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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Had 5 Puppies All Were Born In Their Sacs Breech. My Husband And I…

she had 5 puppies all were born in their sacs breech. my husband and I had to break their sacs and get them to breathe because she wasn’t doing it and had no interest in pups till last one was born. this is her first litter and one of the pups died at 2 days. shes been a good mom, fed and cleaned them well. she eats a lot but I noticed shes drinking more water than she ever has. some days she just lays around like she doesn’t feel well and others shes her old spunky self. any idea what could be going on?

2 Responses


  1. Vicki Hamill

    What can I add…take the advice of the Vet from this website !!

  2. Ashley jenkins

    thank you for answering, i took her to the vet. he said she didn’t have a fever a doesn’t have any abnormal discharge as far as he could tell. he didn’t seem too concerned at all, but he doesn’t know my dog like i do. i really feel there is something wrong. the pups are now 9 weeks old and arent really nursing anymore. when i let her out to play they basically attack her and try to nurse but i pull them off her and she growls and nips at them. but I noticed that after they do actually nurse a bit is when it seems like she doesn’t feel well. ive done research, gone to the vet and contacted other vets all with no answers. i don’t know what else to do

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
When I Pick Up My Cat And Hold Her She Usually Will Bat Or Scratch…

When I pick up my cat and hold her she usually will bat or scratch at you and want down, but this time I picked her up she looked me straight in the eye and close her eyes like she’s scared. What should I do? What does that mean?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    are you sure it’s fear?  cats will slowly close their eyes when looking at people they trust, and it’s their way of showing their trust for that person.

  2. Erica Jermanus

    The one time I picked her up and she scratched me I yelled at her and said bad. And I think now when I pick her up it’s like she knows not to do it again so I think there is some trust too since we have had her for 6 years.

  3. Erica Jermanus

    Alright thank you for your input much appreciated and I will try those helpful tips! And she might be not feeling well at times the weather changes her moods and sleep patterns… have a great weekend

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi Doctor,

I Need Help Which Is Perhaps Very Late But Even Though I Want…

Hi Doctor,

I need help which is perhaps very late but even though i want to know something serious.

Recently last Sunday i lost my son he was German Shepherd 3 yrs only.
Since last week Wednesday he wasn’t eating we took him to one vet care in but that doctor without taking his blood sample. Just gave him injection course of antibiotic for three days when we told him that what happened he said nothing just insect bite. Which i had a doubt on second day again we told that he hasn’t eaten anything please examine he didn’t just gave him injection.

He said that he is OK on last day we also told him that he is not eating and his poop was red and sticky he ignored it. Suddenly on Saturday night around 20:00pm he started showing neurological signs we cried badly we called that doctor he didn’t pick up .

We rushed our boy to other Vet but unfortunately he tried level best to save him but his body was having no fluid and he died on Sunday.

Please help me into this matter what made that we lost him he was very strong. PLEASE HELP ME so that i can know what made him to die.


Thanks and Regards,

13 Responses


  1. julie brader

    I am so sorry your dog went through this, you must be devastated to have lost him in this traumatic way.

    If you want to take this further then I suggest you write to the Organization who deals with Veterinary Complaints in your Country. I’m in the UK so don’t know who it is, but I’m sure you will find them online. 

    You would need to send all the notes/invoicss from the Vet who dealt with him and also possibly a Report from the last Vet you took him to. 

    It is really not ethical for us to comment about this on here. However, I am very sad this has happened to your dog. My thoughts are with you. 

  2. Ankeet Bhatt

    Dear Julie .
    Thanks for your valuable reply and yes it is very traumatic for us even we are hiding it to our dad who is in his business trip to India he loved him alot I don’t know what to do once he come should we tell him because he is a diabetic patient

  3. Anonymous

    did you get a necropsy done?  that’s the only real way to determine what caused the death of your dog.

    i am very sorry for your loss.  it hurts, when we lose them young.  i know your pain – i lost a puppy to a birth defect a couple of years ago and it still hurts to think of him.  please give yourself time to grieve.  if you truly feel the vet didn’t do everything he could to save your dog, then yes, contact the governing body in your country.  if your location is correct, and you’re in Tanzania, here’s the website:

  4. Ankeet Bhatt

    Thank you so much Laura for your kind words and concerns also thanks for giving me the link of website

  5. Anonymous

    this is going to sound really, really weird, but…if you have grief counseling in your area, consider it. it was one of the best things for me. it really helped me deal with the death of my puppy. he was my first dog, and the suddenness of it was such a shock to the system that i really didn’t know what i was going to do or how i was going to recover.

    i wish you solace, Ankeet.

  6. Shirin Sepehrara

    I’m so sorry for your loos.I’m just Pomeranian owner and don’t have enough experience about dog.But I had same disaster and I just want to sympathy with u.
    My 3th months Pomeranian died 5 months ago. He had same signs (red poo.don’t eat.throw out some foam from his noise)soooooo bad and I just cry all of the time.That was distemper one of the worst and deadly dog’s illness.His vet did any things he can.2 midnight we keep him in ICU.some nights use pulmotor .I tried to help him and I believed he could survive But he Could’t he died and made me lonley..
    I’m so sorry abou it 🙁

  7. julie brader

    Counselling helped me too Laura though my boy was 16 and had always been there. Its very hard to deal with.

  8. julie brader

    Honestly is always the best policy Ankeet. If you dad your dog died for another reason you will have a lifetime of keeping a secret from him. You did all you could it wasn’t your fault. I lost a puppy from our last litter due to a Vets mistakes and the nurse who was looking after her. The Vet admitted it and paid compensation…but it didn’t bring her back. I do know how you feel and I would take Laura’s advice and seek counselling to talk it through. It does help. Thinking of you x

  9. Ankeet Bhatt

    Well I can’t know if it’s too late to examine his body because he died on sunday 30th Aug 2015 now I don’t know if it’s body will be ok or not if yes then I will go for examining the body so that the other Vet who gave injection should be stopped from practising his services he is not a qualified one I think so .

  10. Ankeet Bhatt

    Well I can’t know if it’s too late to examine his body because he died on sunday 30th Aug 2015 now I don’t know if it’s body will be ok or not if yes then I will go for examining the body so that the other Vet who gave injection should be stopped from practising his services he is not a qualified one I think so .

  11. julie brader

    I’ve just read the article and agree with it too Laura. I’ve felt that grief myself and its easily as deep if not deeper than losing a family member. I’m feeling it agajn through my dear friend who has just lost her Great Dane from bone cancer. I wish i could help her through it but its your own private hell of pain.

  12. Anonymous

    people who say “it’s just a dog” or “it’s just a cat” or hell, “it’s just a turtle” really don’t understand. and i pity them. they’ve never experienced that kind of love or grief.

    there needs to be more dialog about the grief that comes with losing a pet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
We Have 3 Two Week Old Kittens. The Mother Died. We Have Been Feeding Them…

We have 3 two week old kittens. The mother died. We have been feeding them kitten milk from Walmart but they are not having bowl movements. What can we do to ensure these kittens live ??

1 Response


  1. Joe Mccollum

    Some kittens this young need to be stimulated to dedicate and or urinate. This is most probably caused by lack of proper nutrients. Carry these kittens to your vet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi There!

My Cat, Stella, Is Seeming To Have A Hard Time Passing A Hairball…

Hi there!

My cat, Stella, is seeming to have a hard time passing a hairball. She will have a coughing fit and then lay down and moan and breathe loudly for about 10-45 minutes after her fit, purr and then go to sleep.

I’ve tried giving her hairball assistance treats but it hasn’t seemed to work. She just can’t seem to get the hairball out. Is there anything I can do to help her?


1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Briar,

    I am sorry your cat is having such difficulties.  Because she is having breathing problems (and for such a long time) it is probably best to go to the vet and get some additional help.  I hope she feels better soon!


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hello, My Kitten Is About To Become 1 Year Old Now, She Has Had Several…

Hello, my kitten is about to become 1 year old now, she has had several health issues that stopped recently and last was a gastro anteritis ( kept vomiting and got dehydrated) that started just around the time I changed her food from Burns to Orijen kitten (about 2 weeks later). I have her on Burns again now as recommended by my vet until she’s 1yo and am considering changing for a grain free food however I am not sure which one to chose. I do consider trying Orijen again however the protein level in that food is much higher than the level she is on right now. My cat is an exotic shorthair neutered female. Here are my 3 choices for the new food:

Would you be able to give me some advise or personal opinion?

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Zee, 

    I am sorry your kitten wasn’t feeling well.  I am not an expert on food so sorry I can’t help there.  Has your vet run all the basic diagnostics already: ran a fecal and blood sample to rule out a medical problem before changing the diet?  Maybe the root of the problem is not the food.  You could ask your vet about seeing a specialist too.  I hope your kitten feels better soon!


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cats Tower Is Brand New, & Very Light Colored That I Can Actually See…

my cats tower is brand new, & very light colored that i can actually see adult fleas burrowing into the fabric. Iv been constantly vacuuming it too.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Female Pit Bull Pup And I Don’t Know Why Bit She Eats…

I have a female pit bull pup and I don’t know why bit she eats sticks chuncks of wood I clean the yard get anything that’s wood out and then she eats on our trees why does she eat them please help

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Puppies, like babies test things with their mouths especially if teething.

    You do need to watch her though if she swallowed a peice of wood it could cause all sorts of serious problems. Try and distract her with a toy or a treat…..hopefully she will grow out of it. You could train her not to chew wood too….you’d have to catch her in the act…..calmly and firmly say NO get her to come to you, lots of praise and a treat. Its not too soon for calm sensible training. 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old German Shepard He Is Slowing Down A Lot Sometimes…

I have a 12 year old German Shepard he is slowing down a lot sometimes won’t eat other times won’t stop eating .he is feeling very thin drinks well eyes bright and alert,coat in good condition is it normal for him to feel so thin

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    when was his last exam with bloodwork?  if he hasn’t been in a while, now’s the time.

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Vicky Lowdermilk | 10 years ago
My Siam. Is Licking Alot Pulls Out Hair On Her Belly And Under The Bind…

my siam. is licking alot pulls out hair on her belly and under the bind in there front paws

1 Response
