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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Was Sick About Three Weeks Ago With A Fever And Slightly Elevated Numbers In…

She was sick about three weeks ago with a fever and slightly elevated numbers in her pancreas. After several days on antibiotics she started eating again. Then she sprained her toe 11 days ago while running in the park, and is now walking without a limp. Now this purple lump on her stomach just popped up out of nowhere. It doesn’t look like a bite. It’s in between nipples, so it doesn’t have to do with that. She was fixed at three months old, so it shouldn’t have anything to do with mammary glands. Does this look familiar to anyone? I’ve shelled out about $350 in vet bills over the past three weeks and I’d like to avoid another trip if this is something that could just go away on it’s own.
Thank you for so much for your help.

2 Responses


  1. Brent Wolfson

    UPDATE: It’s only been a few hours since my post, but the thing ruptured. It’s gone from the dark purple to a clear ring with slight red around it. I’m guessing it was just a large pimple or blister of some kind. I’ve cleaned and disinfected it. I’ll keep an eye on it, but I’m guessing she’s going to be just fine.

  2. agatha tori

    Keep it clean probably and infected pimple like bump. I use peroxide on my dogs.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi Doctor,

I Need Help Which Is Perhaps Very Late But Even Though I Want…

Hi Doctor,

I need help which is perhaps very late but even though i want to know something serious.

Recently last Sunday i lost my son he was German Shepherd 3 yrs only.
Since last week Wednesday he wasn’t eating we took him to one vet care in but that doctor without taking his blood sample. Just gave him injection course of antibiotic for three days when we told him that what happened he said nothing just insect bite. Which i had a doubt on second day again we told that he hasn’t eaten anything please examine he didn’t just gave him injection.

He said that he is OK on last day we also told him that he is not eating and his poop was red and sticky he ignored it. Suddenly on Saturday night around 20:00pm he started showing neurological signs we cried badly we called that doctor he didn’t pick up .

We rushed our boy to other Vet but unfortunately he tried level best to save him but his body was having no fluid and he died on Sunday.

Please help me into this matter what made that we lost him he was very strong. PLEASE HELP ME so that i can know what made him to die.


Thanks and Regards,

13 Responses


  1. julie brader

    I am so sorry your dog went through this, you must be devastated to have lost him in this traumatic way.

    If you want to take this further then I suggest you write to the Organization who deals with Veterinary Complaints in your Country. I’m in the UK so don’t know who it is, but I’m sure you will find them online. 

    You would need to send all the notes/invoicss from the Vet who dealt with him and also possibly a Report from the last Vet you took him to. 

    It is really not ethical for us to comment about this on here. However, I am very sad this has happened to your dog. My thoughts are with you. 

  2. Ankeet Bhatt

    Dear Julie .
    Thanks for your valuable reply and yes it is very traumatic for us even we are hiding it to our dad who is in his business trip to India he loved him alot I don’t know what to do once he come should we tell him because he is a diabetic patient

  3. Anonymous

    did you get a necropsy done?  that’s the only real way to determine what caused the death of your dog.

    i am very sorry for your loss.  it hurts, when we lose them young.  i know your pain – i lost a puppy to a birth defect a couple of years ago and it still hurts to think of him.  please give yourself time to grieve.  if you truly feel the vet didn’t do everything he could to save your dog, then yes, contact the governing body in your country.  if your location is correct, and you’re in Tanzania, here’s the website:

  4. Ankeet Bhatt

    Thank you so much Laura for your kind words and concerns also thanks for giving me the link of website

  5. Anonymous

    this is going to sound really, really weird, but…if you have grief counseling in your area, consider it. it was one of the best things for me. it really helped me deal with the death of my puppy. he was my first dog, and the suddenness of it was such a shock to the system that i really didn’t know what i was going to do or how i was going to recover.

    i wish you solace, Ankeet.

  6. Shirin Sepehrara

    I’m so sorry for your loos.I’m just Pomeranian owner and don’t have enough experience about dog.But I had same disaster and I just want to sympathy with u.
    My 3th months Pomeranian died 5 months ago. He had same signs (red poo.don’t eat.throw out some foam from his noise)soooooo bad and I just cry all of the time.That was distemper one of the worst and deadly dog’s illness.His vet did any things he can.2 midnight we keep him in ICU.some nights use pulmotor .I tried to help him and I believed he could survive But he Could’t he died and made me lonley..
    I’m so sorry abou it 🙁

  7. julie brader

    Counselling helped me too Laura though my boy was 16 and had always been there. Its very hard to deal with.

  8. julie brader

    Honestly is always the best policy Ankeet. If you dad your dog died for another reason you will have a lifetime of keeping a secret from him. You did all you could it wasn’t your fault. I lost a puppy from our last litter due to a Vets mistakes and the nurse who was looking after her. The Vet admitted it and paid compensation…but it didn’t bring her back. I do know how you feel and I would take Laura’s advice and seek counselling to talk it through. It does help. Thinking of you x

  9. Ankeet Bhatt

    Well I can’t know if it’s too late to examine his body because he died on sunday 30th Aug 2015 now I don’t know if it’s body will be ok or not if yes then I will go for examining the body so that the other Vet who gave injection should be stopped from practising his services he is not a qualified one I think so .

  10. Ankeet Bhatt

    Well I can’t know if it’s too late to examine his body because he died on sunday 30th Aug 2015 now I don’t know if it’s body will be ok or not if yes then I will go for examining the body so that the other Vet who gave injection should be stopped from practising his services he is not a qualified one I think so .

  11. julie brader

    I’ve just read the article and agree with it too Laura. I’ve felt that grief myself and its easily as deep if not deeper than losing a family member. I’m feeling it agajn through my dear friend who has just lost her Great Dane from bone cancer. I wish i could help her through it but its your own private hell of pain.

  12. Anonymous

    people who say “it’s just a dog” or “it’s just a cat” or hell, “it’s just a turtle” really don’t understand. and i pity them. they’ve never experienced that kind of love or grief.

    there needs to be more dialog about the grief that comes with losing a pet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Cleaned With Peroxide And Applied Neosporin. I Think It’s Because He Some Times…

I cleaned with peroxide and applied neosporin. I think it’s because he some times bites and scratches his self. Also, flea and tick free.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    HI David,
    Try just soap/water instead of the hydrogen peroxide,,,that stuff actually will irritate and dry out. If he’s biting and scratching you need to figure out the cause. If he is indeed tick and flea free, it sounds like a trip to the vet to figure out the cause of the skin irritation as well as the issue with his nipples.

    Good luck!!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 7 Year Old Pitbull Recently Went About 4 Days (maybe 5) Without Defecating And…

My 7 year old pitbull recently went about 4 days (maybe 5) without defecating and eating minimally (no dog food, just occasionally would sneak some people foood) and escessively thirsty and peeing excessively . I made a vet appointment, and the day prior to the appointment she defecated, and began to eat (not much for the most part, juat a few bites here and there and was back to being herself in regards to personality. To be safe I took her to the vet anyway as an appointment had already been made. The vet diagnosed it as pancreatitis, noting that she seemed to have pulled through the worst of it on her own he said and put her on a course of meds (antibiotic and what I understood to be a probiotic) After the first day of meds she again became lethargic, and again won’t eat, not eating is putting it lightly, she has an aversion to it, regardless of what food it is she tends to get up and move elsewhere to avoid it. She is still urinating and defecating infrequently despite diminished food and liquid intake

3 Responses


  1. Jana

    What diagnostics did your vet do to determine it was pancreatitis? It is possible that she’s reacting to the antibiotic or it is possible that the diagnosis is something else. I’d definitely call the vet back and tell them what is going on.

  2. Eric Block

    blood test and general examination. I will call to see if it’s a reaction to the meds

  3. Jana

    Can’t comment on the blood test much without knowing what it showed and whether or not they ran cPL. Please do talk to them, though.

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kari Schiellerd | 10 years ago
My 10yo Rat Terrier (have Had Since 6months Old) Is Ppl And Dog Aggressive. He…

My 10yo rat terrier (have had since 6months old) is ppl and dog aggressive. He bit my 10 month old son twice this summer, no blood but snaps every chance he’s near baby.he has bitten people in the past. He has severe anxiety & is afraid of everything. he’s always been this way. His fur is falling out, he has hard black patches all over, and soft pink skin showing I’m other places. After biting my son’s face, hubby is talking about euthanasia. Is this the right choice?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
We Adopted 9 Mo. Old DSH Who Is Now 1 1/2 Yrs, Shady Was…

We adopted 9 mo. old DSH who is now 1 1/2 yrs, Shady was a stray dont know his history. Out of nowhere, his pupils dilate, attacks & bites so hard he draws blood. Jekyll & Hyde. Rough play or aggression? Love him tho. Help pls???

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    sounds like typical young cat behavior.  i’d get him in for a general checkup to be sure, though.

  2. Beth James

    Of course, the vet says he is healthy. It is a psychological or behavioral issue. Wish I knew what happened to him as a baby. Just would like to stop the biting. We had our last cat for 17 years so cat care isn’t new to us… How can we stop the biting?

  3. Beth James

    He has all his shots and we had him micro chipped in case he ever gets out.
    These attacks come out of nowhere! I hate to admit it but he can be scary. He attacks our legs and arms. We haven’t had him very long, but we love him and are keeping him (so cute). He can be very loving, lying down for hours, purring and we pet him. And he has a favorite toy, a cat that plays fetch!
    His demeanor changes in a split second, out of nowhere….is he just too happy??

  4. Beth James

    Thank you Dr. Magnifico, but that video isn’t 100% our Shady. Sometimes, he will just attack from another room for no reason.,… Not just when we pet him. It is very strange and I try not to compare him to our previous pet, I know they all have different personalities…..but the biting!!!! I wonder if it was from a prior trauma, he was homeless and underweight when he chose us at the adoption center??

  5. Beth James

    He was given a certified clean bill of health from the adoption center and again in April for his wellness visit from my vet. The biting has been since day 1. I think it has been decreasing in frequency. At first he was very skittish and afraid of noises, like thunder, but has calmed down tremendously, truthfully over the past few months. I will check out J Galaxy….thank you very much. Thank you too for having this site.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Has A Biting Problem, And I No Longer Feel Safe Around Him He…

My dog has a biting problem, and I no longer feel safe around him he actually drew blood one time?

10 Responses


  1. Lauren Lister

    is he aggressive? my female had this same problem. each time she bit i would take my hand and bob her bottom jaw. after a week she quit biting. and i mean. take your hand under his chin and swing up. 

  2. Anonymous

    please don’t listen to Lauren.

    see your vet ASAP (today, if possible) to ensure there are no medical problems causing the biting.  this should include things like a blood panel for thyroid.  once your dog is completely cleared of all medical problems, contact a veterinary behaviorist.  the directory is here:

    do NOT hit, knee, or otherwise act violent toward your dog.  this will not help.

  3. ashlyn hag

    My vet said I should put him down, and since the humane society won’t take him because he drew blood, should I?

  4. ashlyn hag

    My dog is a threat to my family and I am afraid that he will bite me kids, we have tried training classes, a trainer, and the humane society, anything else I should try?

  5. ashlyn hag

    Also the reason my dog bit the lady was because he didn’t get his way

  6. ashlyn hag

    Okay, thanks we had to put him down because he bit my daughter and he just gets so over protected, I know that there were other answers but my husband said their wasn’t we might get another dog do you have any suggestions for a mix breed dog that is easy to train and is medium size for under 200$

  7. Anonymous

    That’s such a shame. This may have been a medical issue. Putting him down should have been a last possible resort AFTER having a vet do full blood panels and AFTER engaging a veterinary behaviorist.

    No dog from an ethical, reputable breeder will cost auch a small sum. Please reevaluate your priorities with any future dog before running out and finding another one.

  8. ashlyn hag

    We did have blood samples and everything done but it came out normal.

  9. ashlyn hag

    He is aggressive and you should never hit any animal.

  10. jerry smith

    Kinda hate to go against the flow on this one, probably get blasted ,but here is what I experienced once. I had had a lab for about a month once and he decided to snap at me one day. I punched him in the nose and rattled him pretty good, i never had a problem after that. My grandpa used to say kick them under the chin hard as you can, but that seems a bit rough to me. Anyway, I don’t advocate animal abuse, but you could try this one time before putting the animal down…might just need a good “attitude adjustment” from his master. If you afraid to try it, then go ahead and put them down, because if he won’t change for you, he’s not going to. Sometimes a little old school works better, lol! please no one hate on me.

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Jana | 10 years ago
Can A Mouse Bite Pose Any Risk To A Dog?

Can a mouse bite pose any risk to a dog?

1 Response


  1. Jana Post author

    The bite was some place in the mouth, after she caught it and instead of crunching it held it in her mouth too gently. Looked but didn’t find any wounds or blood, just know it bit her because she yelped. So I doubt that could have been cleaned in any way. Hasn’t bothered her since, just when it happened.

    This is a very rural area so I’d imagine the mice here are pretty healthy.

    I can have all the chats with her I want but her prey drive is just way too strong. I just hope she’ll learn to catch-and-crunch so it doesn’t happen to her again.

    Which infections and diseases should be considered? Given it’s a Northern rural field mouse.

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Sarah | 11 years ago
Our German Shepherd, Butch, Has Always Been A Bit Itchy At Certain Times Of The…

Our german shepherd, Butch, has always been a bit itchy at certain times of the year- more in the spring than others. This summer though, he has really started digging at his underside and now licking constantly at his hind leg (where a human knee would sort of be.) Someone suggested it might be a hotspot. What is the treatment for that, or should I just bite the bullet and bring him into the office? I feel so silly doing that as he was just there not too long ago.

1 Response


  1. Christina Chambreau

    A hot spot is not a particular skin ailment, but rather an area that has been licked/chewed to the point where it develops a bacterial infection that causes the “spot” to be oozing a honey colored, gooey discharge, often with an odor. 

    I am a holistic veterinarian, so I can offer a number of possible solutions for you and also some coaching for general itching problems. 

    first, since he is worse this summer, I wonder if you have recently had  your old
    “analog” electric meter (it has 4 little discs that spin and a man stops
    monthly to read it) changed for a “smart meter” or “digital meter” – looks like a
    computer. These can cause severe health problems or worsen current ones. Opt
    out of getting one.  If you already have one, pay the money to replace it, and the monthly fee we are charged for protecting our children, animals and ourselves from the high EMFs. has info to educate you and help you. 

    Also, this summer has been much wetter, and some animals are more susceptible to that. Also, when were vaccines last given? they can cause skin problems. 

    Finally, has he been showing any lameness, even mild? Sometimes they will chew on a part of the body that is in pain. 

    the conventional treatment for itching is anti-itch medication, topically or orally and maybe an antibiotic. 

    Holistically there are some treatments for this episode, then work to maximize health by
    following the keys on my website,, especially the 7 keys to health. Healthy dogs just do not
    get hot spots. 

    Now, clip the hair around the spot if it is discharging, then use brown lye old fashioned soap followed by the black or green tea bags. Once it is dry, use aloe from your own plant or a drinkable organic aloe vera from the store, or plantain from your yard (if no chemicals there) made into a slurry or calendula to heal. If it is very itchy, SSStingSSSTop ( from the health store) may help. 

    Merely improving the diet (raw meaty bones and pureed vegetables) may help end the itchiness, or you may need to seek professional care (Bel Air, Hereford, White Marsh are probably the closest holistic veterinarians to you – for details, or the links page on my site). Mitomax is
    a super probiotic
    can improve nutrient absorption, so helps with all problems. I have had many
    animals’ itchiness clear up while using this, though sometimes they need to
    stay on it. Unlike other probiotics, it is very stable and is ok at the low
    stomach pH.

     Rescue Remedy is an easily available (at any health food store and many regular stores) combination flower essence to “rescue” when needed. 10 drops in a cup of water and sponge on the itchy knee, or add to any other topical treatments you choose. Put one
    drop in a separate water bowl for him (and any of the others) to drink – change daily.  If the RR seems to help, you can give some orally (few drops from the bowl) as frequently as any of the family thinks of it.  

    Even if the licking is because of a knee issue, the Rescue Remedy may help, as will the self healing methods listed below. Of course, if symptoms worsen – time to visit a veterinarian, preferably an integrative one if you are interested in that approach. 

    For the future, learn Reiki ( is a local Baltimore source of classes, and any holistic store or practice nearer to you as Reiki is the same for human and animals), acupressure, TTouch, healing Touch for Animals (HTA),
    massage, acupressure (several good books) and take one of my homeopathy classes – August is a 6 days class. 

    There is a great store that will be a healing resource for all your animals – Baron’s country Store (N of Bel Air, so should be close enough for you). It is near Dave’s natural market, another great resource. 

    Ask more questions here if I was not clear. 

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
It’s Woof Wednesday In Wellness From Kipper’s Kitchen! (I Had To Wrestle Cody Pup For…

It’s Woof Wednesday in Wellness From Kipper’s Kitchen! (I had to wrestle Cody pup for a bite! 😉 ) Today’s post is a healthy treat for your furbaby!

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