Good morning-
The one time that we had this with one of our cats was many years ago. I wish that the vet we saw them (not who we now see) had kept him for observation and sent us home with better instruction. We ended up having an extremely costly surgery and luckily no recurrence after that. I also researched and changed our litter and we did a diet change. I feel that if our vet at the time had given us better instruction after the first occurrence, as well as had kept him overnight to make sure he was ready to go home, we may possibly have been able to avoid the second visit. I would talk to the vet you are seeing. Ask about diet and litter recommendations. There is a good Rx catfood. Ask for advice on early warning signs to look for. Best of luck.
My niece had Her dog neutered. Is it normal for them not to give out pain meds for that?
Blocked Cat Cannot Urinate after catheter treatment. Brought our boy (age 6) to the vet Friday 9/13/19 He was totally blocked. Vet did catheter and IV overnight. Showed great improvement. Still a bit slow to urinate but peed beautifully (on the toilet bowl–yes he often does this). Vet wanted to keep him for observation while we were at work, but again his urination was only dribbles. He’s back at the vet for 2nd night of overnight catheter again. Any insight?? Vet is saying the slow urine stream/lack of urine is due to inflammation. Then how did he pee so beautifully on Wednesday? Very confused, frustrated, and want our baby back home! Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated Thanks.
My dog had a grape in his mouth and I managed to take it out I don’t know if he ate more but what else can I do he is playing right eating right will he be okay
After many attempts to resolve one of my foster kitten’s URI, I learned about nasopharyngeal polyps and low and behold that was the problem with Lindy. My vet’s team removed the bulk of the polyp behind Lindy’s soft palate with a CO2 laser rather than with traction using forceps, the doctor estimated she removed 90%. I see you have had much experience with these nasty growths. Lindy is a foster and I am getting ready to turn her over to the adoption center to find her forever home. I’m not exactly sure what to write about Lindy’s polyp and what might happen in the future. I hear they can recur. Do you have any advice to give me. Thanks so much.
I have a kitten. She was a stray so I’m assuming she is about 11 months old. She recently has stopped eating, drinking, and can hardly move. Within the past few hours we have noticed there’s a knot that’s came up on this inside of her on her side. Please help. She has an appointment in the morning with the vet but I’m worried sick!
My 4 year old cat had a 3 year rabies shot and a distemper shot at about 11:30AM this morning. It is now 9:25 PM and she is having tremors in her leg muscles. It is NOT a seizure but I’ve never seen muscle tremors like this before. She is also lethargic and not eating too, which I know is fairly normal…I’m just worried about her muscle tremors. Does she need to be seen immediately or is it ok to wait until morning to call the vet?
I prescribe them. But not everyone does. This is something to discuss with your vet. Preferably in advance of the neuter.
I should also add that I give an injectable NSAID to each patient in the morning before their surgery. It lasts 24 hours. Not all pets are painful longer than this. I have found. Cats especially bounce back very quickly.