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Justine | 5 years ago
Is It Normal That The Vet Wants To Amputate The Leg Due To 2 Small Fractures

Is it normal that the vets want me to amputate my kittens hind left leg due to a small fracture in the hip and a fracture above the knee. I had to take him late at night so it was to an emergency pet clinic and they were so very discouraging about me finding someone to repair his leg. I also never saw the X-ray of the one above the hip and when I asked for the X-rays they did not give them to me told me I had to wait for the vet to release them to me and they sent me the report without the X-rays in the report.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please go to your normal vet, or make an appointment with a vet that your friends and family recommend and if you still aren’t comfortable wirh the answer ask for a referral to a surgeon. Depending on age and the fracture I usually tell every client wirh a young growing otherwise healthy pet to try strict cage rest (they are kept in the cage 24/7 for 4 weeks to see if the fracture will heal. Also make sure they get their routine pet care and are spayed as soon as they are healed. I never amputate without giving them a chance to heal as long as it is safe to do so.

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megan | 5 years ago
My Cat Coughs, Gags, And Has To Walk Away And Take A Second To Relax And …

my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and breathe after petting him and he starts purring. His meows are also weird and don’t sound normal and it’s more of just a quiet raspy “ah” sound. He coughs and gags after purring so i try not to pet him for too long but he loves attention and starts purring just by looking at you. He also starts breathing heavy and fast. He constantly has raspy breathing and snores when he sleeps. His vet thinks he may have a polyp does his symptoms sound like a polyp?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It doesn’t sound like a typical polyp to me. These pets tend to sound like they are snoring all the time. Try to find someone who will do a sedated oral cavity exam for you. That will help.

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megan | 5 years ago
My Dog Had Had Red Skin And Was Constantly Biting And Scratching Himself And He Would …

my dog had had red skin and was constantly biting and scratching himself and he would get sores where he would scratch so much. He also had some dandruff. I read about it on google and thought it could be a food allergy so i changed his food a while ago and it got better super fast, but he’s still constantly scratching and rolling around and i’m not sure why. His fur is a bit dry and rough so i’m thinking it could be his fur scratching him, i’m not sure. Is there any products or anything at all you would recommend?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These clinical signs are too broad and vague to offer much help here. Please see a vet for help. This can be something simple like fleas or something difficult like an immune system disorder or organ issue. Please start with an examination at the vets office. And stop wasting time on the Internet. There aren’t answers here that are reliable without your vets help in pointing you in a credible direction. Ask friends and family for a vet they trust. Then start the Internet detective work.

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Mike | 5 years ago
Is Our Jack Russell Addicted To Something?

We have a 2 year old Jack Russell named Toby. Papers from the breeder say he is registered, but my guess is if we spent the money on a DNA test we would find a stranger in the midst. We love him and wouldn’t trade him for the world but we think he has an addiction! He was not handled by the breeder and probably didn’t know human touch other than when his tail was docked and dew claws removed as a pup until we bought him.

He seems as though he is now addicted to our touch. Any kind of touch. He loves scratches from anyone, anywhere, at any time, and if you stop scratching him, he whines non stop. Could this behavioral issue be due to the lack of early touch? As much as we love this lug, having our hands on him every waking moment isn’t feasible.

I would love to know what we can do to keep him occupied that doesn’t include belly rubs, butt scratches, and tickling his ribs non stop. He has toys he.plays with as well as two other Jack Russell’s to terrorize squirrels in the back yard with, so it’s not a lack of stimulation. Open to suggestions! Oh, and the breeder was breeding pit bulls in the same place with Russell’s and at 30+/- lbs, we are pretty sure dad, well you understand!
Thank you

1 Response


  1. Laura

    So, by feeding in to the whining, you’re reinforcing the behavior. At his age it will be difficult to stop. I’d reach out to your obedience trainer for ideas for this one.

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TJ Flanagan | 5 years ago
My 5 Year Old English Setter Has Just Barking Viciously At My 15 Year Old Dog They Have …

My 5 year old English Setter has just barking viciously at my 15 year old dog They have gotten sling for the past four years but the past 2 evenings I’ve had to keep them separated. My old dog was just diagnosed with kidney disease.

3 Responses


    1. TJ Flanagan Post author

      All my dogs get along well up to 2 days ago when my setter has started being aggressive towards my old dog. I am wondering if she senses the change in my old boy with the kidney disease or if there is something else going on. AND how can I help my dogs so that we have peace in the house and no one gets hurt. They are five outside but I now separate them in the house. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. TJ

      1. Laura

        It could be the sudden change in smell, certainly. I think I’d keep them separated for awhile, then reintroduce. If reintroductions go poorly, expect to separate until your older dog passes.

        (The older dog might want to be separated from the younger while feeling ill, as well.)

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Sarah | 5 years ago
Good Morning Pawbly Friends. Our Old Guy, Butch, Is Has Been Piddling Often In The House. …

Good morning Pawbly friends. Our old guy, Butch, is has been piddling often in the house. Not always- and he is not peeing. Just droplets have been escaping when he shakes or stretches getting up if he hasn’t been out for a bit. I am not surprised- he is in his late teens. We just grab a Lysol wipe and clean it up, no worries. Now, Occasionally feces has started to escape as well???? I only imagine it will start to happen more often. I feel bad for him- he looks so shameful when it happens. Any advice on doggie diapers? I don’t know that Butch will wear them, but if it gets worse and he still isn’t ready to leave us, I’d like to know what to look for. Thanks!!!
**also, my apologies for not replying where I can lately- I think there is a little glitch on this site that they are working out.????????

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like he is becoming incontinent. In German shepherds I worry most about it degenerative myelopathy. We call it DM (not the diabetes thing though). Please see your vet for help with this. Or it can be from a result of muscle loss due to atrophy or even weakness or stiffness associated with osteoarthritis where they are reluctant to get up because it is painful.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like he is becoming incontinent. In German shepherds I worry most about it degenerative myelopathy. We call it DM (not the diabetes thing though). Please see your vet for help with this. Or it can be from a result of muscle loss due to atrophy or even weakness or stiffness associated with osteoarthritis where they are reluctant to get up because it is painful.

    1. Sarah Post author

      My mom guess would be the latter????He struggles to get up and his one hind leg is just about frozen. We have him on dasaquin and his food has glucosamine additives. I will give a call this week to see what we can do to help him. Thanks????????????

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Philip | 5 years ago
My 10 Year Old Male Persian Cat Was Blocked With A Bladder Infection. One Week Ago, The …

My 10 year old male Persian cat was blocked with a bladder infection.
One week ago, the Vet did a catherization to remove the fluids and sent him home.
He further recommended surgery to remove bladder stones. Is there an alternative to bladder surgery ?
Thank you.

5 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    We had a car with a blockage years ago. We had to have emergency surgery and put him on a special diet. We ended up with 8 more, stone free years with him????????

    1. Philip Post author

      Thanks Sarah. This situation is really stressing me out. I put him on the Hill’s C/D diet. Do you know what emergency surgery he had ? I would like to avoid the surgery if possible.

  2. Sarah

    Sorry- I hit submit before I finished- I was going to add that an in depth discussion with your vet is probably best.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t know enough to offer specific advice. Here’s what I usually recommend. If the cat is blocked do that they cannot urinate I place a urinary catheter and keep the cat on iv fluids in the hospital until the urine is running clear. Usually this is about 3-4 days. Then I remove the catheter and make sure they are able to urinate a normal amount easily and comfortably. I also start them on a urinary prescription diet. I much prefer watered down wet food vs dry. I take radiographs of the urinary stones and check a urine sample every 2-4 weeks. Many cats urinary issues will resolve over time with diet. For the rare cases of storms that are so big or those that will not dissolve we discuss a cystotomy to remove them. Either way all cats with urinary issues need diet changes and increase exercise and activities to help them from blocking again. I hoe this helps. Let us know what happens.

    1. Philip Post author

      Thank you very much Dr. Krista. You have given me hope. I will follow your advice and let you know what happens.

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Aleksandra | 5 years ago
Hi, My Cat Was Diagnosed With Hyperthyroidism About 2 Weeks About And Our Vet Put Her On …

Hi, my cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about 2 weeks ago and our vet put her on Methimazole 5 mg liquid. Yesterday my cat started trying to urinate frequently (every couple of minutes) and defecated outside of her letterbox several times. I searched up to see if these were the symptoms of the medication and was unable to find anything online. So i just wanted to run it by you guys and double check. Today my cat seems to be doing well, she is not urinating every few minutes, however, I’m still a little worried. Thanks so much!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- I agree that your cat is trying to tell you something with this litter box behavior. Have you phoned you vet to let them know? I would definitely start there. I know that my vet would want to know any changes in behavior right away and be kept up to date on the patient…. I would call your regular vet before they close and speak with them. I hope things are ok????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Please follow up with your vet about your cat. I don’t think the medication and the litter box issues are related but litter box issues should always be followed up ASAP. Also I have not had much luck with the transdermal medications so please follow up with your vet on the thyroid level checks too.

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Leslie | 5 years ago
Hi! My Dog Has Recently Been Licking Around Is Butt And Has Completely Licked Off The …

Hi! My dog has recently been licking around is butt and has completely licked off the hair on the back of his tail. He’s been doing it for about 2-3 weeks now. I thought it was the new food I tried with him but after seeing him do it for a few days, I stopped and went back to his original food. However, he has not stopped and now I’ve notice my other dog biting around her tail a little. Not nearly as bad as my male dog though. I am concerned something else is going on like worms. I unfortunately still owe a lot of money to my current vet for emergency visits the dogs had early this year and can’t afford to take them in to be checked. Can I try using Safe-Guard with them to see if that corrects the issue? Is something else possibly going on?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    This could be anal glands, it could be intestinal parasites, it could be his diet isn’t working for him. We can only guess. I would at least try to get a stool sample checked out.

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William | 5 years ago
Hi There, I Wanted To Ask If Polyps In The Throat Can Be Felt. My Kitten …

Hi there, I wanted to ask if polyps in the throat can be felt. My kitten that can’t meow I suspect of having polyps. The vet tested for Leukemia and FIV negative, xrays negative, and lung worm negative. Now I notice both sides of her neck has lump, one side bigger. My other kittens do not have these lumps. My vet said she doesn’t think it’s polyps because that’s uncommon in kittens, so $500 in tests later and I have no answers. Shouldn’t they have noticed these lumps? They are the size of a small marble.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have only been able to feel a polyp a few times. Every so often I can do a quick enough oral exam to feel them in the back of the mouth. But even with these I needed to do a sedated exam to be sure. Kittens can get hyperthyroidism which can cause palpable enlargement of the glands on the outside throat area. This is diagnosed and confirmed with a blood test. Please call your vet to discuss these. If finances are a concern call the shelters and rescues to see if there are low cost pet care options available.