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Christian | 10 months ago
We Found A DSH On The Street In Bali. We Arranged Export Papers For Canada. Allot …

We found a DSH on the street in Bali. We arranged export papers for Canada. Allot of nasal dischage which was parially cleared up with a 5 day course of doxy. Still nasal congested so we use a nebulizer with 0.5ml of ventolin and 1 ml saline. This improves his snorting. I think he needs a nasal flush and maybe a rhinoscopy.

We dont mind driving the 807km for your expertise and treatment. We are of course insprired by your videos.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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Maggie | 11 months ago
I Have A 15 Year Old Cat. A Year Ago I Started To Change His Wet Food …

I have a 15 year old cat. a year ago I started to change his wet food to Fancy Feast Senior. I quickly saw that he was losing weight and then started having some leg/balance issues. I immediately took him off that food and put him back on Fancy Feast. Since he also has “throw-up” issues occasionally, I also started using Wellness Core for digestive issues. He eats 1/2 can of each for breakfast and also for dinner. He likes them both and eats them well. My concern is that he still seems too thin. Is there a better choice? Should he have something with more protein?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I strongly recommend that your cat be seen by a veterinarian and have blood work done. I am concerned about hyperthyroidism (among a few other diseases) that older cats are prone to.

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Chris | 11 months ago
NEED ANSWER TODAY ASAP!!!! TIME SENSITIVE Urinary Blockage And 2nd Catheter In Already For My 4 Year …

NEED ANSWER TODAY ASAP!!!! TIME SENSITIVE urinary blockage and 2nd catheter in already for my 4 year old male cat, who has been in ER vet hospital since Sunday:

Full story:
Hi, my male 4 year old cat has been in vet ER hospital since Sunday (3 days now). They said he had urinary blockage and inserted a catheter. His blood tests and x-ray were normal, they said we caught the blockage in time. On Monday evening his urine through catheter and in the collection bag was clear and he was alert.

They removed the catheter at 10am on Tuesday (yesterday) and then at 2:30pm same day they said he did pee small amount once… BUT then they said he was straining to pee …and they reinstated the catheter! Is this ok, to give him so little time after first catheter removal, only from 10am to 2:30pm on Tue, before reinserting it??
Before and after reinserting this 2nd catheter, the vet said he felt an urethral spasm and thinks that’s the reason for 2nd “blockage”. My cat is very stressed so maybe irritation from catheter and stress is causing spasm? Is there anti spasm and anti inflammatory meds he can get, to reduce irritation and spasm risk? Can he get less liquids to allow more time for the spasm and irritation to calm down before he tries to pee? Can we wait longer to reinsert catheter 3rd time?

If they remove the catheter again today…..and he again can’t pee….what is the procedure? Can I take him home to see if less stress can calm him and allow him to pee? How long to wait at home? Can I give raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water?  Should I take him to regular vet if he blocks again? Take him directly to MEDVET in Chicago to have PU surgery? How do I transport him….1h drive….anything I need to do/know? I am in Chicago/ North Indiana area.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry to say that I don’t have the answers to your questions. I never know how a patient is going to do. Every case is different. I do think that it is fair to ask for affordable options and help with managing a patient’s care at home. For example can you try at home medication or sq fluids? Also learning how to palpate your cats bladder to assess his status at home. Often clients can learn how to monitor and manage some of the care and this will help everyone.

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Jessica | 11 months ago
We’ve Had My Dog For 6+ Years. Up Until About 3 Months Ago, He Never Got In …

We’ve had my dog for 6+ years. Up until about 3 months ago, he never got in the garbage and only stole food off a counter one time that we’ve known of. However, this is not the case now. For the last three months, he has started regularly getting into the garbage and recycling bags. He stole a loaf of bread off the counter the other day. The only thing we can think of that has changed is that we started giving our cat wet food instead of dry. But it seems weird that this would be the thing to trigger the behavior. Any ideas? And what can we do to train him out of it? He only does this when we are out of the house.

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    First: get a full “senior” bloodwork panel done. Rule out anything medical.
    Second: hide all trash and all food. Counter and garbage surfing are self-reinforcing. Lock the trash away, get a locking can. Remove all food from all counters and put them in a secure cabinet. Lock the fridge with a child lock, if necessary.
    Third: Crate when you can’t supervise.

    This is usually medical if it’s sudden like this, but you need to be proactive in your prevention, and it’s always a multiprong approach.

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Ethan | 12 months ago
Sudden Change In Dogs Behavior

Good evening. Before reaching out and scheduling an appointment with vet in the morning. I will ask here.

We have a 9 year old Sharpei-Hound mix named Emma, that has had a significant change in personality with-in the last 3-4 days. Overall her “Normal” behavior is what you would imagine with a blood hound; laid back and basically lazy. But when she’s outside her Sharpei side shows; playful but a little more on the aggressive side.

We have a fenced in property, and ability to closely monitor her and our other dog; a 12 year Chocolate Lab. With that said, 1 week ago February 25th we were going through our bedtime routine. Both dogs went out. Our Lab came back in rather quickly, but Emma stayed out a little longer before making her way back to the door.

When she came inside, she was shaking very much and appeared traumatized. My wife and I attempted multiple times to check her over and give her some love. But very unlike herself she did not want any part of it. She had No signs of cuts or abrasions or any type of trauma. But the only thing was when we touched the top of her head more over her left side she would yelp and whimper.

The next day she was back to her normal self. Only with in the last 3-4 days we are noticing some rather concerning things with her. That has never been previously observed.

1.Today she has developed a lump about the size of an acorn on the top of her head and still cries out when touched.

2. Appetite has not diminished, but she has had an increase in amount of water drinking.

3. She seems to be having trouble hearing.

4. Significant “Spotting” the last 3 days. This has never occurred before. And yes she is spayed.

5. Tonight when letting the dogs out after supper, I found Emma sleeping on her bed but with her eyes wide open and shallow breathing. I initially thought she had passed away suddenly, but after jolting her she awoke and came to in this rather “dazed and confused” state.

6. I would say that she is a slightly lethargic, she still wanted to go out and play but was more stand off-ish when around other dog and kids.

As stated we found no signs of being bitten by another animal, and until within the last day or so she has been her normal self. She has no underlying health problems, and is very active for being 9 years old.

We will be setting up an appointment, but in the meantime looking for help or assistance of others who have experienced this with their dog.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I can’t fathom what this might be, though a toxicity comes to mind. Definitely get her to the vet.

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Shay | 12 months ago
My 18 Year Old Cat (long Hair) Has Been Having Some Issues For About 2 Weeks Now. On 2/10/24 …

My 18 year old cat (long hair) has been having some issues for about 2 weeks now. On 2/10/24 he started throwing up at breakfast and didn’t want dinner, Stopped drinking and eating from that point and howl crying by sunday night into Monday. Got hospitalized on Monday the 12th got labs done, a urinalysis, semi ultrasound and xrays. He was severely dehydrated, negative for UTI, severely anemic (6.8 range was 10.9-15 ). Over night he got IV fluids and antibiotics and ate some the morning, labs were normal by discharge except for anemia. Xray ray did reveal, distended stomach with gas, arthritis, one small kidney. He came home didn’t really eat much, followed up with regular vet got subq fluids and appetite stimulant (rubs on ear), 1-2 days after he ate like a horse mostly broths and liquids foods. He is now constipated and vomiting again, not eating and lethargic. Took him to the vet 2/24/24 for subq fluids vet also gave him an enema. He has not pooped still its been about 30 hours. I tried to give him gabapentin yesterday but he threw up. This morning he threw up “poop” like vomit. We gave him 1/2 ish teaspoon of miralax this morning threw up a little while later more poop like vomit. Seems to have broken a bit of his k9 tooth off also, doesnt seem to bee botbering him… We are considering doing at home mineral oil enema with a baby enema glycerin suppository with more miralax. He has eaten a tiny bit of Broth treat today and gotten outside for 2 walks. Are we doing the right steps ? Is there more or less we should be doing ? Trying to get to a more equipped vet hospital but probably won’t be until Tuesday 2/2724. Should I seek emergency medical attention or waiting until Tuesday be okay. Planning to take him to regular small vet tomorrow for subq at the least.Please help.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like your cat doesn’t have a diagnosis and we are chasing treatment options that don’t seem to be working. This tactic always gets me concerned because it makes it very hard to know what to do next or where to go for help. If you can afford it I recommend you see a feline practitioner. This is a veterinarian who only sees cats, or has a veterinary practice that only takes care of cats. I would also ask about trying a steroid, appetite stimulant, feeding tube and better help with at home care if you do not re hospitalize for iv fluids and in patient care.
    I also strongly recommend that the constipation be confirmed with a recital exam by the vet before enemas are done at home.
    This is a tough case and your cat needs to see the vet.

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Paige | 12 months ago
My Dog Broke Her Dew Claw Somehow And It Is Now Cracked. It Bled A Little, …

My dog broke her dew claw somehow and it is now cracked. It bled a little, but is not anymore. I plan to wrap it with gauze and vet wrap, then call the vet when they open in the morning, but any other suggestions in the meantime? She doesn’t seem to be in significant discomfort and is walking fine on that leg.

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wendy | 1 year ago
Seeking Diagnosis/Treatment For Possible Nasopharyngeal Polyp In Cat Our 5#, 18 Mo Old Cat Has Been Having …

Seeking Diagnosis/Treatment for Possible Nasopharyngeal Polyp in Cat

Our 5#, 18 mo old cat has been having breathing difficulty for about 6 months. We’ve been to two “regular” vets and one specialty vet. The “regular” vets have done chest x-rays and bloodwork trying to diagnose. We’ve been on multiple rounds of antibiotics, several steroid shots, and a few breathing treatments. The first vet suspected asthma, but none of the meds worked. The second vet suspected lung infection, but again, none of the meds caused any improvement. The cat is acting fine, eating and eliminating normally. No nasal discharge. Sounds like she’s snoring all the time.

We saw a specialist today. She determined that the cat isn’t able to breathe thru her nose much, if at all. We are waiting on lab results for a fungal infection. The next step she suggested would be for CT scan and rhinoscopy to check for foreign body, polyp, or other physical abnormality. I’m ok with sedated imaging, but their estimated cost for that is $4,000. I called MS State University Vet Clinic, and their estimate was also in that range. We’ve already spent hundreds trying to diagnose and treat this. I’m ok with spending more but not $4,000.

Can anyone suggest a vet in the Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi region that we can try?

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Juveria | 1 year ago
Blocked Cat, Cannot Afford ER. Need Help Urgently!

Hello, I live in San Jose California and need urgent help with my male 7yr old neutered cat who is blocked. I took him to a vet who referred him to an ER , the ER has given me an estimate of $4500 to $5000. I cannot afford the treatment, they have unblocked him and put a catheter and IV. They plan to keep him for 48hrs in the hospital, the doctor told me that she found stones in his bladder and kidneys. I am really worried, please help me find a vet who can treat him further for less. I want to move my cat in the morning to an affordable clinic. Please guide me on next steps and help me find a vet. The case summary from the vet and estimate from the ER is attached to the post. Please help me this is very urgent.

9 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. Can you please go to my blog and see all of the articles I have there for this? I literally have documents that you can use as a step by step guide to try to get help that is both affordable and helpful.

    1. Juveria Post author

      Update: My cat went through a cystotomy on Friday, the surgery went well and he was sent home the same day. Unfortunately he was still blocked as the surgeon did not remove the stones in his urethra (He did not take any xrays after the surgery and also discharged my cat without making him pee on his own). I rushed him to the ER as he was very restless and trying to pee, the ER doctor immediately unblocked him with a catheter and while doing so, she was able to push the stones back into the bladder. Xrays (attached) were taken which shows three stones in the bladder. As the cost of ER was adding up and the surgeon who did his surgery was not available over the weekend, I decided to shift him with the catheter on to the hospital where his surgery was done.

      My cat is currently doing well, he is on Ivy and has a catheter on. He is on CD food since two days. The urine color has improved from bloody to fairly clear. Urinalysis results showed struvite (Ammonium Mg Phosphate) crystals . I will be meeting the surgeon tomorrow and need your advice on what should be the next steps for my cat. Which of the following would you advise?

      1. Re surgery to remove the remaining three stones from the bladder. After the initial surgery, the surgeon had mentioned that my cats heart is weak and hence he had to adjust the anesthesia to a lower level (1 instead of the usual 2), though the ER doctor does not see why would that be the case as there is no murmur seen in his reports and he has taken the sedation well while he was unblocked twice in the ER.

      2. CD food therapy: Urinalysis results showed struvite (Ammonium Mg Phosphate) crystals. Should we remove the catheter, make him pee on his own at the hospital and then get him home. Watch closely for re blockage while continuing his CD diet. What are the chances of his re blockage? Will the bladder have greater chances of rupture if he gets re blocked since he just had surgery?

      Please advise.

        1. Juveria Post author

          I would like to add that in the initial surgery, the surgeon successfully removed all the stones in his bladder but the stones in the urethra were left behind even though he said he flushed them. The ER doctor is very certain that she pushed those stones back into the bladder while unblocking him the second time when he landed in the ER post the surgery.

        1. Krista Magnifico

          It sounds like your cat has reblocked because stones were left behind? No post op Xray was taken?
          If this is the case I would ask to speak to the hospital manager and ask them to resolve the situation (ie remove the stones) at no cost to you. I don’t know why this was not discussed with you after the surgery was done? They should have known your cat was very likely to reblock very soon.
          I would also ask them to help you save your cat or ask them to give you your records so you can submit your cats case to the medical board for review. I would also ask your local vet to help you with this case.
          There are lots of support groups for this online. Esp on Facebook. Maybe someone will be able to help locally if you reach out to them.

          Good luck. Please keep me posted. I’m sorry for the delay.

          1. Juveria Post author

            @Krista Magnifico Update:

            My 8 year old cat (male, neutered, American short hair) was diagnosed with bladder stones and underwent a cystotomy in February 2024 to surgically remove the stones from the bladder. Unfortunately, the surgeon left behind 3-4 stones in the urethra during the surgery, which were later pushed back in the bladder. These stones blocked him again in May 2024 – he was unblocked via a catheter and the stones were pushed back into the bladder during catherization. He again got blocked a couple days ago and has been unblocked again via catherization with the stones pushed back in the bladder. The X-rays do not show formation of new stones in the last few months and the urinary analysis do not show any crystals.

            We are considering three surgical options to remove the sones now: 1) cystotomy 2) PU 3) Cystotomy + PU. Please see X-rays after the cystotomy in February, the one from May and the one from last night and advise on the best course of treatment

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Ashleigh | 1 year ago
Hello, On Christmas Day, I Found A Cat Outside In The Rain/cold. He Was Extremely …

Hello, on christmas day, I found a cat outside in the rain/cold. He was extremely skinny, I could see/feel every bone in his body, he was shivering & crying. I brought him in. & bathed him & fed him. He has put on some weight since then & is all around an amazing lovable cat. Yesterday he started limping on his front paw. I am pretty sure it is sprained from playing with my much larger full grown cat. I keep feeling it & do not feel anything out of place/”crunchy” & it does not seem to be swollen. I have been putting an ice pack on his leg 2x a day for 15 mins at a time. Times are tough right now & I can not afford vet cate at the moment. I just need advice on what I can do to help him. My children and I have grown very attached to him & he is the sweetest most cuddly boy.

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