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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Is There Any Home Remedies Or Any Other Way I Can Treat My Three Month…

Is there any home remedies or any other way I can treat my three month old puppy with after he ate half or less than half of a 10 mg baclofen pill?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Our 8 Week Old Puppy Had A Diet Change This Morning From Dry Food To…

Our 8 week old puppy had a diet change this morning from dry food to wet food for the first time. She has full energy and there has been no change in mood but she has been urinating more than usual, is this normal?

1 Response


  1. Amy Morley

    Thanks Krista, I will get her to the vet’s.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have Approx 30 500mg Tetracycline For People On Hand. Plan 2 Take A 1st…

I have approx 30 500mg tetracycline for people on hand. Plan 2 take a 1st am urine sample trying to find a way 2 come up with a slide+cover, mineral oil &new methylene blue have access 2 good microscope & a former vet asst friend & I’m willing to go without food 4 me to care for my Billy help plz

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 5 Year Old Beagle Seems To Have The Symptoms Of Lazy Tail Syndrome…

My 5 year old beagle seems to have the symptoms of lazy tail syndrome. She is eating, drinking and using the bathroom properly but is not wagging her tail and holding it up. Whay can I do for her until payday

1 Response


  1. Angie Pearce

    I think my Brook got hers after her bath. We went for a walk and she rolled around on the grass like she normally does after her bath. But I was wondering…what if her tail wasn’t fully dry and the cold from the ground together… could that cause her problem. Everything was fine shortly after that but then she went to sleep for a while and when she got up that’s when I noticed her licking at her tail. I tried to touch it but she yelped. I went
    on line and got some information. I just want
    to be sure.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Drinking X Amount Of Water. But Throwing It Up Wit Little White Pieces In It…

Drinking x amount of water. But throwing it up wit little white pieces in it. Standing or sitting in 1 spot. Not interacting wit anyone. Breathing fine. & after he drinks he drolls alot too. Which is not like him at all.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    throwing up little white pieces?

    find anything missing lately?  sounds like your dog might have eating something he shouldn’t have, and now has an obstruction.  i’d get to an emergency vet – something like this can’t wait for morning.

  2. Anonymous

    this is an awful plan. water is more necessary than food to live. restrict water and you could cause even further problems.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cat Has Been Dragging Her Rear And Licking It Excessively. She Has Not Responded…

My cat has been dragging her rear and licking it excessively. She has not responded to deworm medicine or more liquid in her diet (incase of constipation). I noticed a white discharge from her vagina. She is fixed and about 7yrs old.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
When He Is Having These Episodes He Will Walk Clockwise BUT He Will Still Try…

When he is having these episodes he will walk clockwise BUT he will still try walk to him food/bed etc. And if we give him back rubs he will still wag his tail like usual. I noticed he had one tonight and he eventually found his bed (while walking in circles) and went to sleep…when he woke up he was fine again, walking straight. We took him to the vets a few weeks ago after he had his FIRST episode and they told us it was like dog dementia. Is there a treatment or something that will help him? Anything we can do!

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Steve Hatchett | 10 years ago
The Cat Had Been Showing Up Nearly Daily. About Mid-February I Had To…

The cat had been showing up nearly daily. About mid-February I had to travel out of state. I made arrangements for someone to put out food for it. They never actually saw the cat and upon my return, I haven’t seen it since. The time we were away was the week when it stayed in single digit temperatures throughout the night. I had fixed up a box with a bedding and a light for warmth but it appeared to have been unused. Any advice? I’m really upset with myself that I didn’t do more to protect it from the environment.

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Sorry to hear of your concerns for this stray.  Often cats will move away if there is a shift in patterns.  So, this kitty may be a few streets over, being fed by a different person.  Or it may not have been stray at all, it might belong to a neighbor that finally decided to get serious about being a responsible cat owner and has made this kitty an indoor-cat.

    There is also the possibility that it got eaten by a coyote or Great Horned Owl.  Coyotes take a lot of cats in the fall and during cold snaps in the winter.  Great Horned Owls are starting families in Feb and so take larger prey as they prepare to nest.  This would have happened even if you had been home during that time.

    I think you did the best you could.  Cats are independent thinkers and just don’t always fall in line with our expectations.


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Very Skittish And Small Cat That Has Been Eating Off And On…

I have a very skittish and small cat that has been eating off and on for the last 2 weeks. She will come out for feeding but only eat a little but will revisit later to munch a little more. I’d say she is eating 50% of what she normally does. Nothing has changed- food, environment, placement, etc. I read how to safely put the cat in the crate, but our problem is just catching her. She only comes out from her basement territory for feeding and late night love when things are calm. She does sleep with us. I have tried trial runs to catch her but she either runs as I approach and darts through her basement cat door where she disappears or if I do get my hands on her she screams, wiggles, scratches and out of fear of hurting her or me I let go, those claws are sharp! In the evening during love time I blocked the cat door and tried to catch her, she flipped out. I tried enticing her with food and cat treats, she is too smart for that, lol. My wife can handle her more than I can and she too has tried without success. We have never been able to pick her up and hold her. She appears and acts perfectly normal. My wife is worried about her and if this continues, she thinks a vet visit may be in order (yet another vet visit, we should buy stock, lol). If we ever get her to the vet, she is their problem then, lol. She is 3 years old and other then when she was a kitten, has never been to the vet because of the above reasons. She is indoor only. Any advice on how to catch this wild crazy cat without hurting her or us?

1 Response


  1. caroline challita

    She sounds super cute and a handful 🙂 Dont have anything to add, but have an injured kitten that im handling who sounds very similar to yours before she got injured. Didn’t know a drop trap even existed until now. i like it! Will try finding one for my next vet visit.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Is Sometimes Crying Out In Pain But I Cannot Locate The Source Of…

My dog is sometimes crying out in pain but I cannot locate the source of the pain. It seems to either be related to his back hip or his ribs. It is not a consistent pain but when it happens it’s very significant.

2 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    This could be a serious spinal issue — you need to take him to a vet for evaluation.  Swelling disks, a pinched nerve, could be the problem, but you can’t be sure what is going on without a vet’s evaluation and probably an xray or soft-tissue scan.  Any thing involving the spine is pretty serious in my book, so I wouldn’t wait.  Often problems can be resolved with crate rest and some medication for swelling and pain.

    Good luck!

  2. Kelly Furgason

    Sounds like you dog needs a vet to examine. Any time they are crying out in pain means something is def not right. Pets tend to hide their pain so if it’s crying out, it’s time for a vet visit to get to the root cause. Good luck!!