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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Netherlands Dwarf Bunny Is Kinda Aggressive Towards Me When I Hold Her…

My Female Netherlands Dwarf bunny is kinda aggressive towards me when i hold her or pet her . She is spayed and she is like a year and a few months old. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions as to why she acts like this or how i can help her?
Thank you so much

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would need a lot more background information about the rabbits and your home to start helping. I would start by making sure everyone is healthy by talking to your vet. We always need to make sure everyone is healthy and normal before we assume this is only a behavioral issue. Start with physical barriers to keep them seperated to keep them from getting upset when they see one another. Then you can start training by using some of their favorite treats to reward the rabbit who is behaving as you want them to. We always ignore bad behavior and reward good. Ignoring the other rabbit (aggressor) is a good start. If you can get them to the point where they arent aggressive you can start inching them closer to each other. A harness is also a good way to help keep a safe distance and encourage exercise and activity.
    Ensure plenty of resources like toys, food, and anything they love, so they don’t feel the need to share.Keep their hutches clean, away from each other and only use them as a positive reward. Never as a punishment.
    i hope this helps

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Is Really Aggressive Towards Humans. When I Reach In Her Cage…

my female netherland Dwarf rabbit is really aggressive towards humans.
When i reach in her cage she grunts and bites
Anyone have any helpfull tips
Btw she is Spayed

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always recommend seeking help from your vet to make sure it isn’t a medical issue. Often the only way these pets can show pain or discomfort is with a change in attitude or behavior.

  2. Baz Jarvis

    Training. They have some good behavioral classes you can take them too. Look online around your local area

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Only Aggressive With Food, And Only Started To Outwardly Be Aggressive With Food This Week…

Only aggressive with food, and only started to outwardly be aggressive with food this week. Other than that they get along fine.
My German Shepard is gentle with humans, this aggression is only towards my other dog. ( I can hand feed my german, she sits and only eats when I tell her to.) My peke is not showing aggression or challenging my german.

10 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would immediately change your feeding schedule.  Feed in separate rooms through whelping and until the litter has been sold.  GSDs are known for moderate same sex aggression…throwing pregnancy into that mix increases that instinct.

    Your breed mentor should have told you this.

  2. Anna Soparno

    This was definitely an unplanned pregnancy, I had only had her for a week or two before she went into heat (She only just turned a year in July.) And we are new to the area so ironically there is a male Shepard down the road who did as he pleased while Danu (my Shepard,) was tied up. I did not know they are known for moderate same sex aggression so that is very helpful. I am having low confidence lately concerning whether or not Danu is a good fit for our home and if this can be broken even after the litter is gone.

  3. Anonymous

    SSA is temperament, not training. It *cannot* be trained out. She may go back to “normal” once the puppies are gone…or she may not. Give her time, at least, to get the hormones out of her system before you decide to rehome her again.

    If you do, please go through a German Shepherd rescue to get her placed. This will ensure she goes to an appropriate, experienced GSD home.

  4. Anna Soparno

    There seems to only be aggression when food is involved, not toys or anything like that, but I can tell my first dog, Ladybird, the Peke mix, is not relaxed at all. So in theory, if Danu was male we would not be having this issue?

  5. Anna Soparno

    also, danu is not fully German Shepard, she has rottie in her as well, don’t know if this makes any a difference, and her original house hold Danu had to fight with many other dogs in a small home, not have access to food and water for weeks, it was bad living conditions.

  6. Anonymous

    Well, like I said, she *may* go back to normal afterward. Regardless, do NOT allow them to eat in the same room.

    It sounds like Danu has a lot of issues. If I may ask, why didn’t you terminate the pregnancy early?

  7. Anna Soparno

    Danu, despite her original environment has come a long way since when we first got her, and it has only been up to this week has she shown such aggression. So its really taken me aback, because this is not her, I would not allow a dog into my home that would cause hazard to my animals. I did not terminate the pregnancy early because quite frankly, we did not know FOR SURE she was pregnant. She was not showing normal symptoms or signs.

  8. Anna Soparno

    and right now, they are both sleeping, no issues, previously Danu licked ladybird in good gesture, so I know the trigger is food.

  9. Anonymous


    Well, hormones make everyone do crazy things, including our dogs. I think, once the puppies have been rehomed (please use a rescue to help you with that, to ensure they end up in appropriate homes), get her in an obedience class. It’s impossible to say just how she’ll behave once she’s no longer nursing and is spayed, you know?

  10. Anna Soparno

    Absolutely, I just want to make sure I am taking the necessary steps to create a harmonious environment. I have never dealt with pregnancy in dogs, it was certainly not something I was looking forward to, but I guess the perfect storm occurred. I do appreciate you talking with me for I was freaking out this morning, I just hope things go well, and I will make sure the pups are in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing and are qualified.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 5 Yr Old Westi. The Lady Who Had Him Lived In An…

I have a 5 yr old westi. The lady who had him lived in an apartment and didnt take him out to potty regularly. He now has a foul odor, doesn’t seem to have much energy, acts like his lower back hurts (when u go to touch his back or pet him down his back he will try to bite you. Which is uncommon he has never bite or been aggressive to anyone) and also I have noticed a few times he has kind of like a runny puss lookING liquid coming from his rear end. Can anyone tell me what it may be.?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    The only way to know for sure what is happening with this dog is to take him to a vet.  

    He is in pain (that is why he wants to bit when you try to touch), and it sounds like he has an infection (the runny puss).  With Westies it is very likely that he had impacted anal glands which burst and now are infected.  This would make his back hurt for sure!!  It would also smell terrible.

    So, get him to a vet as soon as possible and get him the help he so desperately needs!

  2. Andrea Cox

    You are smart to come to this website because you know something is wrong. Now is the time to get off the computer and get this animal to a vet and quickly. I would say if you cannot get an appointment by tomorrow then you need to seek and Emergency vet open 24 hours and go immediately.  The longer you wait the worse things will get and it is suffering. Who knows how long it was ill before you rescued it. Act quickly! Good Luck.

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    This could be many different issues please take him to the vet ASAP!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Jack Russell Has Just Bitten My 3 Year Old Daughter. She Was Going To…

My jack Russell has just bitten my 3 year old daughter. She was going to cuddle her when she snapped. She only slightly marked her but was very aggressive. I don’t know how to react to this? Could do with some advice

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Without actually seeing the incident, we cannot say what exactly occurred.  Did you and your daughter miss body language indicating your dog didn’t want to be cuddled?  Does your dog feel unwell?  

    Has she ever growled at the child, and if so, have those growls been met with respect or with punishment?  

    You need need NEED a behaviorist IN your home assessing the situation appropriately.  Until then, keep the child on a short leash around the dog.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have An American Bulldog Who Is Almost 2 Years Old. Despite Training, He Is…

I have an American Bulldog who is almost 2 years old. Despite training, he is very aggressive towards other dogs. He was attacked by a pit bull, on our property, before he was a year old and every since will not tolerate any other dogs or any kind of animals for that matter. We have paid quite a bit for training to try and help him socialize but after a while he is back to his old self. No one will board him and we can’t take him anywhere that has a lot of people or other animals. He’s great at home and wonderful with our children, so I am at a loss s to what to do. He also has pretty bad hip problems and is in pain a lot if he gets a lot of exercise. I love him so much, as does my family, but I want to do the right, humane thing. Help.

3 Responses


  1. Madelyn Fischer

    Hello, as an extreme animal lover, I say no, try to train and comfort as much as you can, but I don’t know you and I can’t tell you what to do. That’s the last case scenario. Good luck!

  2. Madelyn Fischer

    Hi Krista, I totally agree.

  3. Crystal Williams

    We have done two extensive training courses for his aggression . One two week program and one five week, away from home program.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 1year Old Cat Isn’t Acting Right. He Is Not Eating. But Is Drinking Water…

My 1year old cat isn’t acting right. He is not eating. But is drinking water. Now he is normally real food aggressive but last two days and now into today he hasn’t really eatin. I took to vet and they gave him an anti-inflammatory as well as some ad hills can food to maybe draw him in. He ate just a little last night off my fingers but not interested really. And just laying around. No energy, kinda dazed look. But when at the vet was more interactive but as soon as we got home nothing changed… i have 3 other cats that are healthy and fine. Please help with some insight.

4 Responses


  1. Cymantha Seeley

    We have all our cats on Revaluation for Parasites. Up to date on all shots too. Our normal vet is closed today and yesterday so when we took him in it was an “emergency” visit at a new vet. They said he wasn’t dehydrated, temperature wasn’t elevated and that he looked fine. But i know he isn’t. They gave him the anti-inflammatory to maybe help relieve gastric pain or discomfort. Then that ad food. I would really like to wait until he can go to our vet Monday because they know him and the emergency vet is super expensive and I’m on a tight budget. But I’m not sure if that is wrong…

  2. Cymantha Seeley

    We have all our cats on Revaluation for Parasites. Up to date on all shots too. Our normal vet is closed today and yesterday so when we took him in it was an “emergency” visit at a new vet. They said he wasn’t dehydrated, temperature wasn’t elevated and that he looked fine. But i know he isn’t. They gave him the anti-inflammatory to maybe help relieve gastric pain or discomfort. Then that ad food. I would really like to wait until he can go to our vet Monday because they know him and the emergency vet is super expensive and I’m on a tight budget. But I’m not sure if that is wrong…

  3. Cymantha Seeley

    He is drinking water no problem. Thats whats throwing me so off. Im just keep offering him that wet food when he starts licking himself and it kind of tricks him into licking some up. I think we are going to ride it out for now, but if he starts drinking less and what not I will definitely be taking him back. Thank you so much for your insight. Blood work tomorrow for sure. Oh, one more symptom is hes not pooping but is peeing. And hes know to chew on things like shirts and towels and boxes. Im just so baffled by it all and want my babie back to normal

  4. Cymantha Seeley

    Took him in to my vet that Monday and he was very disturbed with the size of the steroid/anti-inflammatory other vet gave him. And the lack of antibiotic. Said he had a virus or cold and should had been given that first not the other shot, which is why his behavior didn’t change. He received some fluids and antibiotics and three days later doing great. Thank you for the insight. It was very comforting at the time.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Adopted Our Puppy At 4 Months (according To The SPCA). He’s Had A Tough…

We adopted our puppy at 4 months (according to the SPCA). He’s had a tough start to life so far medically, but he’s getting stronger and growing and being as much as a puppy as he can be (aggressive puppy strangles, still on medications). He is about 5 and a half months now and has yet to bark (sometimes he makes what sounds like small soft barks when in a deep sleep and dreaming).

Does full blown barking start at any age? I’ve read that other dogs can “teach” a dog to bark but our puppy can’t go outside yet and has not been around other dogs outside of the SPCA and vet hospital stays. I’m just curious what your experiences are, and in no rush to have a barking machine.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i think it really depends on the dog and the environment.  my godmother had a dog that didn’t bark until she was 4…and that was due to someone harassing her until she’d had enough and barked at him.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Grizz Is Currently Undergoing His First Relapse Of Puppy Strangles And Is Back To 10…

Grizz is currently undergoing his first relapse of puppy strangles and is back to 10 mg of Pred a day in addition to 3 antibiotics. Although he did not have the common symptoms he was diagnosed with puppy strangles on Nov 31 and began aggressive steroid treatment two days later. During his initial onset of the strangles he did have swollen joints while in the hospital (although I’m not sure how many on which specifically were swollen). On the morning of Thursday 17, we woke up to find Grizz favoring his front left paw, no swelling at the time. Took him to the vet and they felt he was undergoing his first relapse (he also had a fever). Later that day he began to put pressure on the paw and continued to do so, now he is even running on it. The swelling began on Friday the 18 and has not gotten bigger or smaller than the initial onset. He does not seem to be in pain, no shivering, favoring, fever or reaction when I touch or try to bend the joint.

Any ideas what this could be or is it just related to the strangles and it needs more time for the Pred to reach this joint. He has an appointment on Monday if the swelling does not go down. We are already financially stretched out because of his week stay in the hospital (only four days after rescuing him from the SPCA) so I’m hoping and praying he won’t need an MRI, CAT scan, or X ray. if anyone has any idea what this could be, I would so appreciate it. I’m currently icing the joint for ten minutes every few hours. Poor guy has gone through so much in his short time here.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Grizz Is Currently Undergoing His First Relapse Of Puppy Strangles And Is Back To 10…

Grizz is currently undergoing his first relapse of puppy strangles and is back to 10 mg of Pred a day in addition to 3 antibiotics. Although he did not have the common symptoms he was diagnosed with puppy strangles on Nov 31 and began aggressive steroid treatment two days later. During his initial onset of the strangles he did have swollen joints while in the hospital (although I’m not sure how many on which specifically were swollen). On the morning of Thursday 17, we woke up to find Grizz favoring his front left paw, no swelling at the time. Took him to the vet and they felt he was undergoing his first relapse (he also had a fever). Later that day he began to put pressure on the paw and continued to do so, now he is even running on it. The swelling began on Friday the 18 and has not gotten bigger or smaller than the initial onset. He does not seem to be in pain, no shivering, favoring, fever or reaction when I touch or try to bend the joint.

Any ideas what this could be or is it just related to the strangles and it needs more time for the Pred to reach this joint. He has an appointment on Monday if the swelling does not go down. We are already financially stretched out because of his week stay in the hospital (only four days after rescuing him from the SPCA) so I’m hoping and praying he won’t need an MRI, CAT scan, or X ray. if you, or anyone, has any idea what this could be, I would so appreciate it. I’m currently icing the joint for ten minutes every few hours. Poor guy has gone through so much in his short time here.

3 Responses


  1. Ashley Schaffer

    What else do you think it could be? Could the puppy strangles be a misdiagnoses from the start? He had a high fever, pimple looking blister on his sheath, mucous in his eyes, swollen face, lymph node, and joints and was was reacting to the steroids until day 6 of the initial taper dose (7.5 mg). If something was injured wouldn’t he be in pain?

  2. Ashley Schaffer

    Thank you for your prompt response!

  3. Ashley Schaffer

    Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that when we took him to the Vet a board verified orthro surgeon looked at him and felt that he may be having an angular deformity that may have been caused from the swelling from the initial on set of the strangles which affected the bone. He said it could get worse or better has he grows. But there’s nothing to worry about now since he’s not in pain and still growing.

    So far so good on the second attempt to lower the prednisone.

    Thank you for your help!