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Lou | 5 years ago
Please Could You Give Me Some Advise. I Got My Dog (1year Old) Castration Due To …

Please could you give me some advise. I got my dog (1year old) castration due to cryptorchidism. Day1 – After the surgery he was very bruised. Day2 – He was happy, eating, drinking but very sore. Day3- Abdomen started to swell. Day4- Abdomen was very swollen, bruised and slight clear weeping from incision. Visited the vet who said it was fine. Day5- Extreme swelling (see pic) so I took him to the vet again who give more pain/inflammation meds. Day6 -Swelling has ruptured leaving a whole in his abdomen (see pic) Visited the vet again who give 6 day supply off antibiotics and advised to clean twice daily. The vet didn’t clean the wound and advised it didn’t need stitched closed. Day7 – My dogs eaten and drank but has spent most of the day sleeping. I’m so worried that he has a large whole in his abdomen, how’s it ever going to close! Also why would this happen! Thanks for taking the time to read.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Poor baby!! Definitely keep the area clean- flush with saline? Did your vet provide you with novasol? (The blue antiseptic) We use that to keep cuts clean often. Truly, I think I would call my vet back and voice my concerns to them and see what they say. I think I would ask to be seen again as well. If still not happy with things, I might call around for references to someone who I feel more comfortable with.

    1. Lou Post author

      Thanks for replying Sarah. Iv cleaned the outer area of the wound with antiseptic but don’t want to put anything inside! So stressful X

  2. Lou Post author

    Glad to say he’s much better. I took him back to the vet (again) and a honey dressing was applied. Few days later it was removed and the vet was able to staple the wound closed. Thank goodness X

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
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