At that age, I’d worry she isn’t well. Did you get her to the vet after it happened?
When I take Holly to be groomed or to the Vet and lift her onto the table, not a peep out of her. However when she asks to be lifted onto the bed(she sleeps with me) she growls like mad. Why is this when she so obvously wants to get up. She can jump up when it suits her.
My cat fell into the pool last week. She is fine, however yesterday I saw that she pooped on the attic floor instead of the litter box. Could she still be traumatized by the swimming pool incident? She is 18 years old.
Has anyone had a kitty that developed an autoimmune disease where their body attacks the plaque on the teeth causing extreme pain and inability to eat? I have 2 now that have developed it and have had to have all their teeth extracted. I’m having such a difficult time making sure they get the nutrition they need. Looking for sugggetikns and possibly an explanation as to why this happens to cats. I just want to make sure I’m not doing anything that caused it.
my french bulldog is scooting, Scratching, and barking at butt what could be wrong she has also developed hives from soap allergy about a week ago could that be the issue
Is it okay to let my puppy play outside in the yard while I’m housebreaking him or should I limit his outside time to potty only? He really loves to be outside and run around.
My cat loves to walk along the edges of our swimming pool and drink the water puddles ( even when we provide fresh water for her). Today she fell in the pool. Fortunately I was standing nearby and heard her trying to get out. We dried her with two warm towels and placed her inside. She is still shaken up but she is eating and drinking normally. Is there anything else that I should do?
Jayden Cihlar The truth is this happens a lot and could just be anxiety acting up. The cat could have been so used to not falling in that when she did she got in she was startled. The best way to determine this is if the type of cat is known to have anxiety issues. If she still shakes after a few days then maybe you would want to go to the vet. Hope it’s better soon!
Hi pawbly friends-
I was just walking my dogs and we came across a crow. It is somehow injured, though I don’t really know what is wrong with it, other than it seems unable to fly. It flaps both wings, and can run away from us. I put the boys in a sir stay, and scooped the bird up carefully. He/she is resting in a paper- lined box on my front porch at the moment as I am really not sure at all what to do.
1 year old cat left home alone for one day (not unusual for her). When owners camehome she was very clingy and needed to sleep in primary owners lap. As she would sleep her head would suddenly drop down and she seemed to have slower heavier breathing. After sleeping off and on for a few hours she began to get very aggressive especially towards male owner. Has also been moving head erratically and seems to shake head when moving it. Will only eat if food is on the floor and out of the bowl and has shown irregular signs of back pain sometimes being sensitive and sometimes not at all.
How much medication at the same time without damaging the bodytoo much?
So, we have a group of 22 kittens (6 months) and 2 mothers. All are treatet for ringworm (Microsporum Canis) and in 3 days are finished (only 8 showed symptoms, but since they all had contact, all had to be treated).
They were treated with Itraconazole (1 week treatment, 1 week break, 1 week treatment, another 1 week break and a last week treatment). Additionally they were bathed 1 once a week in Enilconazole.
Some of them are treated with marbocyl for cat flu right now (most likely Calici).
Additional they were tested positive for giardia and worms (Toxocaridae?) last friday after most of them developed bad diarrhea that smelled incredibly bad.
For the Giardia they get treated with Metronidazole (twice a day).
Fenbendazole is not an option, as it doesn’t help anymore most of the time.
So now I still need deworm them and make a flea treatment (as they have also fleas). I don’t want to do worm and flea medication at the same day – as that would mean that at least the ones with cat flu would get 5 medications at the same time.
Only two more days till the ring worm treatment is finished, so I thought of doing flea treatment the following day and deworming the day after that to spread the treatment a little.
Some of them are clearly not well right now, so while I would normally deflea/deworm at the same time, I’m a bit hesitant here.
What do you think?
What I have to add – one of the kittens died this morning without known reason. It was not extremly thin or dehydrated and acted normal when I saw it the first time this morning. When a collegue wanted to clean their room she called me because it would lie on the floor and couldn’t move. (I was like 20 meters away in another room) She said it made strange noises and lost poo (diarrhea). When I arrived it was already gone. The hair on his tail was poofed up, eyes/pupils wide, but no heart beat and breathing. I tried to bring it back, but without success.
It had no signs of being extremly sick. It was not affected by ringworm itself and hat no catflu. It had diarrhea, but ate well. It played, was active and so on. It showed no signs of liver problems (as Itraconazole could cause that) like yellow skin.
No one has seen what happened. I was thinking that it may has fallen off a wooden layer that are left and right to the door, right beneath the windows. The cats like to sit in it and look out the windows or wait for someone to come inside. But those are only like 1,20m in height.
So I’m even more worried that all those medicaton already was too much for that one :(.
I have a 13 week old puppy. He’s been fine but he just threw up his food and now he’s quivering. He’s urinating fine and he had a good bowel movement not too long ago. I’m concerned. What should I do?
Have you mentioned this to your vet? It may just be the way that you happen to,lift her, but there also may be an underlying cause. It also may be an unwanted learned behavior that you need to un-teach. I would first talk to the vet and rule out anything from that perspective. After that, if all,is well, I would start to retrain for a more desired behavior. Good luck!
Many thanks. Any tips to help me retrain her re this?
I always suggest people go back to the very basics with training. Make sure you are both communicating in the same way and understand each other. And also understand that she is trying to tell you something. Some part of this routine causes her pause and hesitation. You may need a trainer to come to the house. Or video tape the occurrence and go over it with your trainer. Often I find clients don’t see the situation the way I do and often they are unknowingly and unintentionally part of the predicament. Find a poster reinforcement trainer and start over again. Gently and patiently and positively. Good luck