This kitten should be seen but a vet ASAP. I am worried about a fracture and abscess. These should be treated immediately in a kitten this young.
my cat chunk has been recently having issues with his front paws for the past 2 months. It’s off and on and when I touch his paws he doesn’t wince or cry. He still uses the scratching pad with no issue, but he’s limping and he can no longer jump up on the bed as easily. I’m afraid he may have arthritis. What is a good supplement or something we can get to help him with his joints so he’s strong again! He’s not an elderly cat, I guess you could call him middle aged. Thank you! He’s about 15 lbs
I have kitten that is 10 weeks old. Just recently I noticed him limping on his left front arm, and a swollen ball on his neck It has now gotten big and swollen. What should I do, let me know ASAP plz .
Anyone know what could cause horribly smelly cat poop? I know what normal cat poop smells like, and this is not it! Buford has always had this condition. To make matters worse, he doesn’t cover it, so the smell quickly permeates through the whole house. OMG!!
When I first got him about two years ago (he was a feral adult), I had his poop tested for all parasites including giardia, and it all came up negative. He seems healthy otherwise.
my dog got neutered yesterday and some how managed to get his come off while i was sleeping, I think his stitches may have came open from him licking it but i’m not sure. I’ve put a picture of his incision below. Does it look abnormal?
I just recently changed my 14 month old cat’s dry food but she hasn’t been eating as she used to. Then yesterday i saw there was smear in her bottom and it was brownish orangy i was not sure if there’s blood. Her poops are formed and brown though as usual. This morning poop is the same. But this afternoon she was on my lap and checked her bottom and a small dot of water came out. I wonder if she has diarrhea. She’s been having brownish discharge for about two weeks now too. Also, she’s been shedding since two months ago not sure if thats normal when cat age. What could be wrong? She doesn’t look sick.
Is it normal that the vets want me to amputate my kittens hind left leg due to a small fracture in the hip and a fracture above the knee. I had to take him late at night so it was to an emergency pet clinic and they were so very discouraging about me finding someone to repair his leg. I also never saw the X-ray of the one above the hip and when I asked for the X-rays they did not give them to me told me I had to wait for the vet to release them to me and they sent me the report without the X-rays in the report.
my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and breathe after petting him and he starts purring. His meows are also weird and don’t sound normal and it’s more of just a quiet raspy “ah” sound. He coughs and gags after purring so i try not to pet him for too long but he loves attention and starts purring just by looking at you. He also starts breathing heavy and fast. He constantly has raspy breathing and snores when he sleeps. His vet thinks he may have a polyp does his symptoms sound like a polyp?
my dog had had red skin and was constantly biting and scratching himself and he would get sores where he would scratch so much. He also had some dandruff. I read about it on google and thought it could be a food allergy so i changed his food a while ago and it got better super fast, but he’s still constantly scratching and rolling around and i’m not sure why. His fur is a bit dry and rough so i’m thinking it could be his fur scratching him, i’m not sure. Is there any products or anything at all you would recommend?
We have a 2 year old Jack Russell named Toby. Papers from the breeder say he is registered, but my guess is if we spent the money on a DNA test we would find a stranger in the midst. We love him and wouldn’t trade him for the world but we think he has an addiction! He was not handled by the breeder and probably didn’t know human touch other than when his tail was docked and dew claws removed as a pup until we bought him.
He seems as though he is now addicted to our touch. Any kind of touch. He loves scratches from anyone, anywhere, at any time, and if you stop scratching him, he whines non stop. Could this behavioral issue be due to the lack of early touch? As much as we love this lug, having our hands on him every waking moment isn’t feasible.
I would love to know what we can do to keep him occupied that doesn’t include belly rubs, butt scratches, and tickling his ribs non stop. He has toys he.plays with as well as two other Jack Russell’s to terrorize squirrels in the back yard with, so it’s not a lack of stimulation. Open to suggestions! Oh, and the breeder was breeding pit bulls in the same place with Russell’s and at 30+/- lbs, we are pretty sure dad, well you understand!
Thank you
My 5 year old English Setter has just barking viciously at my 15 year old dog They have gotten sling for the past four years but the past 2 evenings I’ve had to keep them separated. My old dog was just diagnosed with kidney disease.
I think I’d start with a vet check. Medicating without diagnosis can be dangerous, and it’s possible he has an injury you can’t see.