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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female DSH Is ~2yrs & Suffers From Allergies. She Constantly Has Lesions On Her…

My female DSH is ~2yrs & suffers from allergies. She constantly has lesions on her stomach. She licks and chews effected skin often. Atopica doesn’t work. for her. I’m hesitant to use steroids for a long period of time. Suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    this might sound weird, but have you had her thyroid checked?  a friend of mine had a young cat with excessive grooming habits and it turned out to be thyroid problems.

  2. PK Dennis

    Have you gotten all grains out of his/her diet?  No grains in food or treats.  Find a grain-free kibble that lists real meat as the first 2 or 3 ingredients.  Real meat will be: beef, lamb, elk, salmon meal, etc.  Do not buy anything that lists “by-products” in the ingredients – they could be nothing more than feathers.

    To help the skin heal you can rinse her once per day (short haired dogs, less often for long-haired dogs, you don’t want her constantly moist) with a mix of 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water.  Allow this to dry on her skin.  

    Also if you have been using Benadryl try switching to a generic Zyrtec – it often works better for dogs. 

    For the active hot spots try Witch hazel with Aloe, you can find it in any drug store OTC, pat it on with a cotton pad and allow to dry – you can do this several times per day to help reduce itch and help the spot heal.

    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Having An Allergic Reaction. A Vet Gave Her A Steroid Shot And…

My dog is having an allergic reaction. a vet gave her a steroid shot and antibiotic was told I could keep giving her Benadryl she keeps breaking out. Is there anything I can do to help her and how long does it take a steroid shot to work?

1 Response


  1. Brianna Impson

    She recieved her first shoth this morning if she isn’t better by tomorrow I’m calling them again. She seems to get Bette ruby only when I give her a dose of Benadryl.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 3 Yr Old White German Sheperd Has Suddenly Become Itchy, Mostly Around His Hind…

my 3 yr old white german sheperd has suddenly become itchy, mostly around his hind quarters. no known alergies. no evidence of fleas. no dietary changes. what could cause the sudden nusiance itchiness?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Even if you have no known allergies this sudden itchiness could be the result of allergies.  I would recommend a visit to your vet before your dog does some damage to his skin by itching.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Cat Has Bald Spot On Belly With Skin Tag Type Bumps In Center. Recently Treated…

Cat has bald spot on belly with skin tag type bumps in center. recently treated for allergies. not sure what this is?
This picture is of the biggest skin tag. the others feel just like little bumps (what a human would equate to zits)

4 Responses


  1. dakoda peterson

    This looks like a skin disorder one of my cats had. Go to a vet it’s very important to figure out what this is exactly because it could be very hazardous to the cats organs if it’s a sign of infection or so other underlying problem. 

  2. Alexis Smith

    What happened with your cat?

  3. Alexis Smith

    What exactly does that mean? Diego is a boy (don’t know if that gives you more info).

  4. dakoda peterson

    I got some very afforable meds from my animal clinic. He ended up healthy. I thought it was a nipple too. Male cats have nipples.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
It Is Perfectly Round And Symmetrical, Appears To Be Under The Skin (hair Is Intact)…

It is perfectly round and symmetrical, appears to be under the skin (hair is intact), fairly firm, 2 inches in diameter and doesn’t seem to be bothering my dog when touched. He was also licking his nose very frequently when it showed up along with increased sneezing. I’m wondering, What this is caused by? Should he see a vet? Could this be caused by an allergy?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i’d get him in, particularly if it’s anywhere near teeth.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Any unusual lump should be seen by a vet.  Especially before it gets any bigger

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Allergic To The Cat And Im Just Wondering Is There Anything Else…

My dog is allergic to the cat and im just wondering is there anything else that I can do other than get rid og the cat

3 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Chelsea.  How was it determined that your dog is allergic to the cat?  I have not heard of this before.


  2. Chelsea Morgan

    We went to the vets and they said because of her having rashes and itching all off the time. Also because it is only where the cat has been near her, so she is allergic to my cat and I really dont want to get rid of my cats hes lovely and ive had him since a kitten

  3. Lisa Pfab

    I would wonder if the dog is eating cat food that he may be allergic to.

    I would think that she is allergic to food or something else.  I would make sure the dog cannot get to the cats food, or the litterbox

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
The Skin On Her Muzzle Under The Fur Seems Pinker Than Normal, Too. Also, Her…

The skin on her muzzle under the fur seems pinker than normal, too. Also, her nose seems to itch (she rubs her nose area vigorously against my fingers, not just normal face rubbing) and gets a little dark crust around the edges. I noticed her nose running with a little clear discharge while I was petting her, but I read that it’s common for a cat’s nose to run when it purrs, so I didn’t think that was part of this. Her ears itch, as well. They don’t have an odor and I don’t see anything in them. Sometimes the fur on her chin will be discolored with a reddish/orangish tint and I noticed an area of dried liquid with a light tinge of brown around the border where she’d been sleeping this morning. Is this an allergy? I have more pictures I can post that show the crustiness on her nose and her upper lip from below.

2 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    I’m not sure if it’s the angle of the photo or not, but your kitty looks like it’s upper mouth  and general face area is  swollen and  really distorted and does not look typical.

    The brown/reddish color you describe reminds me of exactly how dried flea dirt (blood) looks. So make sure that you examine her carefully with a flea comb to see if that is an issue for her.

    If she was an outside “feral” cat, be sure to get her tested for Felv/Fiv as well as a vet checkup to rule out upper respiratory infections, a rabies vaccine and distemper vaccine and spay would be good too–if you haven’t already done that. I’d take a trip to the vet to have her mouth/face examined.
    Good luck!

  2. Beth Burchard

    Thank you, Kelly! It’s the angle of the picture. I had a normal looking one to post, but this one shows her mouth better. She does have fleas. I gave her an Rx oral med from the vet a month ago and it didn’t work. So I gave her a combo of Capstar and Program last night and have a spray to spray what I can’t wash to get any remaining eggs & larva. Maybe she has a flea allergy and this will be what she needs.

    I’ve done TNR with 8 feral cats over the past year. She was about 5 months old when I took her, but has been very much untamed and fearful of the sight of me until about 3 months ago when I discovered the power of fish. In that time she has begun sleeping and spending much of her days in the house (I put in a cat door and she still insists on using the big “litter box” outside instead of the one I got her. Just this week she started climbing up on me when I’m lying down and using me for her bed. =) I can pet her just about any way I want to without getting injured now, but I can’t pick her up or do anything that seems threatening to her without her running and hiding (i.e. walking fast, carrying the mail, any attempt to use anything on her except my hand). So catching her to take to the vet has had me in a quandary. The humane trap is too traumatic for her AND me. I stopped by the vet’s office today and they said they could give me a sedative to give her so she would be sleeping and I could bring her in. She had a rabies shot when she was spayed, but she’ll need another one in November. And she hasn’t been tested for FeLV/Fiv.

    That’s TMI, I know. I tend to get wordy, but thank you so much for your response! I will definitely take your advice now that I know there’s a way to get her to the vet without trauma, and hopefully we’ll get this taken care of quickly.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Pitbull Has Allergies And When She Scratches She Causes Skin Infections. Is It Safe…

My pitbull has allergies and when she scratches she causes
skin infections. Is it safe to give her Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim 800
mg / 160 mg ( The human kind ). What dosage is appropriate? Thanks for any help
you can give.

5 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Please don’t give your dog human medication it could be toxic to her. Only give meds the Vet prescribes. 

  2. Anonymous

    agreed with Julie.  vet time.  don’t give your dog human meds.

  3. PK Dennis

    First, get all grain out of her diet — find a grain-free premium dog food.  The first 2 ingredients must be meat — such as elk, chicken, turkey — words that you understand as meat.  Meal means the whole animal was ground up and dried, so ‘salmon meal’ means meat too.  Avoid any thing that has “by-products” listed such as “chicken by-products” this could be just chicken feathers!  Not a good source of protein.  

    Be sure the treats are grain-free also!  Stop sharing cookies and bread crusts!  Grains impact the dogs ability to fight off allergens.  If she is really chewing off hair or damaging the skin try a generic Zyrtec. Same dosage for a human (typically one pill in the morning, one pill at night.  

    Rinse your dog’s feed and belly when she comes in from outdoors to help remove pollen and mold spores, and to keep those things out of the house.  I keep a tub of water at the back door and change the water daily.  It can be plain water or a mix of water and vinegar (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water).

    You can rinse your entire dog with the vinegar mix — either just that, or after an Aveeno bath (Aveeno is an oatmeal soap that helps sooth skin).  Allow the vinegar mix to dry on her skin and fur.  This will help with itching and help heal the skin.  Organic cider vinegar is best, but it may stain a white dog to beige. 

    If she has raw, wet spots (hot spots they are often called), I would take her to a vet for evaluation.  You can help heal a hot spot with witch hazel with aloe and blot it on the spot to help with itch and heal the skin.  You can find the witch hazel with aloe in any pharmacy over the counter.

    Grain free, primo diet, reduce the allergen load of pollen and spores.  These things will probably help over time.  In the mean time, work with your vet to give her some relief.


  4. Anonymous

    Chicken is one of the more frequent dog food allergies out there. Anna needs to get the allergy bit sorted with a vet’s assistance.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Thank You For Answer, But If My Cat Has Never Taken This Med And Reaction…

Thank you for answer, but if my cat has never taken this med and reaction is unknown is it safe to try it? What happens when there is an allergic reaction?

1 Response


  1. Ramiah Smith

    If your pet has swelling of the face, itching, or appears to have difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Do not touch the dropper or tube opening to any surface including eyes or hands.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cats Eye Has Been Discharging And Shut Off And On For Few Days. Is…

My cats eye has been discharging and shut off and on for few days. Is it safe to use the neomycin and polymyxin B ointment I have? Allergic reactions?

3 Responses


  1. Ramiah Smith

    This drug is an eye medication that is a combination of three antibiotics and is used in dogs and cats to treat bacterial infections. 



    Cats can have a severe allergic reaction to the neomycin or polymyxin component in this eye medication

    Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of these drugs should not take this medication

    • Cats can have a severe allergic reaction to the neomycin or polymyxin component in this eye medication
    • Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of these drugs should not take this medication
  2. Brandon Barris

    Thank you, but if my cat has never taken this med and reaction is unknown is it safe to try it. What happens when there is an allergic reaction?

  3. Ramiah Smith

    If your pet has swelling of the face, itching, or appears to have difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Do not touch the dropper or tube opening to any surface including eyes or hands.