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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello, Recently (today) We Had Brought Our 2 Year Old Pit Mix To The Vet. He…

Recently (today) we had brought our 2 year old pit mix to the vet. He currently has ear infections in both ears. We were prescribed pills for the swelling, ear drops and ear wash. The pills are the easy part… the hard part is cleaning his ears. I know I am doing it right because of another animal we have that had ear infections. We have tried treats, sitting with him and going slow. But there is just no stopping the biting and the whining. I know it must suck for him and I’m going easy with him. Is there any more suggestions to help calm him down so I can wash his ears? Thanks..

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For some dogs this is very difficult because the ears are painful. For others it is fraught with anxiety due to associated fear and for some they were just never conditioned to not be afraid of ear (also applies to nail trimming). For the immediate care you could ask about a product like Osurnia. A long lasting topical. But you have to get him used to having his ears cleaned as he is predisposed to other ear infections. Ask your vet for tips on how to hold and clean the ears and try to always make it a quick easy and stress free task. Good luck

  2. Brittany Mullens

    Update: thank you for the advice. I asked the vet today and she gave us a topical. Also the swelling of his ears has gone down significantly. Which definitly helps with the process of cleaning… I have washed his ears before and I do with the other dogs because I knew if one had ear infections it’s possible for the others to be prone (they are siblings). I think it was just because of the pain factor. We still go super slow with him and try to keep him as calm as possible. But so far so good! Thank you again!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Has Had 2 Normal Worming Treatments And 1 Stronger One Which Lasted 3 Days…

She has had 2 normal worming treatments and 1 stronger one which lasted 3 days and was taken with chicken and rice. We broke her in gently back to puppy biscuits but today has been really bad. She has had 4 runny poos in 1 hour. And 2 contained blood. She seems happy enough but has definitely been more naughty this evening. Biting and running around.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry but your question was lost when the site was updated. I hope that she was seen by a vet and is better now. Any young puppy diarrhea needs to be seen by a vet asap. again our apologies for the delay.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has A Very Bad Abscess On His Head. Was Sick For A Few…

My cat has a very bad abscess on his head. Was sick for a few days before we realized. A drain tube was installed about 30 hours ago. Lots of drainage still. Cat not very responsive, eyes not opening to look at me, mostly laying in one spot. As far as i can tell, he’s only getting up to urinate in the box. He drank some water last night. Had a very very small bite of food but hasn’t really eaten for days. Is this normal now that the tube is installed? He was given fluids and a antibiotic shot. I feel like the infection, not the antibiotics, is winning the battle. How long before I see progress or need to take him back to the vet? I’m thinking we should go back tomorrow 48 hours after having the tube installed if he’s still like this. Thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I agree, I’d get him in today.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Tried Washing It Off But It Starts Getting Wet/oily Again Before Shes Even…

I tried washing it off but it starts getting wet/oily again before shes even fully dried. she shakes her head every once in a while and doesnt like it when i try to examine it. while giving her a bath, i couldnt find any cuts or irritations. She has normal urine and stool and eats and drinks fine too. A couple weeks ago we found her biting her paw to the point where it was almost raw so we had put an ecollar on her. and just about 2 days ago we noticed that the top of her head looked as if someone had spilled a small spoon of oil on her head.

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    I would take her to a vet for evaluation – sounds like she has an allergy or skin condition developing and you will need help to resolve it.

    In the mean time I would remove all grains from her diet, including treats.  Dogs don’t need grains and don’t digest them well.  And while not every dog is allergic to grains the can cause just enough impact on the immune system that other allergies can get a food-hold.  Go to a good pet store (not grocery store, big box store, nor a pet store that sells puppies) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog food area.  Then start reading labels, you want a dog food that has real meat listed as the first 2 (or even better, 3) ingredients.  Real meat is easy to spot, it will say lamb, elk, bison, turkey, salmon meal, whitefish meal, etc.  (meal is the entire animal ground up and dried). 

    Don’t buy any food that lists ‘by products’ in the ingredients – you would be paying premium price for an inferior product.

    Avoid chicken and beef – many dogs are reactive to these sources of protein.

    If the vet recommends Benadryl use Zyrtec instead – I find that it works better for dogs.

    Good luck

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 2 Yr Old Pitbull Kesha Is Favoring Her Back Leg And If You Apply…

My 2 yr old Pitbull Kesha is favoring her back leg and if you apply pressure to her elbow she acts like she is going to bite your hand but doesn’t yip. She just started favoring her leg an hour ago as well.

1 Response


  1. Erika Rose

    Thank you Krista she is all better now thanks to your advice, also helped that we encouraged her to walk around instead of laying on it and putting ice packs on her leg

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 5 Yr Old Westi. The Lady Who Had Him Lived In An…

I have a 5 yr old westi. The lady who had him lived in an apartment and didnt take him out to potty regularly. He now has a foul odor, doesn’t seem to have much energy, acts like his lower back hurts (when u go to touch his back or pet him down his back he will try to bite you. Which is uncommon he has never bite or been aggressive to anyone) and also I have noticed a few times he has kind of like a runny puss lookING liquid coming from his rear end. Can anyone tell me what it may be.?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    The only way to know for sure what is happening with this dog is to take him to a vet.  

    He is in pain (that is why he wants to bit when you try to touch), and it sounds like he has an infection (the runny puss).  With Westies it is very likely that he had impacted anal glands which burst and now are infected.  This would make his back hurt for sure!!  It would also smell terrible.

    So, get him to a vet as soon as possible and get him the help he so desperately needs!

  2. Andrea Cox

    You are smart to come to this website because you know something is wrong. Now is the time to get off the computer and get this animal to a vet and quickly. I would say if you cannot get an appointment by tomorrow then you need to seek and Emergency vet open 24 hours and go immediately.  The longer you wait the worse things will get and it is suffering. Who knows how long it was ill before you rescued it. Act quickly! Good Luck.

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    This could be many different issues please take him to the vet ASAP!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Almost Ate The Pit Of A Peach, He Didn’t Eat The Actual Pit…

My dog almost ate the pit of a peach, he didn’t eat the actual pit but he was trying to bite it and got a tiny piece of the outer shell, will he be okay should I watch his reaction?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
About A Month Ago I Took My Fur Baby To The Vet Because He Had…

About a month ago I took my fur baby to the vet because he had a get red dots on his paws that seemed like any bites but he keep licking his paws so I got him checked out to be on the safe side. When we took him in the vet didn’t seem to care much about the situation and just told us that he was not sure what the case was but he thought it was possibly an allergic reaction to something outside, which he was only outside while we worked during the day, so we started keeping him inside all day and only let him outside for potty breaks. The vet went ahead and perscriped Chomps some antibiotics and some pain medication in hopes that it would clear that “allergic reaction” while he was at the vet that day he also had a skin biopsy because when he was about 5 months he began to develop a skin disorder called demodex so we were making sure that he was still clear… All was well everything was clear. Well here we are a month later paws still red and inflammed. My poor baby is very very sensitive to his paws and is constantly licking them. He sleeps a lot more than he used to! I am very concerned but I unfortunately cannot afford to constantly take him to the vet to get unanswered diagnoses. I have been reading up on this situation and I don’t want to self diagnosed him but everything in this article is exactly what is going in with my big fur baby I just would like some professional advice please help! content://

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    What do you feed?  If there’s any grain or chicken in the food, try something else.  You want grain free and something with a novel protein.  I would also wash his feet every time he comes back inside and if this persists I would head to a veterinary dermatologist.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I’m Not Sure If She Ate It Or Just Bite It But She Had Foam…

I’m not sure if she ate it or just bite it but she had foam on the side of her mouth. I have already rinsed her mouth and cleaned her teeth etc with a wet towel. She is acting totally normal at the moment and hasn’t been sick as of yet

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    As long as she just bit it she should be okay – may have some swelling in her mouth.  If she ate it she needs a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Have Had Our Female Shitz Tuz Mandie For 3 Years, She Was A Rescue…

We have had our female Shitz Tuz Mandie for 3 years, she was a rescue dog from a nasty place. She came to us scared of people, it took us a full year to gain her trust, and she can still be skiddish around others. The 1st yr we had her we noticed what looked to be a bug bite, a few days later we had a home visit from a local vet who checked her out, gave her shots etc. We pointed out the bite which had by that time turned into what looked like a boil, which had popped earlier that day. The vet said it was due to fleas, and gave her drops, which we keep current. Ever since that bite she has been chewing herself raw on that spot. We couldn’t find anything there, no bumps or marks that would cause it to bother her. We did notice that her skin in that spot discolored a little. We thought it could be from her licking and chewing. A few months went by and she continued to chew, we switched her shampoo to low sud/oatmeal soap, and switched up her diet to Nutro dry food, no chicken or corn. and that hasn’t helped. Its gotten to the point where she doesn’t want to play, and she sleeps more, may be because she sit up at night after we are sleeping chewing. Her skin is now bright pink all over and her chewing has now moved to any spot she can reach. Any ideas on what is causing this? And, what I should do. Our vet’s here are extremely high dollar vet’s and we just can’t afford a $1,000 vet bill. Please help I feel so bad for this little girl.

Thank you
Lori G

3 Responses


  1. Ashley Garison

    Hi Krista, Thanks for your advice, we figured as much. I guess we all have to pitch in on this one and get our baby healthy again. And being so hot right now I’m sure isn’t making her feel any better either. I’ll give her a nice cool bath tonight and take her in first thing tomorrow.
    Again thanks for responding so fast. We all need more vets like you!

  2. PK Dennis

    First get all grain out of her diet, including treats.  Go to a good pet store (not the grocery store, or big box) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog food and start reading lables. Pick a grain free dog food that has real meat as the first 2 , or even better 3 ingredients.  Real meat is easy to spot it says lamb, elk, bison, turkey, salmon meal or whitefish meal (meal is the entire animal ground up and dried).  Do not buy any food with by products listed in the ingredients – this is and indication of inferior goods.  The worst grains for dogs are: wheat, corn, corn gluten, rice, soy, oats.  Many dogs do alright with buckwheat since it is not a grain.

    Dogs may not be allergic to grain, but it impacts their ability to fight other allergens.  Most dogs do much better when grain is removed from their diet.

    Next, stop washing your dog (they only need a bath if they have rolled in something!) and just rinse her instead with a mix of 1/3 vinegar (cider vinegar is her coat is colored, white vinegar if her coat is mostly white) and 2/3 water.  Work this into her coat and skin and allow her to shake and dry.  Do not rinse it out.  You can rinse her with this every day, and if you have her coat cut very short, you can do it 2 times per day.  Just be sure she dries out between applications, you don’t want her staying damp since that will lead to other problems.  The vinegar smell will disappear as she dries.   I recommend you do keep her coat short for the time being – it will help you keep allergens out of her coat.  Brush her daily.  You can keep her tail hair long since that is one of the best features of this breed!

    Keep a bowl of this mix beside the door (make it fresh every day) and rinse her paws in it when she comes in from outside – this will help reduce the amount of allergen she tracks into the house.

    Cover every place she sleeps or naps with towels or sheets and toss those covers in the wash once a week.  This helps remove the pollen and mold spores that may be making her itch.  Wash her dog bed weekly too if she has one.  Vacuum the house daily with a HEPA filter in the vacuum.

    If she has any raw or ‘hot spots’ dab on witch hazel with aloe vera – you will find this in any pharmacy.

    If your vet told you to use Benadryl, switch to Zyrtec instead – it seems to work better.  Same dosage, and generic is fine.

    I agree with Dr. Krista’s advice to get the help of a vet – but after 22 years of dealing with itchy terriers I know that I have to take these other steps along with what the vet recommends.

  3. Andrea Cox

    I think you need a vet as this dog has been suffering long enough. You have tried hard to treat it at home and unfortunately it hasn’t worked. The next step is a vet and preferably not the same vet that saw her the first time.  It would be no wear near $1000. Probably less than $200 including the meds. You did a great thing by rescuing this dog and to continue being a great pet parent it takes sacrifice and some occasional money with a vet. Where I live a vet consultation is a mere $39. At that point they will tell you what needs to be done. You will be feel so much better once you help this poor dog.