Call around and find a vet who is available to see you ASAP or ask your vet which emergency facility they refer to. I would start there. If it lasts longer than 6 hours I recommend an ER visit.
My German Shepherd has a bump on her upper eye lid for about a week and a half and I’m wondering if any one has an idea what it is. I’m wondering if it’s a wart or something. The first picture is how it started and the 2nd and 3rd picture are today.
My dog has these itchy spots popping up. They’re risen and have a scab over them. If you remove parts of the scab, there is a clear wet substance coming from the spot. Hair is also coming off with the scab. They are the size of a nickel, and I don’t see any other tiny spots or bumps around them. No change in diet/monthly preventatives. He has one on his back and one on his chest. He is a neopolitan mastiff if that matters. Trying to avoid a vet visit if possible.
11 month old puppy has welts/hives/bumps all over her body and legs.. not sure if it’s from something she ate, bees, allergic reaction to some type of plant? She’s acting pretty normal otherwise, just looks terrible! Her vet doesn’t have any appointments available for 10 days. He did say to give her Benadryl, which she has had two doses of and doesn’t seem to be helping much. When should I worry and consider taking her to an emergency vet clinic?
Hi, my female torti Dusty has bumps on her tongue… The vet had me give her doxycycline liquid and prednisone for 2 months… the bumps didn’t change, but while I was there, she also told me to stop giving her wet food. About a week or so ago I stopped her wet food (which is Sheba Perfect portions) and just gave her the puro a one sensitive stomach hard food she has been eating for 2 years (I was doing 50/50)… I noticed she is having issues peeing… no pain, but she takes me to see she is only peeing about a teaspoon or so and she does it very often… she isn’t showing any signs of pain or lethargy, and eating fine. I tried to feel around but not sure if I found a bladder or not, nothing feels hard and she only complains as much as usual so I don’t think anything hurts.
I’ve watched videos on expressing a bladder and catheterizing a male, but I can’t seem to find any info on females (still looking)… my mom’s dog had 3 bladder stones for over a month just peeing a few drops every time and then all of a sudden they just popped out so I’m trying to weigh the cost-benefit with the local vet. Today is Sunday and I wasn’t about to go emergency if she wasn’t in pain, but I’m still afraid they’ll want $500+ to do anything since just a physical with no blood tests or shots is over $100 and I’m sure they’ll want xrays, etc. I’m in Florida and I know vets here charge 2x-3x more than other places.
Any info will help
About 10 yrs young
No signs of sick/injured/pain
I only noticed this bump under Beasley’s nose few weeks ago. It is steadily growing. Doctor thinks it is a skin granuloma, gave him antibiotics and steroids for the past week. Hasn’t helped I went back and looked at pictures, looks like it started mid August, after a trip to the beach. I can’t keep him from licking the spot, anything we put on it, he licks more to get it of.
My 12 1/2 year old miniature schnauzer has a bump on her face I discovered two days ago. The bump was originally pink and matted over by hair. She got a full hair cut about a month ago so the bump wasn’t there before that. We’ve been putting Neosporin on it and a liquid band aid but after cutting more hair from the wound which had scabs over it with the hair, it is red and still fully exposed with a black edge. Not sure what this could be. Is it life threatening or do I need to take her to the vet?
My pug is getting like small red bumps in his fur are they allergies should i be worried
My dog Zeus has a reddish pink pea sized bump on his snout. I’ve
looked up all kinds of things. I think it’s a histiocytoma. It let’s out blood and oozes once in awhile and then fills up fast and big again. If someone can help I want to make sure what it is. The pic is not showing how it really looks. It’s very puffy. Thank you Debbie
My parakeet was on my finger, and i took him to the edge of the cage, but he freaked and flew out. His wings were clipped so he bumped into alot of things, we finally got him back into his cage, but now he wont take millet out of my hand, what do i do?
There are are small (smaller than the size of pea) bumps on my dogs head, that were not there yesterday. She’s a 5 year old beagle. They seem to be underneath the skin with no redness or any other noticeable protrusion above the skin. They don’t seem to be bothering her. She’s up to date on all vaccines and flea/tick treatment. I wiped the top of her head off with a wash cloth with dawn dish soap on it and they gown down significantly. I’m not sure what it might be and what caused it
A lump or a bump can only be diagnosed by a biopsy. If it isn’t growing and is t problematic you can give it some time to see if it changes. There are cosmetic lesions like warts in people which never require medical attention. Also things like sebaceous adenomas, histiocytomas, etc don’t usually require care. If it gets larger or you are concerned please see your vet in person for an examination for advice.