Hope she’s doing better now!
Brandon Bachrach
I have 3 cats and have some litter box issues. I used to have the covered boxes, but noticed that one of the cats was peeing outside the box. So I removed all of the lids. The problem seemed to stop, but then started again on occasion. I bought larger boxes, (I have three of them) and the issue still occurs. I finally discovered it was my cat with colitis. She does pee in the box, but gets so close to the edge or stands instead of squats that it goes outside the box. Is she doing this because of the colitis or a behavior issue? perhaps higher sided boxes would help? I keep the areas lined with pee pads, but they are no match for cat urine. Suggestions?
Hi pawbly friends….
One of our GSD, Butch, is in his twilight years, approaching 14. It has been very eventful here with the addition of two new GSD rescues since July, and there have been some scuffles, but everyone is managing great now. All the “teething troubles” seem to have been worked out. When we lost Butch’s best bud, he stopped eating and lost about half of his body weight. The rescues kind of helped put some pep back in his step and he is doing great. He’s still underweight, but not like before. My question is, I’m worried about preventatives. With so much of him gone, I’m afraid to give him his dose of parastar, but I also fear Lyme disease, especially given his age. Being that it isn’t winter, I hate to admit, I haven’t been giving him his dose. Now that spring is around the corner, I am more concerned about ticks because of the warmer weather. Thoughts on preventatives? Should I give a lower dose? Regular dose? Every other month? I’m just worried because he is compromised enough and underweight, but Lyme is also very serious and would be awful for him as well. Any advice is very appreciated. Thanks!
My 6 month old male puppy has been peeing on our house lately. It seems like the past two weeks he has been doing it at least once a day. He didn’t used to do this, or at least not as much. He won’t really let us know he has to go, then will just release on the ground & look like he knows it was wrong. He will only sometimes let us know he has to go (usually for poops). I have recently started letting him have access to water at all times when not in the crate. (I feel like this is why he’s been peeing so much) but he needs to start letting us know in some way that he has to go. Should I start giving him less water in his bowl or start giving him after at certain times until he finally gets it.. I feel very stuck right now & would love to hear some opinions.
In tears over a feral cat that I recently trapped for tnrv; At the vet, a rectal/anal prolapse was repaired. After release , I noticed it has the prolapse is back. He appears gaunt and dying; Hes untrappable at this point because he’s afraid of the trap. Will he slowly die in front of me day by day? Is he sufferring? in pain? Or will he die rapidly from this condition? Without a dart gun, hes untrappable. I thought the vet would have euthanized him to stop his suffering, but I’m at a loss at what I can do. The vet said to bring him in as soon as possible; but he’s Feral for God’s sake! You don’t get a second chance to trap a feral cat. Once bitten twice shy. Help! any ideas? Kristen Magnifico directed me here. Shes so compassionate. Thank u all!!!
For more information on this subject please see these credible resource pages;
ACVS Nasopharyngeal Polyps; https://www.acvs.org/small-animal/nasopharyngeal-polyps