Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. The blood spatter was on the outside of the litter box. I could see no traces of blood in her urine. Is it okay if I just observe her for 24 hours ?
He’s a 3 month old male who lives alone is happy and tame but I left him with family for a week and came back to this. It keeps getting larger as well.
This morning I went to clean my cat’s litter box and found little droplets of blood on the litter box liner, She is drinking normally, however she does seem to be straining to defecate. Otherwise she is roaming around normally.
My roommates feel that he’s really on edge. They don’t feel confident in taking care of him in this state. I really don’t know what to do. There are cat sitting services in the area however they require a home visit and for me to be there. I’m on another continent at the moment….
Hi I have a pitt bull female that had been in a fight with our other pitt bull female had to take her to the vet she gave us antibiotics gave her a ivy and a shot to bring her fever down that was about three weeks ago then she was better she yesterday has been in another fight left leg just bitten up but elbow wide open in places we did everything the vet told us to and gave her antibiotics again yesterday so she doesn’t get a infection but her leg is swollen today is that okay I took her temp she doesn’t have one and she is eating and drinking
Brittany sullivan I just need some advice help n e thing..
Andrea Cox Advice is to get this animal the hell away from any other animal for a very long time. You are the responsible party here and you managed to get your injured dog in another fight!
Brittany sullivan No it’s my brothers dog and my dog it’s mom and daughter
Brittany sullivan I am asking for dog owners no I did not manage to let them get in a fight they got in a fight cause randomly they don’t get along
PK Dennis Take her back to the vet to make sure she is getting enough meds, etc.
Females will fight to the death. It is your responsibility to make sure these dogs NEVER have an opportunity to fight again.
Anonymous And why are you allowing them to coexist? You should be crating and rotating which dog is out at any given time. It is YOURS and your brother’s job to prevent this from happening.
PK Dennis I have to point out that there is NOTHING RANDOM about why and when dogs fight. You are just not experienced enough to spot what is setting these 2 off. Are they both spayed? Do it if the answer is no. Until you can get a behaviorist in to spot the problem, and train YOU and your family in how to fix it you have to keep these girls apart. If you can’t afford a behaviorist that will come to your home to work with you then you have to find a new home for one of these dogs. Seriously.
Why does our new puppy (12 weeks old) eat his own poop? How can I stop yhat?
Anonymous Clean it up IMMEDIATELY. Redirect when he starts to eat it. Don’t leave him in the yard by himself and supervise closely (you should do this anyway). I would talk with your vet to make sure he’s eating a proper diet for his breed and age, as well.
PK Dennis This is just something that puppies do, especially if they come from puppy mills.
The only thing that truly works is getting to the poop before he does. Take him out to poo on a leash and move him away from h I should stool before he can eat it, and then pick up and dispose of it so it isn’t available later.
He will most likely grow out of this behavior.
My kitten is 5 weeks old and is very weak and has no energy like the other 3 kittens i tbink she is dying please help
I got a 9 week old kitten, and she has been diagnosed with a calcium deficiency. She has mouth drops from the vet, but is sleeping a lot a walking very weakly. What is the recovery time and what should I expect? I’m so worried.
My 1 year old cat has been diagnosed with FLUTD last night. They gave her fluids and a pain med, along with prazopan (is that right?) I haven’t noticed her having went pee yet since they empties her bladder…. Is this something I should be concerned about?
– I went to the vet’s office to purchase my dog’s monthly Trifexis on the 2nd, as usual. (He takes them on the 3rd.)
– They referred me to their new service through an online pet pharmacy, and I ordered that day.
– It’s taken 10 days, and the tracking says it’s finally supposed to get here today.
– I contacted said online pet pharmacy to ask if it was safe to give a dose that late, and they said to call my vet.
– I called the vet’s office and got a receptionist.
Me: “The Trifexis is coming today. Should I give it to him?”
Her: “It’s probably okay, but it’s your risk.”
Me: “Risk of what?”
Her: “Well, he could have gotten bitten by a mosquito…”
Me: “So, that means…?”
Her: “It’s probably okay. Maybe just come in and give him Heartgard.”
Me: “Would that be safe?”
Her: “I think so”
Me: “Could he go back to Trifexis next month?”
Her: “Heartgard is 30 days.”
Me: “It wouldn’t have any adverse effects?”
Me: “I wouldn’t think so.”
I feel like I’m getting the runaround, and my vet is unavailable, so I’d really appreciate some insight here. Thank you!
PK Dennis Sorry you got the runaround! Of course it is safe to give your dog the Trifexis, even though it is 10 days late. Some people give their heartworm preventatives every 45 days. This is no longer recommended because the heartworm cure manufacturer is having difficulty keeping up with demand so it is safer to stick with the 30 day protocol now. But if you do your research on the lifecycle of the heartworm you will see for yourself that being 10 days late one time is not going to lead to a crisis.
Carrie Butler Thank you, PK! That makes me feel a lot better.
PK Dennis Carrie, just to be clear the drugs can only easily kill the L3 and L4 stages of heartworm. Stage L5 occurs about 30 to 35 days after the infected mosquito bites the dog. So if your dog was bitten by an infected mosquito 36 days before you dose your dog this time – there is the possibility that an adult worm survives the pesticide and in 6 months to a year your dog will pop positive for heartworm (it takes that long for the adult worm to register in the tests). So, be sure to have your dog tested annually for heartworm (I am sure you do this! You must be a good mom to even ask these questions). And the chance that your dog was bitten by an infected mosquito in Ohio in that window of opportunity (36 to 40 days ago) is pretty small.
Carrie Butler You are a godsend, PK. This information helps more than you know. He has an annual check-up each May, so we will be sure to stay on top of it. Thank you SO much! 🙂
My dog is acting very lethargic, has a loss of appetite, wobbles when walks or stands, wobbles head while sitting down, and is drooling excessively. Any suggestions? She is one year old and is a cockapoo.
He is a fancy mouse btw.
I’m sorry, Charlie, but the picture didn’t upload. If your mouse has any sudden physical or behavioral changes, he should be seen by your vet.