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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Just Watched Your Video About The High Er Costs And I Am Enraged As…

I just watched your video about the high er costs and I am enraged as well.
A few years ago I called to find out an estimate for a possible C section on my Newf as she had a stuck puppy. They first said they had to see the dog to give an estimate, but when I pressed them they gave me an estimate of 2-6 K! This is highway robbery, especially since I KNOW from folks I know who have worked there that the vets there are inexperienced just out of school vets who have no business working on their own at an overnight clinic.
How can a surgery that would cost around 1-1.5K in the daytime cost 6K at night?
I ended up driving way too fast 140 miles to another vet clinic who does their own er. They got the puppy out without a c section. I doubt the local er would have been able to do that, so not only did I save my bitch from unneccesary surgery, but I saved thousands of dollars.
Besides the outrageous prices these clinics charge, I think it is criminal that they hire inexperienced vets to be on their own at an overnight clinic. To me that is malpractice.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Bitch Is 2 Weeks Pregnant. She Has Really Bad Worms. Can I Worm Her?

my bitch is 2 weeks pregnant. she has really bad worms. can i worm her?

3 Responses


  1. Andrea Cox

    Do you know for sure what kind of worms they are?

  2. PK Dennis

    You can worm her using food grade Diatomaceous Earth.  Find this online – it is very inexpensive and safe.  Mix 1 tsp per 10 pounds of dog to wet food (do not inhale the dust, and do not allow your dog to do so either).  Feed daily for 30 days to be sure to kill all the worm.  You can make this a regular daily part of your dog’s (and your own!) diet so she never has worms again.  DE does not kill worm eggs, but will kill the worms when they hatch, that is why 30 days is most effective.

  3. PK Dennis

    Be sure to use FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth, not the contaminated stuff they sell in the hardware and box stores.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi My 8 Year Old Cocker Spainal Bitch Is Weeing Every Hour. She Has Had…

Hi my 8 year old cocker spainal bitch is weeing every hour. She has had bloods done there all normal x ray all clear urine tested showing nothing no infection no bacteria i do not know what to do next

11 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi Zoe…Bit of a mystery! I assume bloods covered her kidneys; bladder, liver?

    Have you taken a urine sample of testing?

    Ia she drinking more than normal? Has she been tested for diabetes?

    Has she been spayed? If not possible uterine infection? 

    Other than that I hope our Vet Krista answers! 

    Hope your Cocker recovers soon! 

  2. zoe rich

    Hi julie she had full blood tests done all clear a full urine test sent away all came back clear
    x ray done all clear.. she has been spayed she has been tested for kidney diabetes everything.. im really at a loss somtimes there is blood in her urine other times not she doesnt know if she wants a wee or poo or both sometimes but more recently she has started drinking water as soon as she has had a wee.. i think i may have to visit a different vet to get a second oppinion
    as this needs resolving

  3. julie brader

    Hi Zoe….right so all the tests are clear. Blood in the urine occasionally too? Somethings going on then….

    This might sound silly but when you said she doesn’t know if she wants a wee or a pooh? That smacks of pressure somewhere to me…possibly her spine….but that doesn’t account for the blood in her urine does it. Are you sure the blood is in her urine and not coming from her bottom? Any blood in her pooh at all? Could it be a bowel problem?  Is she in pain, back slightly hunched over? Shes moving and jumping on sofa with no problems? 

    Have you considered a referral to a specialist for an MRI scan? Might be the only way to find out whats wrong. Presume shes insured? Think I would try a different Vet anyway to be honest.

    I have two Cockers by the way…..!  I do hope you find out whats wrong, bless her….they are a worry aren’t they? 

  4. zoe rich

    Hi went to see a different vet my dog has cancer ive just found out i cant understand why other vet didnt notice

  5. julie brader

    Oh Zoe, I am so very sorry. What awful news for you…and I can’t believe the other Vet missed it either.He should have picked it up on her bloods. Is it treatable? I do hope you are ok. Please let us know how things go won’t you.

  6. zoe rich

    Hi julie they cant operate cancer in the urinetrack and bladder she is going on tablets for two week these shoud help i have been told incuresble and 6 to 12 months so who knows i am totaly hart broken

  7. zoe rich

    Thanks for your concerns and help

  8. julie brader

    Honestlu Zoe I don’t know what to say, only that I know how I’d feel.if it was one mine. Shes not old at 8 years, what a tragedy. Please do let me know how you both are doing won’t you? I’m in the UK too…a lot of people on here are in the US..I’m here if you need to talk about anything Zoe…wish I could do more.

  9. zoe rich

    Thanks julie i will keep you updated

  10. julie brader

    Please do Zoe. By the way I have Cockers too, mother and son….both Blue Roan.
    Stay strong and I’ll be thinking about you.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
2 Periods – No Mating, 3rd Period Natural Mating, After 48 Days – Dark Green…

2 periods – no mating, 3rd period natural mating, after 48 days – dark green discharge – probably abortion. About 10 days before lot water drinking – beside that the bitch felt ok – eating normal, behaving and acting -ok.Brucelosa test -negative.E.coli found in vaginal secret test. – she received some antibiotics.We missed 1 period than naturaly mated. I think it was too early and for sure there was no pregnancy, but again – around 35th day after mating – lot of water drinking, discharge from vulva – dark bloody secret, no smell, after that turns in clear blood and gone. The dog was ok – no sign of illness. Now she is mated on 9.07., 11.07. and 13.07. – natural mating. Vaginal test – E.coli. Treatment 10 days with Nuroclav 250 mg once a day. Vaginal test positive for e.coli. Starting Amoxiclav – 500 mg on 12h dosage – 10 days treatment, testing and again is positive for e.coli .If she is pregnant now should be the implantation and body development – what is better to do – to stop the antibiotic, to continue or to change is with something else and what else – Zinnat for examle?This time she had a Herpes virus vaccine just in case that she have virus which is the reason for aborion, but i think the problem is in e.coli. I am testing the progesterone levels. Today was 68 ng/ml – normal levels for 3 weeks after mating

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Staffie Bitch Keeps Eating Weeds And Grass From Our Back Garden. She Constantly Waits…

My Staffie Bitch keeps eating weeds and grass from our back garden. She constantly waits at the back door as if she needs to go to the toilet. Do you know what’s causing her to behave like this?

2 Responses


  1. Vicki Hamill

    Nature’s way of dealing with Stomach issues. He’ll throw up shortly and all will be well !!?

  2. B. Lakonpa

    I’ve read that dogs do this because their ancestors used to eat animals that ate grass so it was part of their diet and now dogs eat grass because of that. I’m not sure how much truth this holds but, nonetheless, it sure is interesting. I think it’s a fairly normal thing. My dogs have never thrown up after eating it.

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Laura | 10 years ago
My Dobe Bitch Spent Last Week At My MIL’s Home, And Throughout That Week My…

My dobe bitch spent last week at my MIL’s home, and throughout that week my MIL fed her Beneful rather than the food we asked her to feed. This…is a problem, and one we will be discussing with her at another time.

However. As a result of this lovely, boundary-free vacation eating nothing but the equivalent of Big Macs for a week, she will not go back to her regular food unless we add enticements. I need her eating what i give her, when i give it to her, without exceptions. Normally this isn’t a problem – she’s trying to get us to give her that lovely, delicious junk food. She is healthy, so this isn’t a health-related problem. She’s just being a stubborn brat. 🙂

My question is this: what is the quickest way to get her back on her normal food? My husband is less than cooperative with my eat-it-or-lose-it method of training, wondering if anyone can suggest anything else. For the moment she is absolutely refusing plain kibble. The most I will do for her is add warm water, which I do for dinners anyway. She won’t touch breakfast at all.

Any suggestions? 🙂

3 Responses


  1. Laura Post author

    Before someone asks: I show her. She needs to eat when told just like she needs to evacuate bowel and bladder when told…otherwise things may get messy in the ring, and I cannot have that happening. This only becomes a problem after she goes to my MILs for more than a couple of days. Unfortunately, we have another lengthy stay planned later this summer, with a major show soon after. To say this has given me a headache is an understatement.

  2. Laura Post author

    I know the MIL isn’t trying to be detrimental. She just refuses to believe that Beneful isn’t what I want to feed my dog. If we give her individually bagged meals, she complies. If we give her a bag of Rip’s food and a scoop, she…doesn’t. Last lengthy visit, she managed to feed 15 pounds of food in a week and a half. I fear this may be an ongoing disagreement – she tends to keep her dogs 5 pounds overweight and free feeds, while I like my dog eating specific meals at specific times and I like to see a nice tuck at the belly with a visible waist.

    She will accept kibble from my hand if she complies with a command – she thinks it’s a treat. I got about half a cup in her that way this evening, so she isn’t going to go completely hungry. She’s just being a stubborn twit – at nearly 2, she’s at that age where UPS hasn’t shipped us all of the parts of her brain, so she’s still “forgetting” things she knows like how to come when called. I have used this method before with success, at both my breeder and my vet’s suggestion. The last time we did this, within 2 days she was eating normally. This time around she’s throwing a louder temper tantrum, though. Just wondering what, if anything, might make this less painful to my eardrums.

    I’ll consider boiling some extra chicken and burying the tiniest shreds in her food – that will depend on whether she eats breakfast. If she doesn’t, tomorrow night’s class will be a difficult one for her…we are in Baltimore and head up to Forest Hill for classes, so we leave around 6. She usually gets the kibble portion of her dinner in class as training treats (interspersed with higher value meats, because that keeps her on her toes).

    I can’t think of much else to add. We’re working on “puppy push-ups” right now to keep her busy (and get more kibble in her). Sometimes, I curse myself for bringing such a smart dog into my house. 😉

  3. Laura Post author

    good news! it took one training session on an empty stomach to convince her that eating might be a good idea. emptied her bowl and was looking for more.

    bratdog is a brat. but she’s eating, so i’m happy.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
When Is The Best Time To Have A Bitch Puppy Speyed

when is the best time to have a bitch puppy speyed

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    depends on the breed and whether you’re able to keep her away from dogs.

    larger breeds mature later, and it’s suggested to wait until AT LEAST their first heat to ensure their bodies develop fully…if not until they are fully grown.  for example, if i were not actively showing my doberman, i would be spaying her around her second birthday in July.

  2. bette cherrington

    she is 8 months old and is having her first heat. She is as cross between a bichon frisse and a maltese terrier.

  3. PK Dennis

    Our guidelines in Col. Potter Cairn Rescue is for females to be spayed at 6 months, same for males to be neutered.  In the past 20 years of owning dogs I have gone from fixing them at 1 year old to this 6 month age recommendation and I see big differences in how my dogs respond.  And I am liking the results of altering them at 6 months.