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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Over The Weekend I Had To Leave My 4.5 Month Old Puppy At A Local…

Over the weekend I had to leave my 4.5 month old puppy at a local kennel while I was away. Today I picked him up and brought him home, and he seemed very tired. I assumed he had played a lot and ignored it.

After going to a walk, I have realized that my pup keeps attempting to urinate, but only manages to get a few drops out. We got home and he drank 3 full cups, 24oz of water instantly. About a half hour later he was peeing great and back to 100%

Now, about 2-3 hours after giving him the water he is back to trying to pee with nothing coming out, due to his bladder being empty. What is wrong with him, I took him to the vet but he didn’t do anything or say anything for help, told me he was fine and all test results turned up normal.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
What Could Be The Problem And What Do I Need To Do? I Know He…

What could be the problem and what do I need to do? I know he can’t make it not peeing. He has pooped tho and it wasnt hard it was soft. He isnt playful today he been just laying around. I can tell he dont feel good.

3 Responses


  1. Angie Webb

    If anyone can give me advice plz do. I’m in a pannick cause I’m helpless. He is one of my children.

  2. Margrit Simons

    Hi Angie;
    Is there not a Veterinary Emergy Service you can call? You may be able to find one for where you are on ‘google’ !

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 14 Year Old ShitZu That Had A Seizure And Now He Can…

I have a 14 year old ShitZu that had a seizure and now he can not see. He is using the bathroom in the house and not eating properly. Can anything be done to help him?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what does your vet think about it?  since they know the circumstances of the seizure and the overall health of your pet, i’d ask their opinion first.

  2. Sue Bona

    You may need to help him eat and take him outside more often until he gets used to functioning without being able to see

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
When She Was Panting One Night She Went To The Bathroom And Jumped In The…

When she was panting one night she went to the bathroom and jumped in the bathtub. My dog and I are visiting someone for a week and are staying in a apartment. Is it possible she might be home sick?

1 Response


  1. Adam Wysocki

    If you have to ask if you need to take a pet to a vet, the answer is always yes. 🙂

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Also Jumped Into The Bathtub.

She also jumped into the bathtub.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i would be calling your vet about this, definitely.  that’s very concerning behavior!

  2. Ashley Clavijo

    Okay thank you i will call the vet tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous

    …Ashley, i wouldn’t wait that long. please call now.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Both Of My Cats Have Been Experiencing Diarrhea. The Older One Has Yellow Diarrhea And…

Both of my cats have been experiencing diarrhea. The older one has yellow diarrhea and the kitten has trouble getting to the bathroom on time. I’m not sure if it’s because of the food or because they are in contact with other outside cats.

3 Responses


  1. Alexandra Holley

    They are also still very active and show no signs of being sick. I feed and water them when ever I see that there bowl is running low

  2. Alexandra Holley

    My cats were strays so they used to be outside. I just rescued my kitten recently so my cat might have gotten something from him. I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a vet because I don’t have a job. But I’ll try to feed them healthier cat food and if that doesn’t help all I can do is try to find them a home that can provide for them.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Can Kittens Get Dandruff?

Can kittens get dandruff?

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Also just be sure the dandruff is not moving.. White specks can be lice too.


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Three Week Old Kitten Who Hasn’t Had A Bowel Movement Since Wednesday…

I have a three week old kitten who hasn’t had a bowel movement since Wednesday. My friend told me to give him a dewormer since he was an outside cat and it will induce a bowel movement. Is it safe for him? Are there any alternative ways?

2 Responses


  1. Cheyenne glasheen

    He’s active and eating two tablespoons every three hours. He just learned how to run and he tries to chase our adult cats.

  2. Cheyenne glasheen

    He just had a bowel movement and it was super solid for a 3 week old. No one induced it. But he had a hard time it took two people to hold him.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hello,my Dog Is 13 Yrs Old And Diabetic. He Suddenly Starting Urinating And Defacating Uncontrollably…

hello,my dog is 13 yrs old and diabetic. he suddenly starting urinating and defacating uncontrollably. he got a blood test and his blood sugar is 23. the vet thinks maybe it is UTI so he gave antibiotcs but if it doesnt,what do i do?

1 Response


  1. Kasey Litt

    depending on breed, 13 is pretty old for a mid-to-large dog. Hopefully, the antibiotics will help.  Your vet probably has also suggested to keep him on a bland diet for the poop issues – boiled chicken, white rice. With him being diabetic, go easy on the rice to make sure you don’t spike the blood sugar.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Need To Know How To Treat Pink Eye At Home On My Own Due…

I need to know how to treat pink eye at home on my own due to not being able to afford vet

1 Response


  1. Denise Ford

    until you can bring to a vet, i have used warm wet tea bag compress, wipe eyes 2-3 times a day. use separate tea bag for each eye. the tianic acid it the tea bag helps