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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Toby Is A 3.5 Month Old Tabby.
It’s Not Too Bright In My Apartment.
He’s Eating…

Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby.
It’s not too bright in my apartment.
He’s eating well, pooping well, chasing around after things — seems to be in very good energy.

3 Responses


  1. Zack Whittaker

    Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby. It’s not too bright in my apartment. He’s eating well, pooping well, chasing around after things — seems to be in very good energy.

  2. Adam Wysocki

    Hi Zack,

    In my experience having rescued many kittens around Toby’s age and younger I’d guess that it’s an eye infection. It’s pretty common in kittens that age (especially if Toby is a rescue) and may actually be a symptom of something else such as a respiratory infection. 

    Young kittens with immune systems that are still developing are more susceptible to infections than older/adult cats.

    The great news is that if it is an eye infection, a trip to the vet for an exam and antibiotics will clear it up in no time. If it’s something other than an eye infection your vet will be able to diagnose and treat that as well. Kittens are incredibly resilient!

    Sounds like you’ve caught it early and will have Toby squint free before you know it!


  3. Kate McKelvie

    As Adam said, it could be an infection, or there could be an injury to the eye.  Eye problems can worsen very quickly, and taking Toby to a vet will keep things from snowballing!

    Squinting indicates pain or discomfort…

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tracy | 10 years ago
Why Does My Dog Eat His (or Other Dogs) Poop? I Have A Fairly Large…

Why does my dog eat his (or other dogs) poop? I have a fairly large yard, so I don’t know whose he’s eating..could be his, our other dog or a neighbor. He then comes inside and vomits (the smell is the giveaway as to what he ate)

1 Response


  1. Joe Mccollum

    Would you recommend using a shock collar as a training aid?

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Jana | 10 years ago
What Happens When A Dog Manages To Lick An Area With “run Off” Of K9…

What happens when a dog manages to lick an area with “run off” of K9 Advantix?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
How Do You Train A Mill Breed Dog With A Leash?

How do you train a mill breed dog with a leash?

0 Responses
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Sarah | 11 years ago
Our German Shepherd, Butch, Has Always Been A Bit Itchy At Certain Times Of The…

Our german shepherd, Butch, has always been a bit itchy at certain times of the year- more in the spring than others. This summer though, he has really started digging at his underside and now licking constantly at his hind leg (where a human knee would sort of be.) Someone suggested it might be a hotspot. What is the treatment for that, or should I just bite the bullet and bring him into the office? I feel so silly doing that as he was just there not too long ago.

1 Response


  1. Christina Chambreau

    A hot spot is not a particular skin ailment, but rather an area that has been licked/chewed to the point where it develops a bacterial infection that causes the “spot” to be oozing a honey colored, gooey discharge, often with an odor. 

    I am a holistic veterinarian, so I can offer a number of possible solutions for you and also some coaching for general itching problems. 

    first, since he is worse this summer, I wonder if you have recently had  your old
    “analog” electric meter (it has 4 little discs that spin and a man stops
    monthly to read it) changed for a “smart meter” or “digital meter” – looks like a
    computer. These can cause severe health problems or worsen current ones. Opt
    out of getting one.  If you already have one, pay the money to replace it, and the monthly fee we are charged for protecting our children, animals and ourselves from the high EMFs. has info to educate you and help you. 

    Also, this summer has been much wetter, and some animals are more susceptible to that. Also, when were vaccines last given? they can cause skin problems. 

    Finally, has he been showing any lameness, even mild? Sometimes they will chew on a part of the body that is in pain. 

    the conventional treatment for itching is anti-itch medication, topically or orally and maybe an antibiotic. 

    Holistically there are some treatments for this episode, then work to maximize health by
    following the keys on my website,, especially the 7 keys to health. Healthy dogs just do not
    get hot spots. 

    Now, clip the hair around the spot if it is discharging, then use brown lye old fashioned soap followed by the black or green tea bags. Once it is dry, use aloe from your own plant or a drinkable organic aloe vera from the store, or plantain from your yard (if no chemicals there) made into a slurry or calendula to heal. If it is very itchy, SSStingSSSTop ( from the health store) may help. 

    Merely improving the diet (raw meaty bones and pureed vegetables) may help end the itchiness, or you may need to seek professional care (Bel Air, Hereford, White Marsh are probably the closest holistic veterinarians to you – for details, or the links page on my site). Mitomax is
    a super probiotic
    can improve nutrient absorption, so helps with all problems. I have had many
    animals’ itchiness clear up while using this, though sometimes they need to
    stay on it. Unlike other probiotics, it is very stable and is ok at the low
    stomach pH.

     Rescue Remedy is an easily available (at any health food store and many regular stores) combination flower essence to “rescue” when needed. 10 drops in a cup of water and sponge on the itchy knee, or add to any other topical treatments you choose. Put one
    drop in a separate water bowl for him (and any of the others) to drink – change daily.  If the RR seems to help, you can give some orally (few drops from the bowl) as frequently as any of the family thinks of it.  

    Even if the licking is because of a knee issue, the Rescue Remedy may help, as will the self healing methods listed below. Of course, if symptoms worsen – time to visit a veterinarian, preferably an integrative one if you are interested in that approach. 

    For the future, learn Reiki ( is a local Baltimore source of classes, and any holistic store or practice nearer to you as Reiki is the same for human and animals), acupressure, TTouch, healing Touch for Animals (HTA),
    massage, acupressure (several good books) and take one of my homeopathy classes – August is a 6 days class. 

    There is a great store that will be a healing resource for all your animals – Baron’s country Store (N of Bel Air, so should be close enough for you). It is near Dave’s natural market, another great resource. 

    Ask more questions here if I was not clear. 

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Brandon Took A Few Pictures When We Were Having Our Initial Visit At JVC Last…

Brandon took a few pictures when we were having our initial visit at JVC last week. I don’t have any digital pics yet as she is very shy and scared. I’ll try to get some. So there is no danger to my other cats regarding Leukemia, FIV?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico, Recently A New Kitten Found Me. I Took Her To JVC Last Week…

Hi Dr. Magnifico,
Recently a new kitten found me. I took her to JVC last week. She was given a distemper shot. She had fleas. Per her fecal, she was parasite free. When may I introduce her to my other kitties? Thanks for your help!

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
My Puppy (6 Month Lab/curr Mix) Is Terrified Of Strangers. She Barks And Growls Whenever…

My puppy (6 month lab/curr mix) is terrified of strangers. She barks and growls whenever she is exposed to people outside of my family. This behavior started at 3 months. With training and positive exposure, will she ever grow out of it?

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Did this happen in spite of proper socialization?

    Yes, positive training and socialization should get him at least indifferent. At this point, I’d recommend doing that with professional guidance, though, where situations can be fully controlled to keep things below his threshold.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Doggies Get Stressed And Anxiety Too – Here’s Some Natural Help On Today’s “Woof Wednesday…

Doggies get stressed and anxiety too – here’s some natural help on today’s “Woof Wednesday” post

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Hello 7mo Old Siamese Neutered On Fri Will Not Keep Cone On.. Has White Raised…

Hello 7mo old Siamese neutered on Fri will not keep cone on.. Has white raised spot thats black/blue Stopped oral diluted metcam as was prescribed this am & Primary vet not helpful, taking to emergency clinic tonite. What could this be?

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