This sounds like a recipe for disaster. I would spay both of your dogs ASAP. In my experience, fights between new pack members always begun 4-6 weeks after the new dog arrived. There is kind of an initial grace period where everyone is adjusting, getting comfortable, and figuring out what the rules are in the home. Having to intact dogs is only going to intensify a problem that may already be there. I truly hope that spaying you dogs will be the solution to your problem, however if it is not I would recommend an trainer how specializes in dog aggression.
I took my cat to get his teeth cleaned. When he came back, half of his claws had been cut through the quick and had bled. Personally, I am outraged at their carelessness. What do you think, as a veterinarian?
my kitten is just under 2 weeks old, has very swollen genitals and producing discharge ( smelly) only settled when feeding but walking around crying out
Have a female American Bulldogog at the end of a heat cycle. She will be spayed Very soon. However, she has started fighting with my other female, an Alapaha Bulldog. Unspayed dog new to house 4 weeks no problems until a few days ago.
Erika Graham We spay all,of our dogs. The only one that isn’t is the new edition. We were told that she had been already. Took her in for a check up and found out she was just beginning a heat. We are waiting for that heat cycle to end. She is a sweet dog and they have gotten along well together until two days ago. I was questioning if the heat could cause this sudden aggression?
My dogs name is buddy, he’s almost two and he’s a cross breed. Two days ago he escaped when he came back later my boyfriend realised he was bleeding from the tip of his penis..he still hasn’t stopped, should I be really worried?
my dog had a heat stroke. we took her to the vet but we couldn’t afford the expense for her proper care. what can we do at home for her recovery? will she survive?
zyvina jones thank you so much! but she isn’t really moving around. she’s just lying there. the veternarian gave her IV fluids and said it should ware off in about 8 hours. will the fluids help with her recovery?
mary toren Yes, fluids will help. Provide room temperature water, not cold. Good luck.
Hello I have a 4 year indoor cat only. He has now been sick three times in as many days, slight runny stools as well.
Today he is now refusing to eat and is just sleeping.
Eyes and guns bright though and still likes being touched
Anonymous please get him to the vet today. refusing to eat is BAD.
Emma Thatcher Thank you for your help
He has already had a hair ball two days ago, his sick has been just food, no blood and no blood in his stool
I was trying him on some new food, chicken with pate from whiskers. I’m hoping it’s just to rich for him -
Anonymous whiskas isn’t all that rich. i would be willing to bet it’s something else. take him to the vet.
Margrit Simons I think that this website is great along with all the caring people who are always ready to help!
MyPuppy has anEye discharge sinceSunday-watery eyes and one eye has a white pus-drop once in a while.Playful, eats well. Vet said nothing on Monday(derwomed),but I’m paranoid about distemper.His 1st vaccination is due to next Monday.
Could you tell me why my dog is not eating but she is drinking.weeing a lot.her sides appear to be going bald as well.plz help
Anonymous i would be concerned about her thyroid, depending on age and breed. when was her last bloodwork?
Ashley Connor She is roughly 9-10 yrs old and sorry but what do u mean by bloodwork
Anonymous i mean your vet takes blood from your dog (this should be done annually) and screened for any abnormalities which would indicate illness.
if you haven’t had this done in the past 6 months, i’d get it done today.
Ashley Connor She also has a little diarreah.I am taking her to vets tomorrow but would like an idea of what to expect it to be.
Anonymous my concern was mentioned in my first comment. this sounds like hypothyroid. asuming that’s what it is, it can be managed with drugs. but a senior blood panel is a necessary annual thing.
Ashley Connor Thank you for your help much appreciated
Tonight my boxer has started scratching his ear like crazy and crying while he’s scratching. I think he might have mites but when I try looking he cries more and pulls away. How can I make him comfy till we see the vet in the morning
Your vet should take a look at this for it could be very serious. Three thing I would initially be concerned about is cancer, infection and testicular contortion. Contortion is where they cross over and the blood supply is cut off. All of these can produce pain and your cat needs to see a vet.
A kitten that is under two weeks old still needs to be stimulated to produce urine and a bowel movement. Is this happening? Is the kitten with the mom cat? If you are bottle feeding are you using a warm damp cotton ball or wipe to gently wipe the area to encourage a bowel movement/urination? Sometimes when kittens have parasites they can have very soft stool that can get impacted around the area and smell….definately take the kitten to a vet. At this age they can go downhill very quickly if not kept healthy.
Good luck!