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Kelly | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat That Is Experiencing Sneezing, Nasal Discharge Followed With Blood In …

I have a 12 year old cat that is experiencing sneezing, nasal discharge followed with blood in one nostril as well as some wheezing. Took him to emergency room and he was given steroid injection and clavamox for two weeks in December. After the two weeks experienced same thing, they stated it could be nasal polyp. Regular vet gave Orbax which did nothing. After calling around because everyone wanted 2500 for a ct scan i found a vet that performed a rhinoscopy and he removed three polyps. One looked abnormal so he did a culture and biopsy. He put my cat on doxycycline. The cat is still having wheezing but breathing better. The meds do not seem to be working. So went back to vet and he gave my cat a steroid injection. The biopsy came back negative for cancer and the culture negative for respiratory viruses. He doesn’t know whats going on. He says either my cat has a immune issue with inflammation where he will prescribe some predisone pills or that the cat has a tumor deeper than his rhinoscopy can go. He is suggesting i put my cat down. My cat has been behaving more energetic since receiving the predisone injection days ago but the wheezing and stuffy nose wont go away. Any ideas, i don’t want to put down an otherwise healthy animal.?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? So glad that you were able to search out and find a vet that could help you. Have you had a heart to heart with him about other management options for your cat?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    i see lots of cats with lots of nasal issues. In general most older cats are some degree of inflammation and irritation, or even perhaps an allergy component. I think that before any suggests euthanasia it would be helpful to get a second opinion. I would ask to see either an internal medicine specialist, or, a feline specialist. If she is happy, eating and functioning I would give her more time an try a few other treatment options. In some cases long term cerenia nasal drops, a steroid, or even an inhaler can help. Also look at her environment. Remove all potential allergens, even think about litter. Anything that might be in her environment that might irritate her nose and nasal passages.. No perfumes, air scents, or powders anywhere. No diffusers, no smoking (even outside), no pollutants of any kind. Tghen try lits of different antibiotic treatments, and even perhaps an antiviral.. Everything should be tried before succumbing to euthanasia. Even with the worst cases (the facial neoplasias) I can often buy some good tie with some medial therapies. And I never give up until I know my patients have exhausted all options and can no longer find relief.
    I hope this helps,, please ask your vet for more help,, or find another who will help you.
    good luck,, let us know what happens.


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BILL | 5 years ago
Blue Is An Approximately 7-8 Year Old Rottweiler. I Recently Adopted Her Last Year From A …

Blue is an approximately 7-8 year old Rottweiler. I recently adopted her last year from a family that had adopted her 5 years before when she was brought to a Rottweiler rescue as a stray. Recently have some issues with her licking paws and biting at the hair on her legs, also severe dandruff with scaly scabs along her flank with leathery skin, also scabbing along the outer ridges of her ears. I initially suspected an allergy as have had rottweilers before and experienced their tendency to have allergy to food etc. Visited the vet about the skin, did antibiotics and it subsided but not completely cleared up. I decided to change food and in doing so she had 2 bouts of diarrhea that both had to be treated with metronidazole. In this process comes the problem, on one of those visits my vet discovered her spleen was enlarged. confirmed by xray, no masses just enlargement. In process of having her thyroid checked by a 3 panel test as I think the vet is going in the direction of a low thyroid causing multiple ear/skin infections which in turn is enlarging the spleen. I did check with previous owner and she has had skin/ear infections in past, treated by Keflex and allergy shot but never confirmed as to why. Vet stated she has little confidence at this point it could be cancer, but possible. we are embarking on finding out why her spleen is enlarged… My question is has anyone had a similar situation and or what do you think will be the outcome? Also if this does play out as a thyroid issue, given proper treatment will the spleen return to healthy size or will it need to be removed? I am aware of the possibility of hemangiosarcoma and do know what that outcome would most likely be.

2 Responses


  1. Diana

    Hello! Lilah, my 12 year cat is believed to have a nasal polyp/s by our vet. She has the classic symptom of the constant snoring/snarling sound. It actually began over two years ago, but we waited to address it due to cost. Recently, she had a short GI flair up that she had treated, but she would not eat for several days during it. My vet suspected it was because the potential polyp is large enough that she couldn’t smell her food well on top of being sick. I had her hospitalized for the weekend to get fluids and nausea medication. She resumed eating. My vet urged me to get the polyp addressed, indicating it is a simple procedure, and Lilah is an otherwise healthy cat. Her blood work was fine. She was both ultrasounded and x-rayed with the GI issue, and just had inflammation in the lower intestine at the time. The referred specialty vet is quoting us over $3,000. $1,500 for a CT scan and $1,500 plus for the Rhinoscopy. In searching for options, I stumbled across you in a Utube video. The cat you were doing the procedure on both looked like and met the snoring description of my cat. She had a nasal flush two years ago, when the snoring began, and they could not see or reach it at that time. They presumed it was in the nasal csvity. We love our cat, but we just paid $1,500 for this GI issue and an additional $3,000 plus would require us to borrow the amount. When we saw your video and that you helped someone in a similar predicament, we wondered if you could help Lilah? We are drivable to your practice, though in Pennsylvania. If appreciate any help or advice. Thank you so much!
    Diana Maginn

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would wait for the thyroid panel to return before speculating too much more. I also advise people that hypothyroidism is one of the most over diagnosed diseases we see. The dog should be acting like they have a low Thyroid along with appropriate test results before diagnosing. As far as the spleen goes. I’m not sure if oversized is a problem. It is just a finding. And I have no guess as to what it will do. You can ask for an ultrasound to better appreciate it and speculate on its underlying issue and best course of action. If I think a spleen is, or is going to be a problem I remove it before that happens.

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Bob | 5 years ago
Our 9 Year Old Border Collie The Vet Believes Has Colon/Rectal Cancer. He Did A Rectal …

Our 9 Year Old Border Collie the vet believes has Colon/Rectal Cancer. He did a rectal exam and can feel several large masses narrowing his colon. Our
dog started limping and favoring a back leg 2 weals ago, then 5 days ago has been unable to poop. Just little pieces of poop would come out, and he would
be trying to go for several minutes. The Vet believes the narrowing of the colon due to the masses inside are also pinching the nerves causing his limp, since
our dog did not injure his hind leg, and is not in pain.
He is referring us to a Vet that can image the area, and possibly due radiation.

Does anyone have and advice for us ??? Does anyone have and history to share with us???

We appreciate any feedback.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- I’m sorry you have this going on. I think that comfort and quality have to play a role in any decision making. And budget. That is the reality of it. Talk with your vet. Talk with the specialist you are going to. Talk about all possible prognosis and all possible options. Be sure to voice your concerns- you may want to start keeping a written list so that you don’t forget anything at your visit. Very best to you. Please keep us posted-

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Elizabeth Adkins | 5 years ago
Dr Magnifico, My Mother In Law Has Been Feeding About 6-8 Feral Cats For About 10 Years. …

Dr Magnifico, My mother in law has been feeding about 6-8 feral cats for about 10 years. Some of them we’ve brought to JVC clinic for vetting and snipping. She now has terminal cancer and dementia. She has for the last year been letting 2 of them into her house. They use the litter box and sleep in her house although she’s never touched them. She is about to be admitted to Gilcrest for end of life care and these cats will no longer be able to come inside. We will still go feed them but eventually the house will be sold. We are wondering if you have any suggestions on what to do with these cats. They are all very healthy, just not young anymore and need to find homes.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Im sorry to hear about your mom. I think the best thing to do is to call Jenn, my office manager tomorrow and explain all of these. We have some resources available that might be able to help. I also think that you should start posting on Facebook and Reach out to everyone you know.

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed Last Friday A Faint Circle On My Dog Head Between His Eyes The Following …

I noticed last Friday a faint circle on my dog head between his eyes the following day it opened up and they was a circle of blood. I took my dog the vet on Monday and was given cream that I applied till Friday yesterday morning. Yesterday the scab came off and they was a small red circle not sure if they was any bleeding. The 4th picture show what it look like today. Can this be cancer? As I don’t understand if cancer develope a scab ? If it was just a bump that opened up and a scab formed for it to heal then should it not be showing a fleshy circle still ? How long does it usally take for this type of thing to heal? I have spent days looking at picture of cancer and they are all lump that bleed and I ain’t seen a picture of a scab forming over any. I asked my vet on Monday after she checked it out if it could be cancer and she said it could be but if it was just a scab would she not know ? Or can cancer form scabs?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The saying goes that cancer can do whatever it wants. The best way to identify what this is is by taking a biopsy. Please ask your vet to help you monitor the masses progression and consider surgical biopsy if it persists or doesn’t heal.

    1. Ben Post author

      Hello and thanks for the response. How long should I watch this for? If it just a bump from say hitting his head that opened up and scabed over Then should it of not already healed within a week or does it take longer to heal? It been 8 days since the faint circle appeared for it to open up the next day then form a scab so how many more days should I wait to see if it heals? His also got other little lump showing up 2 on his neck and 2 on his side but they ain’t progressed like the one on his face, they are just small hard lumps.

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed Last Friday An Outline Of A Circle On My Dog Head That You Can …

I noticed last Friday an outline of a circle on my dog head that you can to look for a certain angle to see. The next day you could see it more and it open up and was bleeding. I took my dog to the vets on Monday and asked if it could be cancer and was told it could be then given betafuse that I applied twice a day till today, the cream done nothing. The growth itself I don’t think has grown outwards but I think it grown a bit upwards. His been acting less energetic lately it mite be due to him getting older as his close to 8 he only seem full of energy when it come to walks or play but he just seem a bit of off less up for going up the stairs. His also got a small lump on his side and neck tho they ain’t the size of this lump.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only way a lump or bump is definitively diagnosed is with a biopsy. A photo can’t provide the answer as many of them look very similar. I would follow the directions of your vet and follow up if it worsens or doesn’t resolve. You can also ask about a biopsy or a referral to a veterinary dermatologist. Because it is on the head I would also ask about it possibly being a histiocytoma. Let us know what happens.

    1. Ben Post author

      Hello and thanks for the response. How long should I watch it for, would waiting and seeing not risk the chance of spreading or is this not a concern with tumour on top of the skin?

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Monika | 5 years ago
Hi There, I Guess It Will Be Long. Anamnesis My Cat Is An Adopted Cat From …

Hi there,

I guess it will be long.

My cat is an adopted cat from shelter. He was 1.5 yrs old when I adopted him and 9 months old when he got into the shelter. He is 7.5 yrs old now.
He suffered from catflu. He lost his left eye because of it. He had polyp in his left nasal cavity having spread to his left earcanal also, so he had to undergo a surgery at the age of 1.5.

The problem
Every season changes– fall, spring — makes him sneeze so I always administer him Vetri-DMG and Flumax to strenght his immune system.
This fall he was sneezing a lot sounded some discharge up, but didn’t see anything then he started snoring didn’t matter if he was sleeping or awaken. He vomited brownish, greenish, and yellowish fluid. Later on he tried to vomit, but nothing came up. On the top of these he seemed to be gasping for breath or being out of breath.
Since having administered Vetri-DMG and Flumax for 3 or 4 weeks I took him to a vet. He administered him eyedrops (3×2 for 7-10 days) Tobradex — corticosteroid and antibiotics — as he found nothing, but his teary eye and conjunctivitis, which is of course tearing all the time as he has epiphora thanks to catflu. He also administered Moxiclear spot on when the next deworming time comes (he is given dewormer each month, Fenbendazole and Praziquantel — guess you know it as Panacur) to make sure that he has no heartworm or lungworm…

Eardrops have been used for 8 days and he has started snoring again. He snores sometimes even he is awaken when breathing in or out.

His RIGHT side nostril seems to be swollen inside, so as far as I can see ti and narrower on this side. And that’s what makes me be so worried. I am afraid of… nasal cancer. He is a ginger cat and has lentigo on his nose, in on his lips, on his pows… How can I find out what the problem is? Unfortunately, in my country vets doesn’t know anything except giving injections… If an illness is not well-seen yet they do nothing.

Help us please!

Thank you so much in advance!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    When I see oronasal or facial cancer it usually causes displacement of the eye outward. It can also cause swelling or enlargement of the facial area (bridge of nose and cheek area). I haven’t seen one to cause widening or narrowing of the nose. My suspicion would be more inflammatory than cancer. Unfortunately the only way to diagnose is with either tissue samples (usually from traumatic sampling which only a specialist should do), or a CT scan (which is expensive and not available everywhere). The things I have tried in my clinic have been anti inflammatory nasal drops, nebulizer treatments, courses of antibiotics and blood work testing to include a cbc, chem panel and FeLV/FIV status. Also warm humid air like in a hot shower room can help. Also it is super important to assess the living environment for any allergens (no powers, sprays, potpourri, and good ventilation (no mold or dark areas where dust or mold could settle). I hope this helps. Good luck!

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Laurie Sites | 5 years ago
Foreign Object On Ultrasound After Surgery? My Cat Had A Bilateral Chain Mastectomy 5 Months Ago After …

Foreign object on ultrasound after surgery? My cat had a bilateral chain mastectomy 5 months ago after a cancer diagnosis. The surgery went well and at her 2 week suture removal appointment the surgeon said everything looked great. However, soon after she developed a rather large seroma in her abdominal area. I took her to my vet and she drained almost almost 100 cc of fluid and tested the fluid to confirm it was a seroma. As expected. the seroma was back by the next week and has been there ever since (going on 4 months), though this time it was rather firm. I was told that the seroma should eventually go away on it’s own. The seroma doesn’t really seem to bother her at all. I took her to my vet 2 days ago for an unrelated matter and she was concerned that it hadn’t changed at all. She drained the fluid again so she could feel the incision underneath. She was concerned that something could be causing irritation or something could have improperly healed (she said it felt odd when palpitating the stomach). She suggested that I make an appointment with the specialty surgeon.

I took her in for her appointment today and he suggested that we could do surgery to remove subcutaneous tissue and place a drain. I really do not want to do a drain and would like to avoid another surgery if at all possible given what she’s already been through!! (and I already paid for a $3000 surgery) He said we could do a limited ultrasound of the abdomen first to make sure the body wall was intact. I agreed to the ultrasound. He called with the results and said the body wall was intact and the fluid was clear but a could see a “repeatable foreign object” near the front of the seroma that could be causing irritation and fluid buildup. It seems to me that this foreign object has to be a direct result of the surgery (flipped staple, something left inside…)?? It’s outside of the body wall. I’m very frustrated. He stuck with his recommendation of a $1,500 exploratory surgery and the drain placement. However, he did say it’s not an emergency as she doesn’t seem in any distress and has been living with it for months.

Advice on how to proceed? What questions should I ask? Should the surgeon take responsibility for this?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like you have a firm understanding of everything that has been done. And a suspicion that is reasonable and understandable. With all of this I would inquire with the surgeon your concerns. If I were your surgeon I would offer to do it for free if indeed I was also concerned that I might be responsible for this. Your other option is to ask the surgeon for a referral from an unbiased unrelated surgeon who can give an honest assessment without bias or liability. Things happen. But ethical responsibility is paramount. You have options. Don’t be afraid to inquire, insist and exercise them. Please let me know what happens. I’m interested. Good luck.

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Dee | 5 years ago
My Cocker Spaniel Is 18 Months Old. Only One Of His Testicles Dropped And He Had What …

My cocker spaniel is 18 months old. Only one of his testicles dropped and he had what we thought was a retained one. He went in to be neutered today and after two hours under the vet couldn’t find the other ball!

He will do a blood test in a few months to check for testosterone. If there’s none then it looks like he only ever had one but if there is hormone then it’s in there somewhere.

I’m worried sick as the reason we got this done was retained testicles are at a higher risk for cancer. Has anyone experienced this with their dog? Did the dog go on to be okay?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have had a few cases like this. It sounds like your vet is doing everything I would. If you are really having a tough time waiting and worrying ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist or ask a boarded surgeon to go in and take a look for it. In my opinion these are your next best options.
    Let me know what happens. Please!
    Good luck

    1. Dee Post author

      Thank you for such a quick response. There is another issue in that my dog has a cleft palate and I’m unsure about another major surgery. The vet suggested ultrasounding his tummy every year (or 6 months if I was really anxious) to catch anything that might start to grow. Nothing showed on an ultrasound today.

      Prior to the neutering the vet was very much “this missing testicle needs to come out as the risks for cancer are very high” ….now it cant be found it’s “well we can ultrasound him regularly and catch things in it’s tracks, I’m not too concerned”. so I’m a bit confused.

      Do you know how risky the retained testicle is for disease? I have my fingers crossed for a negative blood test.

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Zoey | 6 years ago
A Repeat Rhinoscopy On My 11 Year Old Cat Revealed New Tissue Growth In The Nasopharyngeal Space …

A repeat rhinoscopy on my 11 year old cat revealed new tissue growth in the nasopharyngeal space with a very small polyp that has not changed in size since last year. The new tissue growth and polyp was biopsied again (last year it was negative) for cancer which is what the vet suspects. Her labs are all normal. I will have a definitive diagnosis in 3-5 days. If it comes back negative again, it would be highly indicative of Nasopharyngeal Stenosis according to the vet. Has anyone out there had any experiences with this possible diagnosis? In the meantime my kitty continues to have very noisy and difficulty breathing with trouble swallowing her food. The nasopharyngeal flush did nothing to improve her symptoms this. I am doing my best to keep her calm and adding water to her pate food to assist with eating as she still has a very good appetite. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have to say this is a very rare condition in cats for me. I am not sure who you are using for this but my recommendation would be to find a feline specialist who is also focused on internal medicine. If possible. If not go with one or the other. But get a second opinion. Also I am not sure if they offered any possible treatment options but a surgeon might be able to help. The Veterinary colleges are also excellent resources to utilize. Please keep me posted on what happens. And also make sure your cat is on a good diet and not overweight. That helps too! Good luck.