We let another cat that was a month younger in that box who had the same PU surgery and he had never had complications. He did have his within six months of age (he has Manx size and tail issues they said his urethra was smaller than it should have been and it was necessary or else he would have issues). So I am not a stranger to this surgery and recovery and I know everyone is different.
Had CT done of my cat Lucas due to no resolution of respiratory problems with antibiotics. Here are the results.
Moderate to marked thickening of the roof of the nasopharynx
• Otitis media bilaterally
• Lymphadenopathy left medial retropharyngeal lymph node
The marked thickening of the mucosal lining of the roof of the nasopharynx in conjunction withthe enlarged left medial retropharyngeal lymph node are highly suggestive for neoplastic
, and round cell neoplasia is the top differential diagnosis. Differentials include mast-
cell tumor, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, other. The mucosal thickening of the roof
of the nasopharynx can explain the bilateral otitis media due to mechanical obstruction of the
openings of the auditory tubes into the nasopharynx. A differential to neoplastic infiltration is
marked non-infectious inflammation (e.g. lymphocytic plasmacytic, eosinophilic) or
granulomatous inflammation (e.g. Cryptococcosis) but the later one is considered far less likely
here. The findings are not typical for inflammatory polyps.The bilateral otitis media is explains the history of head tilt and Horner’s syndrome.
Rhinoscopy/retrograde pharyngoscopy is recommended for further evaluation including FNA
sampling and biopsy. FNA sampling of the left medial retropharyngeal lymph node is warranted
as well. The prednisolone treatment may influence results of the samples.
I think all the tests and surgeries that may follow will be out of my budget. Already spent over $1000 to date with no resolution.
Wondering if there are veterinarians who would go in and remove the polyp – appears to be a poly under soft palate – just to give the cat some relief and time.
Opinions and suggestions are welcome.
I rescued a box of kittens that were thrown in a cardboard box wet to die four years ago. My fiancé kept one that we named Stoker (a tuxie that reminded me of Bram Stoker). Three months ago he blocked. We got him in to the emergency vet and transferred him to our regular clinic. Over the last three months he has had nothing but complications from infections of the sutures outside, to irritation and swelling. We finally got the last two outer sutures out at the vet about a month ago and were not charged. However today temperatures soared and he has been panting nonstop. His body temp is 101.9, and I have been wetting him down with a wet wash rag. He then vomited nothing but hair and water (assume from over grooming because of heat). Finally got him in an a/c room and he vomited again. He is twitching in his hind end. I tried to insert a sterile curved syringe into the new opening and cannot get it further than 1/4” so instead of heat stroke I am now worried the hole may have healed over. We have no income as we have both become unemployed. I am desperate for help.
I rescued a box of kittens that were thrown in a cardboard box wet to die four years ago. My fiancé kept one that we named Stoker (a tuxie that reminded me of Bram Stoker). Three months ago he blocked. We got him in to the emergency vet and transferred him to our regular clinic. Over the last three months he has had nothing but complications from infections of the sutures outside, to irritation and swelling. We finally got the last two outer sutures out at the vet about a month ago and were not charged. However today temperatures soared and he has been panting nonstop. His body temp is 101.9, and I have been wetting him down with a wet wash rag. He then vomited nothing but hair and water (assume from over grooming because of heat). Finally got him in an a/c room and he vomited again. He is twitching in his hind end. I tried to insert a sterile curved syringe into the new opening and cannot get it further than 1/4” so instead of heat stroke I am now worried the hole may have healed over. We have no income as we have both become unemployed. I am desperate for help.
My cat just had a litter of kittens and I’ve never seen this before but all of the kittens were born with their eyes wide open, I couldn’t find anything recent on the internet about this, just wondering if anyone knows what could be going on.
I have a cat 10 years of age, Flash. He had a tumor that was detected after he chewed on his privates and was unable to pee. I took him to the vet and was told they had to remove tumor and his male parts. So after spending about 1500.00, a discount because I also had my other cat that cost 500 for shots and fixing and chipped. After about two months my cat once again had issue peeing. I am now told it will cost another $2000 to do another surgery where they will make a knew opening. I am at ends wit because I can’t do another $2000 when thinking the first surgery was to fix the issue. Was something not done correctly the first time? All I am told is that he heals too fast and the tissue is weak and can’t maintian an opening to pee needing a new one.
1 of our 2 orphaned newborn kittens (6 days old of age) started eating less the last 12 hours. Before 3 hours I noticed his right front leg was swollen and took him to vet immediatelly. The vet said it might be broken bone or soft tissue injury but she cant tell or do anything before the kitten reaches 3 weeks. I keep the routine of feeding, cleaning + toilet. Is there anything more I should do?
Thank you
I have an 6 year old ridgeback. she had a hernia op two weeks ago. she got discharged three days after the op with drain. another three days later we took her in for a check up and and her vet wasn’t happy with a hard swelling on her abdomen. he discovered that there was a re-herniation and re-sutured. two days later she developed a seroma. she is still admitted at the veterinary hospital. is this normal healing? i am very worried. When i visit her, she is active and happy, eating well and passing stools and peeing well.
My cat was taken in to the vet in May to treat allergies, difficulty breathing (snoring sounds) and a head tilt. Was given an anti inflammatory, antibiotic (convenia), vitamin b-12, ear drops, and an X-ray. Diagnosed with asthma brought on by allergies. Lungs ok. Three weeks later breathing and itching had improved, but third eyelid started showing.
Vet would not see him and said to go to a specialist.
Took the cat for a second opinion. That vet said we should check for nasal polyps. Was sedated and had an exam of ears and throat. No polyps were visible. Vet felt a small enlarged area under the soft palate, but could not confirm this was a polyp. Head tilting stopped after first visit. Recurred a few days ago. Not present now. Second vet recommended going to a specialist for ct scan. It is cost prohibitive and I’m not sure it is necessary. Third opinion from an online site recommended we try antibiotics for the respiratory issues. Started on one antibiotic today for ten days. And started on purina fortiflora.
Looking for any other advice or experience with issues like this. I’ve never had a cat with these problems.
#cats #nasal #headtilt #respiratory #polyps
Good morning- I’m sorry you’ve been through so much already, and still are having issues. Did you speak candidly with your primary vet already about all of these findings and your wishes? (Meaning the removal of the polyp or at least some relief) That is probably where I would start. I would also make a few phone calls… local rescue organizations that may be willing to help fund your surgery. Or possibly your vet may let you pay a little at a time as you have already paid so much? I hope things get better soon!????????
I agree with Sarah! Ask around to find someone locally to give you affordable options.