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Pawbly | 8 years ago
This Is My 6 1/2 Month Old Blue Heeler. I’m Worried He Might Have Something…

This is my 6 1/2 month old blue heeler. I’m worried he might have something wrong with his, i could be over reacting but if i dont check i’ll feel pretty guilty. Not the best pictures but basically his right eye (our left) has a few differences than the other. You can always see his sclera in that one eye. The bottom eye lid seems droop ever so slightly lower, when he looks up at you it drifts a little bit to the wrong direction almost like a lazy eye but not severe. It also appears to be a little further set back than the other eye and when u pull his eye lid down he has a curved black mark coming off the colored part of his eye and redness. I took many other pictures but just realized you can only upload one?
Not sure if this also has something to do with it but he is very itchy all the time. No fleas at all no hot spots. Was started on prednisone which worked on 2 pills a day but as soon as he was down to 1 a day hes back to itchy all over and rubbing his eyes.
He also had an overbite which maybe is affecting the face where his eye is? Not sure.

2 Responses


  1. amooshroom .

    Everytime i tried adding a picture it said error

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hi There My Hamster Isabella She Is About 5 Months Old. This Moring She Was…

Hi there my hamster Isabella she is about 5 months old. This moring she was acting still put had her cheek full of food I came home and she was like not moving but her nose was going, I took her to my mom and my mom put her in a towel because my mom though my room was too cold and after a couple mins she started acting fine and now she’s running around but her eyes were a little blood but now she’s acting normal I read up on hibernation and it kinda sounded like that could be it?

2 Responses


  1. Brandi Hine

    Please help someone she’s acting normal now kind
    Of, biting cage and was
    In her food bowl, was it because it was to cold for her? Just worried don’t want to lose my hamster, she is drinking, she didn’t want to eat the second time I found her the first time her cheeks were full and at first she didn’t want nothing only she took was a peanut. Tried carrots and cucumber didn’t want them. After she was in towel for a few
    Mins she came back into it, her eyes did have like blood on them? She’s very young yet. Such a sweet hamster does bite or potty on you. Just want to
    Make sure
    It’s nothing seriously please anything will help thank you

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
It Started With Dog Not Eating For 2 Days.then It Started Vomiting Watery Mucous …

It started with dog not eating for 2 days.then it started vomiting watery mucous , rl was given to it day after and again 1 day after with antibiotics.but iit started vomiting white foam and has done black poop 2-3 cant even stand up on its own., Is very lethargic and doesnt seem to hav much time..plz help

1 Response


  1. Thunder Alam

    Digestive problem . You may feed him digestive medicines for dog. If it doesn’t work , then you should visit doctor.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have 2 Kitten’s Had 4 About 2 1/2 Months 1 Of Each Sex…

I have 2 kitten’s had 4 about 2 1/2 months 1 of each sex not fixed yet could this be part of the problem. Brenda Olson

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Please check your original question here, and please keep all additional, related questions to your original post so we’re not hopping all over the place to connect the dots. 🙂

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Why Is My 4 Year Old Male Cat Spraying Me When We’re Both In The…

Why is my 4 year old male cat spraying me when we’re both in the bathroom

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    That’s odd!  My guess is he’s stressed and is showing his stress.  I saw your other post about the kittens…is HE neutered?  Do you have 4 litterboxes (one per cat plus one)?  Are those litterboxes VERY clean?

    Bringing in new animals cause upheaval in a home, even if you do it the right way with slow introductions.  ASSUMING HE IS IN GOOD HEALTH, and assuming you’ve had him checked since this started, I’d suggest picking up some feliway from petsmart or petco.  I’d also prevent him from going into the bathroom with you.

  2. Brenda Olson

    Yes Bell is neutered kitten’s aren’t yet so ? Is how to keep the kitten out of his box Laura he was at the vet for shots about month ago clean 3 boxes out 1-2. x’s a day. Thanks for responding Laura.

  3. Anonymous

    Like I said: try Feliway. I’d also give him some personal time with you (away from the bathroom) – this COULD be his way of claiming you.

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Ciara Hillis | 8 years ago
My 8 Month Old Female Small Breed Dog Is Usually Very Hyper And Loving, But…

My 8 month old female small breed dog is usually very hyper and loving, but this morning I noticed that she was acting different; puking up foam, diarrhea, and not wanting to move around much, as the day went on, it was straight blood HELP

1 Response


  1. Thunder Alam

    In case of Puking Foam , Her digestive system isn’t good. But blood is coming?!?? She got a stomach cancer. Keep calm and visit a vet as soon as possible if you want to save her.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Cat Has A Very Bad Abscess On His Head. Was Sick For A Few…

My cat has a very bad abscess on his head. Was sick for a few days before we realized. A drain tube was installed about 30 hours ago. Lots of drainage still. Cat not very responsive, eyes not opening to look at me, mostly laying in one spot. As far as i can tell, he’s only getting up to urinate in the box. He drank some water last night. Had a very very small bite of food but hasn’t really eaten for days. Is this normal now that the tube is installed? He was given fluids and a antibiotic shot. I feel like the infection, not the antibiotics, is winning the battle. How long before I see progress or need to take him back to the vet? I’m thinking we should go back tomorrow 48 hours after having the tube installed if he’s still like this. Thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I agree, I’d get him in today.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 24 Hour Old Kitten Who Was Born With What Looks Like A…

I have a 24 hour old kitten who was born with what looks like a sack filled thing on its head its coming out of the head from the skin and on the top of it, it has a string type thing coming out on top of it.

2 Responses


  1. Ashley Byrd

    Thanks for your reply. We have an appointment tomorrow to see the vet

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My 5 Yr Old House Cat Won’t Stop Urinating On My Bed And I Don’t…

My 5 yr old house cat won’t stop urinating on my bed and I don’t know why

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    For how long has this gone on?

    This could be medical.  Have you taken your cat in to check for a UTI?  If not, this should be step 1.  Take a fresh urine sample with you, if possible.

    This could also be behavioral.  Is your cat stressed?  Do you have two or more litterboxes (one per cat plus one), and does your cat use any of them?  Have you tried different litter types?  Has your schedule changed suddenly, or is someone new in your life?  Could your cat be bored?  Do you use room sprays and scents that might bother him?  Do you have other animals in your home, and could any of them be picking on him?  How about people – do you live with any other people, and could they be harassing or otherwise mistreating him when you’re not around?

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
She Does Not Have Worms Or Fleas. Her Skin Doesn’t Look Irritated And She Has…

She does not have worms or fleas. Her skin doesn’t look irritated and she has been eating the same food since we have had her. I was just wondering what this could be and what I could do about it to help her hair.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    It could be mange.  Get her to the vet for a skin scrape to determine the cause.

  2. Ashley Schauner

    I read that mange is contagious and I have 3 other dogs. None of them losing hair like her. Do you think it could be her losing her puppy hair to grow in the adult hair?

  3. Anonymous

    There are two types of mange.

    Bald patches are not normal.