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Vivienne Barnes | 7 years ago
My Little Dog Had A Biopsy 10 Days Ago On Her Eyelid. The Result…

My little dog had a biopsy 10 days ago on her eyelid. The result is that it is Necratic. I know this means dead tissue. May this be because she suffered from immune system illness and had to be transfused. Is it likely she may have cancer as my vet did hint at this. He has told me to keep a very close eye on her and not hesitate to call if she shows any signs of being unwell. Quite concerning.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m not sure what your question is? I think it sounds like you need more clarification from your vet on exactly what they found and what the long term fear might be. In general I have found most eyelid masses are benign. You can always ask for a referral to an ophthalmologist for further clarification and help. Best of luck. Let us know what happens.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Has A Lump On Her Snout/mouth And I’m Very Worried. I Have Booked…

My dog has a lump on her snout/mouth and I’m very worried. I have booked to see a vet tomorrow but I won’t be able to sleep tonight because I’m scared it is cancerous. It is the size of a ten cent coin, crusty and red. I’m very scared 🙁
Can someone try to guess what this is?

2 Responses


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Cat Is Acting Different Lately She Is Sleeping More And Not Really Wanting To…

my cat is acting different lately she is sleeping more and not really wanting to do anything and when we touch her on her belly she meows like she is in pain does she have cancer or is she sick?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I cannot tell you what is wrong but she ABSOLUTELY NEEDS A VET! Please go as quickly as possible. If you think she is in pain and if she is lethargic and poorly responsive why hasn’t she seen the vet?
    I really hope she gets to the vet soon (like tomorrow morning) and that she is ok.
    I expect that she will need an examination, xray and bloodwork to help understand what is wrong and provide her an appropriate treatment plan to help her feel better.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi, I Have A 16 Year-old Female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso Who Has Been Prone To Seizures For…

Hi, I have a 16 year-old female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso who has been prone to seizures for several months and has been taking medication to prevent this. However; several days ago she had a convulsion – and since then, she has had an increase in jitters, seems mostly unresponsive to petting, has lost appetite, her tail is nearly always limp, and she appears lethargic.

On top of this, she also sounds as though she has fluid/mucus in her lungs, as she takes raspy deep-breaths every now and then. Since this morning, she has begun coughing up clear/bubbly + thick fluid every so-often, is refusing to drink/eat/ take seizure medication.

Her last check-in with the vet indicated that cancer was not present (At least, in her organs) and her blood did not indicate high cholesterol or diabetes.

Given the symptoms listed, what do you believe my dog is suffering from, and is there any medication/preventative measures I can treat my dog with to combat this illness?

Thanks 🙂

1 Response


  1. Brayden Poole

    Dog has almost made a full recovery over the last few day. After discussing with my vet, this can occur if she doesn’t take her medication or vomits it up, as well as if she had eaten food that is high in protein. I think that she must have vomited her pill up, and as such we’ve been increasing her dosage until we’re certain she’s completely well again. On top of that, we’ve changed her diet slightly by removing kangaroo meat from her food and only using white meat. The food we give her is always home-made and has been approved by the vet. Sadly, due to my dog’s conditions and already prescribed medication, if this were to occur again, the best they could prescribe is either antibiotics or, if it gets very bad, we may have to have her put down.
    However, like I said earlier, she is back to her normal and happy self, demanding food and is playing madly with our other dog. Thanks for your comment 🙂

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Haley Lierman | 9 years ago
I’m 27 And Have Had My Dog Since College. He’s A 6-year-old Male Cockapoo Who…

I’m 27 and have had my dog since college. He’s a 6-year-old male Cockapoo who I adore, and who is normally in great health (besides the occasional ear infection). I take him on an hour and half walk daily, feed him a potato and duck based diet, and make every attempt to give him the best care possible (regular vet check-up, shots, etc).

A couple months ago I realized he was frequently squatting to pee, but nothing comes out. He urinates normally when first let out, but then makes a ton of other squats, prolonged squats, where nothing or just a few drops comes out. At times, its almost impossible to walk at all as he will continue to squats over and over again for 30 minutes. He hasn’t had any incontinence or more than normal desire to go outside (except for every now and then, when he’ll go out, pee once, then keep squatting over and over again and want to go out soon after- but that’s not daily). However, I woke up this morning to a couple drops of blood on the carpet, which I can only assume were from his many attempts. Previously, there has been no presence of blood in his urine.

I’ve been to the vet SEVERAL times, and spent the majority of my savings and money trying to figure out what’s wrong (even with vet insurance, I’ve spent almost all I have). He has had a cystoscopy (camera inserted) to check for urethral cancer (none), full abdominal ultrasound, plenty of x-rays and blood tests done. They have ruled out bladder cancer, his blood work is normal, and the x-rays show nothing except a slightly enlarged liver (though since blood work is normal so they think the was born with it). They have ruled out a UTI, bladder stones, and just about everything else you can think of that would seem obvious. The only abnormalities are really the dysuria, mildly protruding abdomen, the appearance of a layer of fluid on the outside of his bladder, and some abnormal bacteria.

Please help. I can’t afford much more and I really love my dog.

General information about Jackson included in the attached images.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Her Eyes Are Watering, Excess Snot, Sometimes It’s Mixed With Blood, Excess Sneezing, Lethargic…

Her eyes are watering, excess snot, sometimes it’s mixed with blood, excess sneezing, lethargic, her appetite is down. Shes been having trouble breathing and coughing. Sometimes her breathing sounds “wet”. My vet said there’s a chance something could be stuck in her nose or could be cancer. I’m very short on money but if theres a really good chance she could have something stuck in her nose I’ll find the funds to get the tests done.

2 Responses


  1. Alexis Renee Wood

    Also I forgot to add she is a 12 year old German shepherd/lab mix

  2. Anonymous

    honestly, if my dog were obviously miserable, i’d do anything and everything i could to figure out the cause and a treatment plan.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is 12 1/2 And Had A Seizure. I Took Her To The Vet…

My dog is 12 1/2 and had a seizure. I took her to the vet and they said she has heartworms. Started her on the medication and the next day she had another seizure. I rushed her in again and they did X-rays to find out she has cancer(I’m not sure what kind) but it is on or near her lungs. They put her on seizure meds and it doesn’t seem to be helping. She rests most of the day and when I get her up to go to the bathroom or get home from work, she has a seizure. And now she seems to be a bit unsteady on her feet while walking. I took her for a short walk and she walked good. She has lost some weight, I can feel her spine very easily, but her stomach seems to be a bit bulgy. I want to know if this is all from the cancer or could she have possibly at something toxic or something that could block her to cause these symptoms? And is this most likely the end or is there other things like diet and vitamins I can give her that would help?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    this might sound like a copout answer, but you really need to ask the vet about this.  i would be worried about the weight loss, yes, but a bulging stomach would have me very concerned.

    if your vet is worth their license, they’ll be frank with you.  please, open a dialog with them.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have Been Agonizing Over This For 2 Days Now. Last Monday I Took My…

I have been agonizing over this for 2 days now. Last Monday I took my 14 year old cat to the vet because he had stopped eating and drinking. X-Ray showed what the vet thinks is abdominal cancer. After talking to my vet decided that surgery/chemo would not be an option for me and she prescribed steroids which may help and gave him fluids. He perked up a tad after fluids and would eat maybe a quarter to half a can of wet food a day. Since Friday though I have not been able to get him to eat anything (he did come out and lick the food yesterday but would not eat) and all he does is lay under the computer chair. He will not sleep in the bed with me which is something he has done his whole life. I plan to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning, but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.

1 Response


  1. Michael Hamilton

    you might try some tuna packed in water to get your cat to eat, I know what your going thru three months ago i had to put my 19 year old down and 2 months later i had to put my other cat down. both of mine had kidney faluer  it,s a hard choice. but try the tuna packed in water, and best of luck.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Beautiful American Bull. Such An Amazing, Sweet Character. A Few Days Ago…

I have a beautiful American Bull. Such an amazing, sweet character. A few days ago, I noticed this distinctive black mole on his paw. He used to give both paws when he gets treats but he only seems to give just one… the one that hasn’t got the mole. It was quite small, but now it seems to be growing. I know for humans, a mole out of nowhere is normally connected to skin cancer. But is it possible for it to be the same case in dogs? I love him to pieces so I am really worried about him.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    melanoma definitely can happen in dogs – in the Doberman world, we see them in albinos quite a bit.  because it’s growing, i’d get him to the vet tomorrow.  better to get on top of it NOW, before it gets huge.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Have Recently Been Told That My Dog Might Have Bone Cancer In His Back…

we have recently been told that my dog might have bone cancer in his back leg, but we cant afford to do anything until after Christmas, if there anything I can do for him as hes in a lot of pain at the moment.

8 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    can you at least get him to the vet to discuss pain management?

  2. Charli Bloor

    I have asked the vet for a payment plan, as they have said we can get doggy morphine for him but there £50 per shot and he will need one a day. there answer for the payment plan was no, they only allow that if the first bill is over £400.

  3. Charli Bloor

    i have just spoken with another vet (the best around near me) and they said it would be pointless to pay for pain relief as he will have to have his leg amputated anyway, but because hes already struggling to walk with 3 legs the best and kindest thing to do would be to put him down. so we have booked him in for tomorrow :'(

  4. Charli Bloor

    hes only 2 1/2 years old, the vet said its very rare to find this kind of cancer in a dog younger then 6.

  5. Anonymous

    that’s awful. 🙁 is it osteo?

  6. Charli Bloor

    i cant remember what they called it, all i remember is that footballers get it as well.