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Charlotte | 6 years ago
I Have A One Year Old Lab Basset Hound Mix And I Am A Diabetic And …

I have a one year old lab basset hound mix and I am a diabetic and I would like to train her to bark when ever my dexcom beeps Incase I don’t hear it but I’m just not sure how to train her to do that thank you

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. There are a few ways to train your dog. Easiest way is with treats, if they are food driven. Decide on the signal you would like for your dog to give you and start there. Do you want your dog to come to you and put their paw on your lap, sit in front of you, etc? Then start working on that. While working on that, have the sound of the alarm from your monitor go off so that your dog associated the action with the sound and the reward. Start slow and small. Be sure to reward right away. Once you guys master sound/sit/reward, you can work on things from there. There are a lot of YouTube videos on training, and there are some very good dog trainers in our area- R Dogs and Polite Pooches our of 4 Paws in forest hill come to mind. Best of luck!!

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Seth | 6 years ago
My 6 Year Old Bijon Shih Tzu Has IVDD But I Know It Can’t Be The End

My 6 year old Bijon Shih Tzu is a very active dog and has been running, jumping, and using her long legs her whole life. Just a couple of days ago she was about to push off her hind legs to run up the stairs as she has done thousands of times before and immediately screeched and ran off limping and then ultimately losing control of her hind legs. After a few minutes of resting she was hobbling along but was able to stand on all four. However the morning after she could not stand any longer on all four and los control of her hind legs. The Vet says she has IVDD and gave us options of surgery, treatments or putting her down. I couldn’t fathom that idea since she isn’t in pain, still wags her tail, still drinks, eats, and goes to the bathroom. I’m in desperate need of some support and help. She is a trooper and I know this cannot be the end. She is currently on meds from the vet and going in today for acupuncture treatment. She is left in her cage and we try to keep her resting as much as we can. I have watched Krista Magnifico’a videos on this subject and hoping my dog can recover as the beagle she cared for did.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I have a lot of information on my YouTube channel and blog.
    Please go there, read everything,and explain to your vet how you feel and if they aren’t supportive find one who is. These cases take a lot of time and TLC but many can recover if given the chance.

    Heres the link to my blog; go to it and search “IVDD”

    and use YouTube too,,, my channel has lots on Hank,

    Very best of luck!

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Charlotte | 6 years ago
I Have A 5 Year Old Male Maltese And All He Does Is Bark We Have Tried …

I have a 5 year old male Maltese and all he does is bark we have tried everything I have done training with him I have tried anxiety meds for dogs I have tried bark collars thunder vest and even leaving a tv on with dog music a blanket with my scent toys bones and nothing at all works and my neighbors get really upset and complain about his barking and have even threatened to call animal control but I don’t know what to do any more please help

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I firmly believe that every dog barks for a very good reason. The challenge is spending enough time and effort to figure out what they are trying to tell you.
    Start at the vets office with an examination and diagnostics. Look for any signs of pain, infection, allergy, inflammation, discomfort, etc. I always (ALWAYS!) also do a rectal exam to check anal sacs. Then we talk about the home life environment. How much exercise and attention is your dog getting? Has anything changed in the household? A recent arrival or departure? Anything?
    If the barking is becoming obsessive and troublesome talk about seeing a behaviorist and starting anxiety medication. Medication should only be used after everything else is ruled out and a behavior modification plan is underway.
    please keep us posted on your progress.. good luck! I hope that everything works out ok

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Alissa | 6 years ago
My 3 Year Old Cat Has A Red Bump On His Arm, Any Ideas? He Is Acting …

My 3 year old cat has a red bump on his arm, any ideas? He is acting normal, eating normally and doesn’t mind when I touch it. Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In general bumps and lumps are pretty close to impossible to diagnose with a photo. In many cases an aspirate or biopsy is needed to definitely diagnose it. My best advice is always to see your vet and inquire about removing it before it becomes a problem. Let us know what happens.

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Shoug | 6 years ago
2 Months Old Male Kitten With First Vaccination Only, One Scaly Patch Near Take.

2 months old male kitten with first vaccination only, one scaly patch near take.

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Jane | 6 years ago
My Dog Is Constantly Humping Stuffed Animals And Another Male Dog. What Do I Do?

My dog is constantly humping stuffed animals and another male dog. What do I do?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Humping is behavioral. Corrections are key, here. How old is he? What happens if you firmly tell him to stop?

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Jasmine | 6 years ago
SO I Noticed My Kitten Has A UTI And I Couldn’t Afford To Do A …

SO I noticed my kitten has a UTI and I couldn’t afford to do a bladder express surgery so I brought him home and I came across a video of sometimes you can express the penis to see if the calculi comes out and if it does you don’t need a catheter. So I gave it try at home and some white stuff came out like salt and he peed so much! What a relief but then this morning he was straining again and I helped him again and more white stuff came out (they look like white salts) I am trying to figure what is this white stuff and I am thinking it’s the magnisum that I am giving him since he can’t walk due to Bengal polyneuropathy. How can we flush him out ? Does he need surgery to remove these white specs? What antibiotics should we get to help him with pain? I need help please

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    It looks like that is crystals. I would advise you getting to the vet and talking to them. Until then, I would make sure he is hydrated and drinking LOTS and possibly continue expressing and hopefully more will continues to come out. Even if he starts urinating on his own, I would get a visit to the vet. Let us know how Hong’s are going.

  2. Jasmine Post author

    What kind of medication should I get ? If he is able to expel them would he be okay? He is able to pee but he keeps straining I believe trying to expel them out ? if he is expelling these crystals can it do harm to his penis?

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Christina | 6 years ago
Rectal Prolapse… I’ve Taken In A Little Kitten That Kept On Visiting Us About Two …

Rectal prolapse…
I’ve taken in a little kitten that kept on visiting us about two weeks ago.. He’s about 15 weeks old. Took him to vet for first visit on July 5. He’s always has a slightly protruding rectum. Vet said probably from straining because of parasites. Gave him Profender – purge dewormer- and Revolution Plus. Could still see tapeworm segments even two/three days ago. Rectum looks good in the morning and then once he has a bowel movement his rectum prolapses – looks like a red Cheerio (for size visualization). He has a vet appointment next Friday. Should he go sooner to the vet? What can I do in the meantime? Saline rinse? Sugar water soak? Vaseline? Or nothing? Thanks!!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As long as it is going back into the rectum I would just keep monitoring. It usually prolapses a little after a bowel movement. If it comes out and stays out, like long and tubular versus donut or cheerio, then hopefully it will resolve with time and appropriate diet and anthelmintic (anti parasite) treatment. I recommend a very good age appropriate diet and recheck fecal exams. If it comes out keep it lubricated and we your vet ASAP.

    1. Christina Post author

      Thanks for the response! He had a bowel movement a bit ago…and there was another tapeworm? segment on his anus 🙁 And it seems that his prolapse is looking redder, but not sure. My other concern is that I’m supposed to go out of town tomorrow and wonder if he should possibly go to after hours clinic.

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Ashleigh | 6 years ago
My 9 Month Old Puppy Keeps On Chewing His Tail Relentlessly And Chewing His Feet. He Also …

My 9 month old puppy keeps on chewing his tail relentlessly and chewing his feet. He also sticks both his tail and feet down his throat as far as they will go. When he is playing with toys he keeps squashing them and trying to swallow them whole. He seems frustrated when doing this but he will be playing and then will break away to chew tail or feet. He won’t stop trying to eat EVERYTHING. Three trips previously to the vet to remove large things he has swallowed. He has so much energy and not just normal pup energy.. he does not nap at all through the day. He can go on hours of massive runs through the day and does not even lie down once through the day. Constantly on the go, no off button at all. Becoming quite dominant with other dogs and has started barking at me for attention when he’s not getting any. He has started mouthing people when he meets them, not aggressively but more for attention. He isn’t neutered but people have told me that may be a good start. The behavioural issues are a new thing, he’s been perfect up until the past couple of weeks. Chewing his tail and feet has been going on months. Have been to the vets about it but they don’t seem interested and basically said to think about having his tail docked, he will still attempt to chew what is left so it would never heal!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Wow. This is a lot of worrisome issues. At this point I think that I would say to: Please seek a second opinion from a different vet who will actually help you both. I also strongly advocate a trainer and loads of exercise to help keep him from developing other abnormal behaviors. Training, exercise and an understanding of what is going on in your pups head and environment are all crucial to long term success and safety.

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Jessica | 6 years ago
I Have An 18 Month Old Male Cat, Chubbs :) – He Was A Stray That We Took …

I have an 18 month old male cat, Chubbs 🙂 – he was a stray that we took in from the neighborhood as a kitten, vaccinated and neutered and we just adore him. On Monday this week, I noticed he was having urinary issues – lots of in and out of box and no action. Our vet was full so we drove about 30 minutes to another town to take him to an emergency vet. Vet told me that he did not have a urinary blockage, but his urinalysis showed evidence of infection and crystals. A chicken and the egg situation he said. They gave him subQ fluids, antinausea med, anti-inflammatory med and send us home with a supply of pain meds and antibiotics. He was low key the next day, but seems back to normal as of yesterday. However, still lots of urinary urgency and frequency attempts with dribbles here and there, but is producing actual normal appearing size voids 3-5 times a day. No blood, no howling. Bowel movements seem a little looser, assuming from antibiotics but no diarrhea. Is this expected behavior? Can male cats have partial blockages that wax and wane like this? Will this continue on for 1-2 weeks while treating the UTI component? Emergency vet told me to follow-up with our vet in ~2 weeks for repeat urine.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would call your vet and see if you can schedule an appointment before the two weeks just to get your own vet up to speed and see if there are any changes in diagnosis. Err on the side of caution. I can tell you from experience- getting these things taken care of sooner rather than later and staying ahead of the game, is a LOT less expensive in the long run. Best of luck.