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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Used Happy Jack Kennel Stuff On My Cats. I Have Washed It Out A…

I used happy jack kennel stuff on my cats. I have washed it out a day later and one is having trimmer and the other is crying like she is in pat what can I do

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i’m not sure what those symptoms are, but i would be calling a vet about this as soon as they open, if not sooner.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
For 2-3 Weeks. My Kittens Have Eye Discharge On Can Hardly Open His Eyes, Obvious…

for 2-3 weeks. My kittens have eye discharge on can hardly open his eyes, obvious difficulty breathing, sneezing, decreased in appetite, though they still eat… Sometimes I worry because there breathing get’s so shallow, or when my boy is laying in me it’s like breath is being punched out of him every time he breaths, they both sneese, but the girl is worse than the boy with that, and they sleepn so much. They’ve gotten out more than a few times, but they are indoor cats. I’m trying lycine until I can take them to the vet, but they don’t like it so it’s hard to get them to take it, and I’m keeping food and fresh water. I just so worried. I think maybe, it could be a uri, and maybe some autoimmune disorder because they were born from a feral colony and a lot of them have something going on, but what do I do and how can I help them, until I can get them to the vet. I’m so worried.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i would move the vet visit up to tomorrow if at all possible.  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Our Year Old Golden Retriever Ate Some Chicken Yesterday Which I Had Cooked And Stuffed…

Our year old golden retriever ate some chicken yesterday which I had cooked and stuffed the cavity with garlic. He didn’t actually eat any garlic but is quite lethargic today and has slept a lot. Should I take him to the vets

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    I would worry more about cooked bones than the garlic!  It is always better to be safe than sorry — and cooked bones can cause a blockage.  Yes, you should consider taking him to the vet if you are worried.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female DSH Is ~2yrs & Suffers From Allergies. She Constantly Has Lesions On Her…

My female DSH is ~2yrs & suffers from allergies. She constantly has lesions on her stomach. She licks and chews effected skin often. Atopica doesn’t work. for her. I’m hesitant to use steroids for a long period of time. Suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    this might sound weird, but have you had her thyroid checked?  a friend of mine had a young cat with excessive grooming habits and it turned out to be thyroid problems.

  2. PK Dennis

    Have you gotten all grains out of his/her diet?  No grains in food or treats.  Find a grain-free kibble that lists real meat as the first 2 or 3 ingredients.  Real meat will be: beef, lamb, elk, salmon meal, etc.  Do not buy anything that lists “by-products” in the ingredients – they could be nothing more than feathers.

    To help the skin heal you can rinse her once per day (short haired dogs, less often for long-haired dogs, you don’t want her constantly moist) with a mix of 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water.  Allow this to dry on her skin.  

    Also if you have been using Benadryl try switching to a generic Zyrtec – it often works better for dogs. 

    For the active hot spots try Witch hazel with Aloe, you can find it in any drug store OTC, pat it on with a cotton pad and allow to dry – you can do this several times per day to help reduce itch and help the spot heal.

    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have 2 Siamese Cats, They Both Accidently Ate Raw Rancid Beef On Fri Morning…

I have 2 siamese cats, they both accidently ate raw rancid beef on Fri morning. Since then haven’t eaten, not seen them drinking, looking and feeling sorry for themselves, vomiting and runs, will sit on my knee and quietly purr when petted.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have This Puppy Pom. She Had A Mange With Mites Condition Going On I…

I have this puppy Pom. She had a mange with mites condition going on i now have her on treatment some type of shot set of 3 really. She has had the first one and i have done one borax hydrogen peroxide water dip. Wondering when it would be safe to let her back in the livingrooms and carpets with us??

2 Responses


  1. Cybthia Alvarez

    I have called the office several times.. they are a hospital also and are very busy.. have yet to have returned my call.. I went ahead and let her inn already i couldn’t take it anymore having her locked up away from us anymore shes a puppy who wants only attention.. its been a week of quarantine already… I gave inn.

  2. Cybthia Alvarez

    Thanks anyway. Zoe is happy now.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female GSD Just Can Seem To Keep Any Weight On. She Is Not Very…

My female GSD just can seem to keep any weight on. She is not very active, she sleeps a lot, and is generally quite lazy. She eats the same amount of food as my male GSD, and probably more than him. She drinks water regularly.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    has she been checked for parasites or thyroid problems?  those are my first two thoughts.

  2. Casey Wilson

    I’ve suspected that, but haven’t gotten her checked. I hoping it isn’t that bad

  3. Anonymous

    honestly…thyroid problems are easily managed with drug therapy. i would get her checked sooner than later.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Female Beagle And She Is Around 6-8 Years Old. She’s Always Been…

I have a female beagle and she is around 6-8 years old. She’s always been a hyper dog, loves to jump up and down the couch/bed for a good snuggle, loves people and would jump on them and during meal time, she would be excited and beg for food. On Thursday evening & Friday all day (today is Saturday at 11am), we noticed something weird/strange going on with her and she’s been acting really weird. Her walks have been slowed (especially up and down the stairs) and she cannot jump up on the bed/couch (she can still jump down). She is eating (I gave her a little piece of chicken on my pizza) and she is peeing but not pooping, and my mom said her tummy is very hard and one of her front leg is acting up… We made an appointment with the vet but it isn’t until next week and right now we are trying to rule out a lot of things like constipation…. We just didn’t want to take her to the emergency because last time something like this happened, we freaked out and took her there, it turns out it was only constipation and we were charged over 500 dollars and as it just being after Christmas and a new semester, we really don’t have the money to take her to the vet unless it’s an actual emergency…

3 Responses


  1. Yuan Zuo

    Thank you very much for your feedback! I will re-make an appointment tonight and hopefully get an Monday appointment. I’ve also bought some pumpkin stuff for her (many people online say that it helps with constipation) and if she doesn’t get better by then, then off to the doctors we go on Monday!

  2. Matthew Kelcourse

    Hello Yuan.

    In addition to Dr M’s response, I can only add you are describing classic symptoms for the early stages of IVDD (of which beagles are a susceptible breed). Up and down stairs, not jumping, etc… are self-evident; but urinating while not defecating is a classic symptom because it requires arching the back/neck and  “pushing/straining” – something a lot more painful than urinating when IVDD is causing back pain.

    Since IVDD requires immediate medical attention, I recommend a veterinary visit ASAP. Great if IVDD is ruled out, but any delay could make treatment more difficult.

    Good luck,

    Dr K

  3. Yuan Zuo

    Hey guys, thank you both so much for the feedback. I can proudly say that Abby is getting a lot better as we speak! Abby does have a history of constipation and without even knowing it, she’s been constipated for over a week now, that’s being taken care of with some pumpkin & lots of tummy rubs and walks! Her leg was also hurt earlier in the week because my dad had taken her to a field where she could run but as it being Winter with lots of snow, sometimes the ground is steep without even realizing it and she must have walked twisted her left front leg, and with her belly already in pain and her front leg hurt, she was having a lot of troubles being herself. But she will get better soon! I really appreciate all of the support and medical advice I have received.

    As she is getting older, we will definitely be more careful and cautious with her health!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
His Stomach Is Tight He Keeps His Back Arched All The Time He Acts Like…

His stomach is tight he keeps his back arched all the time he acts like it hurts him to sit or lie down and his breathing is very labored. He is panting one minute and shivering the next. He can’t walk very fast.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    he sounds like he might have bloat.  can you get him to an emergency vet?

  2. PK Dennis

    If he is with you need to find an emergency vet near where ever you are as soon as possible, this could be bloat, or a blockage.  Both situations are life threatening.  If he is at home you need to have whomever is watching him get him to a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Scratches A Lot And Loses A Lot Of Her Hair. It’s Non Stop…

My dog scratches a lot and loses a lot of her hair. It’s non stop, and she throws up alot what is it??

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Only way to know for sure is to take your dog to a vet.  It could be mange, thyroid issues, allergies to mold spores, fleas, or pollen, or several other things.  The vet can help you figure out and if you don’t get to the bottom of it she will only get worse over time!

    In the mean time you need to get all grains out of this dog’s diet, that includes treats (no sharing corn chips or bread from your sandwich any more!).  Find a real pet store (that does not sell puppies) and ask to be directed to the grain-free selection of dog foods.  Then start reading labels.  You want a product that lists real meat as the first 2 or 3 ingredients, and has no grains.  Real meat will be things like lamb, beef, elk, pork, salmon meal, whitefish meal (meal is the entire animal ground up and dried, a good thing).  Do not buy any food that lists ‘by-products’ in the ingredients since poultry by-products can be nothing more than chicken feathers!

    Next you can help calm the itch and heal the skin with a vinegar and water rinse (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water).  Soak the dog with the mix and allow it to dry in her coat.  You might also want to try Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera — find that OTC at any drug store.  Pat that on the really raw places a few times each day and allow it to dry.

    Vomiting can be caused by her chewing off her hair and swallowing it, or it could be an indication of her underlying condition that is involving her skin.  You need to get her to a vet and get her the relief she deserves.