i would be concerned about her thyroid, depending on age and breed. when was her last bloodwork?
MyPuppy has anEye discharge sinceSunday-watery eyes and one eye has a white pus-drop once in a while.Playful, eats well. Vet said nothing on Monday(derwomed),but I’m paranoid about distemper.His 1st vaccination is due to next Monday.
Could you tell me why my dog is not eating but she is drinking.weeing a lot.her sides appear to be going bald as well.plz help
Anonymous -
Ashley Connor She is roughly 9-10 yrs old and sorry but what do u mean by bloodwork
Anonymous i mean your vet takes blood from your dog (this should be done annually) and screened for any abnormalities which would indicate illness.
if you haven’t had this done in the past 6 months, i’d get it done today.
Ashley Connor She also has a little diarreah.I am taking her to vets tomorrow but would like an idea of what to expect it to be.
Anonymous my concern was mentioned in my first comment. this sounds like hypothyroid. asuming that’s what it is, it can be managed with drugs. but a senior blood panel is a necessary annual thing.
Ashley Connor Thank you for your help much appreciated
Tonight my boxer has started scratching his ear like crazy and crying while he’s scratching. I think he might have mites but when I try looking he cries more and pulls away. How can I make him comfy till we see the vet in the morning
my dog is vomiting a liquid, yellow, flemmy substance.
he still wants to eat and drink. no fever or different behavior.
Kelly Furgason Hello,
It sounds like your dog is vomiting bile. Sometimes if a dog hasn’t eaten in awhile the bile can irritate the stomach and then they vomit. How long does your dog go between meals? If your dog only eats once a day, try doing twice per day…or even three times per day if possible. Use the same daily amount of food, just divide it up into more than one feeding.Of course, it could be other things that can cause this, but this would be my first thought.
Cat has real bad open wound and they say to wrap it up but it won’t stay up and falls and rubs the spot then he starts chewing on it so what do I do do I have to wrap it
PK Dennis How could just wrapping this be the answer? Looks like it needs a major repair!
amy meggs Oh we already went to the vet cost 200 for him to stay all weekend and they gave him antibiotics they wrapednit but it didn’t last half day they want 25 bucks just to rewrap it I don’t have the money for that and its in a place where it wont stay either
Yes she had a X-ray and said it was Brocken but I have had dogs all my life and could see that the dogs leg was not out of place and she was running on all fours so can you tell me how the dog could run and jump with no sign of pain
The dog is a six month old Lhasa apso and what she did have for a day was she lifted the leg up a few times it was the back leg and then she started to put it down the next day and is running and jumping up to my wast and jumping up and down from the couch.
G’day guys wanting to know how long a cat is pregnant for, and can she be wormed,also will the kittens have to be weaned or not?
Tx! Of the litters that turned out to be -, did you mean after being retested at 6 mths? I’m aware of causes of false+, but was wondering what the stats are on kittens who initially test -, then turn out to be + when retested at 6 mths.
Adam Wysocki Because of the stigmas and misunderstanding related to FIV, even if the litter is negative initially, we always test again at 6 months just to be sure although it’s most likely not necessary.
I’ve personally never heard from anyone in rescue about a litter initially testing negative and then testing positive later and I’ve never read any literature describing that scenario either.
I think that false positives are the overwhelming issue.
I’d be 100% comfortable adopting a kitten that tested negative from a FIV
positive mom … but for what it’s worth, I’d also be comfortable
adopting an FIV positive kitten or adult as well. 🙂Adam
carolyn carlino Thanks for your helpful reply….and for whatever it’s worth, we adopted a kitten last year with FeLV ,which I know is quicker to kill) who died 10mths later-it was my 9 and 6 yr old’s first pet, and while we’re glad to have given her a happy, albeit short life, it ripped our hearts out to have to put her down 2 days before her first birthday and that’s just not a scenario I am willing to replicate for my family. Thanks so much for your help-this is a great service!
How likely is FIV to be transmitted from mother’s milk to kittens? If a mother cat is pos for FIV and all 4 of her 8wk old kittens tested neg for FIV, what is the likelihood of the results actually being a false neg?
Adam Wysocki Hi Carolyn,
I don’t know if it’s technically impossible, but certainly not a common scenario in my personal experience. Over the last 4 years my rescue has taken in 3 cats (with litters) that have tested positive for FIV. All of the litters of kittens turned out to be negative. Our policy with FIV+ mom’s is to test the kittens on intake and then again in 6 months to verify results.
We did have one litter that tested positive initially and then tested negative 6 months later (a second test was given at 6 months just to double check).
Here’s some additional information from Best Friends Animal Society http://bestfriends.org/Resources/Pet-Care/Cats/Health-And-Care/FAQs-About-FIV/Hope
Hope this helps,
Adam -
carolyn carlino Thanks for your reply!
So it might be the first sign of distemper? He was checked his temperature on Monday, it was normal. I got scared 🙁