My vet is on Christmas vet. She was the one that told me to give him the children’s benadryl. My groomer told me to use the spray. It has gotten better but it still looks bad. I’m just worried about the not eating part. I don’t know if it’s the medicine or something else.
Grizz is currently undergoing his first relapse of puppy strangles and is back to 10 mg of Pred a day in addition to 3 antibiotics. Although he did not have the common symptoms he was diagnosed with puppy strangles on Nov 31 and began aggressive steroid treatment two days later. During his initial onset of the strangles he did have swollen joints while in the hospital (although I’m not sure how many on which specifically were swollen). On the morning of Thursday 17, we woke up to find Grizz favoring his front left paw, no swelling at the time. Took him to the vet and they felt he was undergoing his first relapse (he also had a fever). Later that day he began to put pressure on the paw and continued to do so, now he is even running on it. The swelling began on Friday the 18 and has not gotten bigger or smaller than the initial onset. He does not seem to be in pain, no shivering, favoring, fever or reaction when I touch or try to bend the joint.
Any ideas what this could be or is it just related to the strangles and it needs more time for the Pred to reach this joint. He has an appointment on Monday if the swelling does not go down. We are already financially stretched out because of his week stay in the hospital (only four days after rescuing him from the SPCA) so I’m hoping and praying he won’t need an MRI, CAT scan, or X ray. if anyone has any idea what this could be, I would so appreciate it. I’m currently icing the joint for ten minutes every few hours. Poor guy has gone through so much in his short time here.
Grizz is currently undergoing his first relapse of puppy strangles and is back to 10 mg of Pred a day in addition to 3 antibiotics. Although he did not have the common symptoms he was diagnosed with puppy strangles on Nov 31 and began aggressive steroid treatment two days later. During his initial onset of the strangles he did have swollen joints while in the hospital (although I’m not sure how many on which specifically were swollen). On the morning of Thursday 17, we woke up to find Grizz favoring his front left paw, no swelling at the time. Took him to the vet and they felt he was undergoing his first relapse (he also had a fever). Later that day he began to put pressure on the paw and continued to do so, now he is even running on it. The swelling began on Friday the 18 and has not gotten bigger or smaller than the initial onset. He does not seem to be in pain, no shivering, favoring, fever or reaction when I touch or try to bend the joint.
Any ideas what this could be or is it just related to the strangles and it needs more time for the Pred to reach this joint. He has an appointment on Monday if the swelling does not go down. We are already financially stretched out because of his week stay in the hospital (only four days after rescuing him from the SPCA) so I’m hoping and praying he won’t need an MRI, CAT scan, or X ray. if you, or anyone, has any idea what this could be, I would so appreciate it. I’m currently icing the joint for ten minutes every few hours. Poor guy has gone through so much in his short time here.
He’s not eating now, but he has been drinking water. he has also been whining and barking a lot more lately. He is also sleeping a lot more. He has really gotten roudy and growly. He has also been tearing up and sometimes eating his training pads.
Hi there, I am concerned as my cats urine has been smelling more strongly over ammonia over the past week or so. The strong smell is present when she urinates and defecates and I am worried this may be a symptom of an underlying health problems. Other than that she appears healthy, comfortable. She drinks a lot of water and eats regularly.
Any advice would be appreciated.
my kitten eyes a glued with a substance that is white and looks like snout, i flush their eyes with running water that helps temporarily what could be wrong? They are two weeks old.
Since then the kitten has been playing with me, eating and drinking, his poop looks like it looked before. Should I expect something bad to happen? It looks more or less like that
Anonymous I AM NOT A VET, but in your situation i think i’d wait and see. i don’t think there’s anything inherently toxic in water found in a dehumidifier.
Anna Nowak Thank you 🙂 Do you maybe know how long can it take for symptoms to appear? He still seems fine and energetic
Anonymous that i don’t know, but i’d just keep an eye on behavior, urinating, defecating, eating, drinking, etc. for a day or two, then i wouldn’t even bother worrying.
Anna Nowak Thank you so much again!
My dog Candy is infested with fleas. I had found a home remedy for it that used vinegar and something else. Do you know of any?
What should I do when my puppy was throwing up all morning and now she is drooling everywhere. She won’t eat or drink anything and she is barely moving on her own. Please help me figure out how to help her!
My kitten swallowed a string and she has been throwing up and trying to get it out but she only has part of it out. the string is long and right now she’s pooping some bloody substance. what do I do?
Just a couple hours ago I came home and my dog was normal, or so he seemed, a couple minutes later he went to hide under a chair in my room and wouldnt come out, I offered him a treat and he wouldnt take it, he always does. I then took him for a walk which he was excited for but not as excited as normal. The entire walk he would slow down and speed up and did not pee or poop once. Then when I brought him back he went back to hiding and stayed down there, when I was in the shower he peed in the kitchen and the other bathroom but a small amount both times. He layed under there for another two hours and when I saw him in the hallway he stopped and I thought he was fine because he was walking around normally then suddenly he stopped curled up his tail and peed as if it was unintentional and when he walked back to his hiding spot he was leaking the entire way back to just lay down.
What else do you think it could be? Could the puppy strangles be a misdiagnoses from the start? He had a high fever, pimple looking blister on his sheath, mucous in his eyes, swollen face, lymph node, and joints and was was reacting to the steroids until day 6 of the initial taper dose (7.5 mg). If something was injured wouldn’t he be in pain?
Thank you for your prompt response!
Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that when we took him to the Vet a board verified orthro surgeon looked at him and felt that he may be having an angular deformity that may have been caused from the swelling from the initial on set of the strangles which affected the bone. He said it could get worse or better has he grows. But there’s nothing to worry about now since he’s not in pain and still growing.
So far so good on the second attempt to lower the prednisone.
Thank you for your help!