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Shelley DeVeau | 6 years ago
I Had Our Doberman To The Vet A Week Ago Thursday. We Are Not Sure…

I had our Doberman to the vet a week ago Thursday. We are not sure what is going on with her. She shakes, cries out, and paces all the time. The vet said maybe it is a pinched nerve and we could try pain meds first. I noticed today she is now dragging her two front paws and is still pacing. I don’t know if we should go to the ER?

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If your dog is eating and drinking and eliminating normally then it can probably wait until tomorrow. I would worry about wobblers. There is lots of info online about it. Please call the vet tomorrow to be seen ASAP. If your dog is panting or unable to rest then the Er is best. Please let us know what happens.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Dr. M – wobblers or a disc issue would be my immediate concerns.

  3. Shelley DeVeau Post author

    So I called the vet this morning and they told me to take her to the ER. We just got the info that she has a ruptured disc. Now I need to figure out what is the best decision to make. Are MRI’s cheaper different places? The cost of that would be $2000 and the surgery would be 7 to 8000.

  4. Krista Magnifico

    That’s about the cost of it. Where are you? I have lots and lots of info on my blog and YouTube channel on this disease. I with you the very best.

  5. Shelley DeVeau Post author

    Dr Magnifico this is Shelley Reese (Doberman)and Twister’s (Frenchie) owner. You took care of Reese’s leg back in Sept when she had that growth on it. They said you were not in today and said they would leave you a message because I asked if you did those surgeries?

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Sandra Sellers | 6 years ago
My 8 Year Old Dog Started Limping This Evening. She Ran Outside To Chase A…

My 8 year old dog started limping this evening. She ran outside to chase a squirrel and was limping when she came back in. I can rub, hold, look all over and she shows no sign of distress. She isn’t helping or whining. Acting normal except she seems confused as to what’s wrong and she’s eyeing up the sofa and thinking about jumping up before she does. Not sure if I should just give it a day to two…maybe she pulled or tweaked something or make an appt with vet right away. Currently she’s being nosey about what’s going on in the back yard and acting fine.

1 Response


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Kristen Masters | 6 years ago
My Two Year Old Jackabee Has Started Expressing His Anal Glands All Over My Furniture…

My two year old jackabee has started expressing his anal glands all over my furniture! This has become a new thing over the past year for him (maybe once every three months) but this week he has done it four times and my husband even emptied them for him once this week! There have been no changes to his diet. He eats a spoon full of pumpkin every day.
Please give me some advice!!!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have loads and loads of patients with this problem. I wrote a whole blog on it. In general many pets have this issue. I think a few things are important to discuss. One of you are emptying them make sure it is with a recital approach. Lots of people are not willing to insert a finger into the rectum and therefore they aren’t emptied completely or fully. Second I don’t think diet or pumpkin does much good. Third if it is a constant chronic problem ask your vet about anal sacculectomy. Or surgical removal of the anal sacs. This should be done by an experienced surgeon. Lastly try not to get upset. Your pup can’t hwlp it. I hope this helps.

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Jillian Fouts | 6 years ago
I Have A Senior Cat Who Goes Into Labored Open Mouth Breathing When He Is…

I have a senior cat who goes into labored open mouth breathing when he is in a hard purr and also has wheezing and snoring but otherwise acts normal – eats, drinks, and is active for his age. The snoring is even when he’s not in a deep slumber and it can be an airy rattle if that makes sense and he has a little squeak when he swallows. I saw your video on the cat with a polyp and thought maybe this could be what he has except that he’s almost 17 so the vet suggested it probably isn’t since that’s more of a young cat thing but did suggest a scope and CT which will cost me 2500-3500 and he will have to be put under. In reading about breathing, heart disease can also cause breathing problems and since he has heart disease I would hate to spend all the money and put him through that to be told the scope didn’t show anything. I’ve also been reading about asthma, but my regular vet nor the specialist even mentioned that it could be that and from what I’ve read, it’s hard to diagnose. He’s a flame point Siamese and he has early ckd and some heart disease (stage 3/4 systolic murmur and hypertension), so I’m nervous about putting him under. Aside from these “old man” things, the specialist and my regular vet say his labs are spectacular. The specialist said when she is presented with a cat that has these conditions, they bloodwork and labs never look this good. So I certainly don’t want to put him down if he looks good but I also feel like he can’t be comfortable with these breathing episodes. One thing to note, when they did bloodwork a couple of weeks ago, his eosinophils were elevated which I have read can be linked to upper respiratory and asthma. Im putting the link to videos of the wheezing and purring to see if you’ve ever seen such a thing in a cat. I sure wish I had you closer by. Thank you so much!



1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    i reviewed your videos, i think that it is appears as if the wheezing is in the oropharynx area. It also appears to be primarily it the inspiratory phase of the purring/breathing.
    There are internal medicine specialists who focus on this kind of clinical sign. I am not sure if there are any in your area though? I think the best place to start is at a feline specialists office. They tend to be more affordable and accessible. See if they can help start to rule out things before you jump into a scope.
    In my practice for cases like these a typical work up looks like this;
    1. exam,,, use your brain,, its your best diagnostic tool.
    2. radigraphs,, to look at the lungs.. lots of older cats have chronic lower resp disease,,, and unfortunately, we are also looking for signs of cancer.
    3. blood work,, a full cbc, chem, urine and t4.
    4. oral exam under anesthesia,, i look at the whole oral cavity, remove a polyp if i find one, flush the nares if the patient has had chronic nasal discharge, and then I also take skull rads, esp of the nose/nasal passages.
    if all of this fails to produce any helpful info endoscopy is the next step.. or CT, but endoscopy allows helpful info and you can do something (biopsy, etc) if you find something.
    I hope this helps..
    PS i agree about your theory and feelings about the corp practices..
    good luck,
    please keep me posted,, i would love to hear about how things turn out.
    PSS i do think that your kitty is a little old for a polyp.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My 2 Kittens Were Spayed Last Week And Both Have Developed A Seroma. One Of…

My 2 kittens were spayed last week and both have developed a seroma. One of which is leaking a bit. We have 2 other cats and never experienced this with the others. The vet said they are caused by being overactive, is this accurate? They were both relatively calm and quiet for most of the week after their spay and these just developed within the past 2 days. After we had them rechecked at the vet Monday, they told us to separate them and basically quarantine them to separate bedrooms. We tried this yesterday but keeping them isolated has just caused them to be overactive when they finally get to come back out. We don’t want to make them go crazy from the isolation. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you in advance!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can’t really offer an opinion for the surgery or after care. And I’m not sure that blame or identification of underlying cause is helpful at this point. I do however think it is relevant and appropriate for you to inquire who did the surgery and what their experience level is. You can get a copy of the doctors notes and ask the vet if perhaps surgical technique was a part of the seroma. I see these as learning opportunities not sources of blame. Then ask for help in getting your kittens through this. Collectively and productively. If you are struggling with any part of your kittens care or post op care they should be happy and willing to help. As long as the incisions are intact (skin and linea I tell clients to do their best at keeping them quiet. I also offer things like a large dog carrier for times you can’t supervise and options like catnip to keep them busy without too much crazy activity. If you feel that you need more help ask for a referral or get a second opinion. In my experience kittens heal really quickly and this isn’t much of an issue for longer than a week. (But I don’t know how big the seromas are so please use your vets guidance to help you.
    Good luck.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello I Have A Rottweiler That Is 15 Weeks Old And I Have Had Him…

Hello I have a Rottweiler that is 15 weeks old and I have had him for 7 weeks. I’m thinking about selling him and buying a new dog because he bites way to much like whenever I’m at a park and I’m running around he will just jump at me and bite me furiously, do you guys know how to fix it. I have taken him through puppy school, I spray him with water and when he does something bad and I always yell no when he bites I just don’t know why he does it is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I agree. ESP with Laura and the second dog.more training time patience and a puppy class (or four nights a week of them) will help. Your pup is so excited to be outisidw and with dogs he sort of comes unglued. Get him playing, tired, and trained. Then talk about a adding another dog as you will very likely have to do the same thing all over again.

  2. Sarah

    GOod morning again,
    Please see comments below your first post as well. I must ask, have you ever owned a dog before? I feel that a chat with your vet, another enrollment in puppy class with a reputable trainer, and possibly a behaviorist to help you in your training process are definitely worth the money spent. Your suggestion of “Selling this dog and buying a new one” will in no way change the outcome for you. Sorry. Whatever bad habits you’re puppy is developing at this point under your watch, need to be dealt with through training and patience. Another dog in the same situation will most likely end up the same way. At the risk of sounding harsh, a dog is not disposable. It is a commitment that needs to be taken seriously. If you feel that this puppy is truly too much for you to handle at this stage in your life, then perhaps finding a rescue that can take him and rehome him to a person who is familiar with dogs and what needs to go into having one, would be a better thing to do. I would not recommend you get another dog until you have the time, and patience to invest in its well being. I really hope that things work out for both you and the puppy.

  3. Laura

    You really need to get an obedience trainer involved if you’re unable to handle this puppy. He doesn’t know what “no” means. He’s a BABY and needs you to teach him how to behave. ALL puppies are bitey, ALL puppies need training. Dumping him and getting another won’t fix the issue.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello I Got A Rottweiler Puppy And I Have Had Him For 7 Weeks Now…

Hello I got a Rottweiler puppy and I have had him for 7 weeks now. His name is rocky and he’s 15 weeks old and my question is: whenever I go to a park with him and I run around he always bites me and jumps at me and bites furiously and growls. Do you guys know how to fix it because ive been thinking of getting a new dog. Is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler he does this?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning and congrats on your puppy. There are a few pieces of advice d like to share if you’ll allow. First, I’m very glad you are giving this puppy a loving home and attention. Parks are great fun…for well behaved and completely vaccinated dogs. I would make sure your pup is completely up to date on ALL vaccinations before I would go to the dog park where not everyone is as responsible about the health of their dogs. Secondly, I would get my puppy into a basic training and obedience class right away. This will help curb those unwanted behaviors and give you the tools to keep up with training and mental stimulation that your puppy needs. The sooner you do this, the better. That way, no bad habits will have time to take hold. And lastly, as much as you want another dog for your home, please make sure that you have your current puppy well trained and completely settled into your daily lifestyle, before you move forward with a new addition. I would wait at least a year. You haven’t reached adolescence with your Rottweiler yet, and as with any dog, it is a challenge…but especially with a large breed such as this. One dog takes a lot of time, patience and a strict routine. Two take even more. And lastly. I know he is still a puppy right now, but walks are so important. They are much more than needed exercise. They help establish a good pack order, help with bonding, and when they are part of a well followed routine, help establish trust. I cannot stress the importance of a good walk together. Best of luck!??

  2. Laura

    DO NOT get a second dog until this one is at least 2 (trust me on this). You need to focus on his obedience training before bringing a second dog in, plus littermate aggression is a very real issue you don’t want to deal with. Instead, focus on obedience training with this little guy. Avoid Petsmart – find a good group class with a balanced trainer. At his age, he could benefit from puppy kindergarten, as well. Look for a training company which provides both.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I agree. ESP with Laura and the second dog.more training time patience and a puppy class (or four nights a week of them) will help. Your pup is so excited to be outisidw and with dogs he sort of comes unglued. Get him playing, tired, and trained. Then talk about a adding another dog as you will very likely have to do the same thing all over again.

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JoAnn Sevey | 6 years ago
My Friend Took Her Kitten To The Vet This Morning To Get Spayed. When She…

My friend took her kitten to the vet this morning to get spayed. When she went back to pick her up the vet told her the cat vomited 10 minutes after surgery & the vomit went into her lungs… Is this
a common thing that happens ?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    No in my experience this is not common. I don’t allow my clients to feed their pets for 6-12 hours before surgery. And I try to avoid using an anesthetic that can cause vomiting. I would ask your vet for more details and info and what follow up measures or precautions you should take.

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kathy welsh | 6 years ago
I Just Read That Plug In Air Fresheners Were Harmful To Pets. Is This True?

I just read that plug in air fresheners were harmful to pets. Is this true?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It really depends on a lot of factors. Like which kinds of pets you have. What kind of fresheners you use and how the scent is distributed. In general most are probably safe. But some cats and dogs can be sensitive to the peuducts and they shoukdnbe used as far away from bedding and litter boxes as possible. Some pets just find them overwhelmingly caustic and pets smell so much better than us so it’s pribably not toxic to their health but too smelly for them to enjoy. My suggestion is to kee them away from pets and pet areas just to be safe.

  2. Sarah

    We do have 1 plugin air freshener in our finished basement, but I only keep it on the lowest setting. Anything higher than that and both the cat all the dog’s sneeze a lot.

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Holly Hood | 6 years ago
I Have 3 Cats And Have Some Litter Box Issues. I Used To Have The…

I have 3 cats and have some litter box issues. I used to have the covered boxes, but noticed that one of the cats was peeing outside the box. So I removed all of the lids. The problem seemed to stop, but then started again on occasion. I bought larger boxes, (I have three of them) and the issue still occurs. I finally discovered it was my cat with colitis. She does pee in the box, but gets so close to the edge or stands instead of squats that it goes outside the box. Is she doing this because of the colitis or a behavior issue? perhaps higher sided boxes would help? I keep the areas lined with pee pads, but they are no match for cat urine. Suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would try a box with higher sides. I would also discuss this with my vet to make use it isn’t related to the medical issue.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah – get a box with higher sides. You should have 4 for that number of cats, anyway, so it’s a good time to pick that up.