. Will only eat if food is on the floor and out of the bowl and has shown irregular signs of back pain sometimes being sensitive and sometimes not at all.

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    A veterinarian should really check out the cat’s unusual behavior. The doctor would need to determine if there is an injury which would determine the course of care. I wouldn’t delay seeing a vet as the cat may in pain. Best of luck, I hope the kitty is acting better soon!

  2. Anonymous

    I would worry about trauma to the spine or head. Please encourage them to get her in ASAP.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog ( 1 1/2 Year Old Small Mix Terrier) Is A Sweet Guy When…

my dog ( 1 1/2 year old small mix terrier) is a sweet guy when it comes to humans and dogs he is familiar with. sadly, he has picked up aggressive behaviors from my brothers large dogs. He will growl at people he is not familiar with on the street and when they enter the home. he will growl at outside noises and also at other unfamiliar dogs. he doesn’t bite people he just growls and when they try to pet him he runs away and gets shy. minutes will pass and he will warm up to people. he does fine at the dog park, when a dog approaches he smells the dog and runs away( which makes sense, he is a small dog) i’m more concerned when we go on walks. i’m looking for advice and tips i can do to help me and my dog work on his excessive growling. i would love to be able to go on a walk with him and be able to pass people without him growling and he can just keep walking.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Younger Dog Is Getting Very Aggressive Towards My Older Dog, Including Real Biting. They’ve…

My younger dog is getting very aggressive towards my older dog, including real biting. They’ve always played in the past, with the younger being very submissive. What’s going on?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In some cases it is a combination of he puppy getting older and more boisterous and demanding of time and attention and an older dog getting tired and/or unable to keep up. If it appears that the puppy is escalating the play to the point of biting simply because the previous tactics and attempts are not working I would recommend you start playing more with the puppy, find a park where the pup can really let loose, or get a puppy for your puppy so your old dog can be at peace.

  2. Anonymous

    Are they the same sex? That can contribute, as well as maturity.

    Work on obedience and other training with the younger dog, separate from the older dog. Wear his fuzzy butt out so he pesters the older dog less. I would start crating them when you can’t supervise just to keep both dogs safe, too – this behavior, if left unchecked, can turn into fighting.