Good morning! All dogs are trainable, so long as their owners are willing to put in the work. I suggest a basic obedience class to start with. It’s good for both owner and dogs.
10 yr old F Bichon Frise: 7 days now no solid food, occasional water taken, small dark or mustard liquidy stools, some vomiting. Vet gave her Pectalin, Metro, nausea and fluid shots – no improvement yet.
She is a 10yr old Bichon Frise female and does have some arthritis. To the best of our knowledge there was no significant moment that this all started happening, she just started showing signs of pain Wednesday morning. She has passed normal bowel movements, urinated, ate at least once, and is still drinking water but has not slept since Wednesday. She can go down stairs but not up them and is extremely sensitive to touch at all.
All animals require time, care and devotion.
Puppies, regardless of breed, are a pain in the buns for the first year. As I said in your other post, they are a full time job for their first year of life. I would try to assess how much time you have, and determine whether you can spend the majority of your day working with and training a puppy.
I would encourage going to a rescue and getting an adult dog, particularly if this is your first dog. Adults are easier.