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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Doggies Get Stressed And Anxiety Too – Here’s Some Natural Help On Today’s “Woof Wednesday…

Doggies get stressed and anxiety too – here’s some natural help on today’s “Woof Wednesday” post

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Hello 7mo Old Siamese Neutered On Fri Will Not Keep Cone On.. Has White Raised…

Hello 7mo old Siamese neutered on Fri will not keep cone on.. Has white raised spot thats black/blue Stopped oral diluted metcam as was prescribed this am & Primary vet not helpful, taking to emergency clinic tonite. What could this be?

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Zoey Has Been Doing This Since She Became Older. We Now Roll Up All…

Zoey has been doing this since she became older. We now roll up all rugs, clear countertops, remove plush toys, let them out repeatedly before leaving. This happens whether we are gone for 2hrs or 6hrs. We understand it is probably the anxiety that causes her to urinate and defecate. We also understand the behaviors are related to the same. But it is so disheartening and honestly, frustrating, when we return home to find what she has done. We are now trying the wall plug phermones, trying not to make it a big deal when we leave or come home and most importantly, trying not to react when we discover her latest destruction.

To make it worse, my 1 male who is dominant will mark her urinated spots if we do not clean and neutralize it sufficiently… which we always try to do. It seems the issue is cascading and we are at wits end.

Any thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Brian Downie

    Sounds good and thanks!  We will setup an appointment with you to get a general checkup and talk about behaviorists.

    Brian and Ericka 

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Yesterday, I Switched My Kitten, Si, To Prescription Diet Canned Food. He Seems To…

Yesterday, I switched my kitten, Si, to Prescription Diet canned food. He seems to like the food but he exhibits an odd behavior. When he is done eating, he tries to cover it up as he would if he were in the litter box. Any ideas?

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Laurie Nichols-Letra | 11 years ago
My Cat Was A Rescue Who Was Found With A Broken Pelvis. He Has…

My cat was a rescue who was found with a broken pelvis. He has completed 7 weeks of cage rest and now I noticed a small area on his throat with no fur and he seems to scratch at it a lot. Can I treat this or should he be seen by a vet?

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
It’s Woof Wednesday In Wellness From Kipper’s Kitchen! (I Had To Wrestle Cody Pup For…

It’s Woof Wednesday in Wellness From Kipper’s Kitchen! (I had to wrestle Cody pup for a bite! 😉 ) Today’s post is a healthy treat for your furbaby!

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Jana | 11 years ago
Cookie Just Jumped Off A Snow Bank And “fell”? To The Sidewalk; I Could Hear…

Cookie just jumped off a snow bank and “fell”? to the sidewalk; I could hear the clunk but couldn’t really see what she hit in how fast it happened … assuming head … ? She seems fine, do I freak out?

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Our Staff Is Continually Participating In Dog Forums To Understand Peoples Approaches To Pet Ownership…

Our staff is continually participating in dog forums to understand peoples approaches to pet ownership. Along the way we have discovered numerous nuggets of info Im looking for relatively unknown dog food brands far superior to commercial

1 Response


  1. Brent Harte

    Hi Krista, 

    Thank you for the thoughtful response, your point is a great area of focus I had not thought of.   Dog food analysis EQUIPMENT manufactures are developing various new lines of food safety devices targeted at smaller manufacturing operations.   I was wondering why there was a large representation of this type of equipment at the the last Supply Side West trade show we attended and I think you have provided the answer.  Our motive for the original question arouse from the discovery of numerous small unknown dog food manufactures during one our normal twitter search campaigns designed to find new companies entering the dog nutrition space.  We are trying to figure out if dog owners value and plan on using these very small organizations,  if so our staff will begin studying what companies are best and why.  A quick evaluation of a companies quality control systems would be the first criteria for determining if a dog food warranted further study.  Again thank you for this valuable input. 

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have A 15 Year Old Pug. In May He Started Losing Patches Of…

I have a 15 year old Pug. In May he started losing patches of hair, no bigger than the size of a quarter. There were a couple on his legs, one or two on his stomach and the last one has been on the under part of his neck. My vet has done all the blood work as well as skin scrapings and everything is normal. He gets better with meds, but as soon as we stop them, he gets another patch. These spots are not itchy. He is not bothered by them at all. I have an appointment with a dermatologist next week. However, I follow the life of an elderly pug on Facebook and I have noticed that he has several places on his underside with no hair. I was wondering if this could all be due to my pug’s age.

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  1. Jana

    Hi Beth,

    there is a number of conditions that can cause hair loss. Little patches would make me think infection but you say your vet ruled that out? (both bacterial and fungal?) Gland/hormonal disorders can also cause hair loss but typically not in this type of pattern.

    Age by itself is not a disease, but with age things might not be working as well as they used to. There still should be a discernible cause, though, IMO.

    Is this issue in any way seasonal?

    Makes me think of Jasmine, though. Twice she developed a bald patch in different areas, which didn’t seem to have any reason for it. For lack of any better explanation, her vet put her on Melatonin and the fur grew right back.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have A New Kitten That Isn’t Eating Much. He Is Drinking. He…

I have a new Kitten that isn’t eating much. He is drinking. He was at the vet (Dr. Magnifico) on Sunday because he was sneezing. Just adopted him and his brother on Friday. Brother seems to be fine. He is taking an antibiotic twice a day. He has been opening his mouth a lot, kind of like his nose is clogged and he is breathing through his mouth. He comes to the food (wet) when I put it out but he hovers over it and licks it, but I don’t think he is eating it. What can I do? It is snowing here and I will probably not be able to get him to the vet today. Thanks,


1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I will call you as soon as I get to work.

    In general if cats can’t smell then they don’t eat well. I would guess his nose is stuffed up. He really needs to be seen ASAP. Can you bring him in now?

    He should have his temperature checked, listen to his lungs and probably be put on a stringer antibiotic. Also we will give him subq fluids to keep him hydrated.

    The over the counter product called Little Noses helps to unclog the nose. one drop in each nostril twice a day.

    But I cannot over express how important a recheck is. Those young kittens can get very sick quickly and need hospitalization. I am at the clinic in 30 minutes
