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Kirby | 2 years ago
My Brother-in-Law’s Cat, Bandit, Was Missing For 8 Weeks. When He Was Returned, He Was Walking …

My Brother-in-Law’s cat, Bandit, was missing for 8 weeks. When he was returned, he was walking with a periodic stumble. Our Vet took X-rays and determined he had a broken hip, which would cost $3k to $7k to have a surgeon evaluate and repair. Bandit does not seem to be in pain, and is able to walk, run, and jump without much difficulty. Once in awhile he stumbles. Would cage rest be enough for it to heal. We do not want to put him through the pain and risks of an operation if he doesn’t need it. Cost is also a factor, but we want to do what’s best for Bandit. X-rays are attached.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Badly healed breaks can cause lifelong mobility issues. He might be fine now, but what about in a year? 5 years?

    Cats are pretty stoic. I’ll bet he’s in pain and just not showing you.

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Jam | 2 years ago
Hello! I Would Like To Ask If Home Made Wet Food Is Good For Cats Who …

hello! i would like to ask if home made wet food is good for cats who had FLUTD? skinless chicken breast, chicken liver, carrots, and pumpkin mixed and blended all together. the vet suggested urinary s/o but i cannot afford it for now

also, is it normal for him to drool after him co-amoxiclav antibiotics?

my cat Gabe just got out of vet today, the vet just removed his catheter and IV fluids even though his vet suggested for him to stay for another day or two but i cannot afford it anymore so i took him home and bought some oral medicine. he can pee on his own now

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Look into raw feeding. Ask your vet about it.

    I assume the abx are administered orally? My one cat would drool if a tablet tasted awful. Are you giving it in a pill pocket or some other delivery device?

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Jam | 2 years ago
I’m From The Philippines, My Cat Named Gabe Wasn’t Eating And Drinking Water For 1 …

I’m from the Philippines, My cat named Gabe wasn’t eating and drinking water for 1 day already and i saw him struggling to pee or poop, but a day before that he was fine and pee and poop so much.
So I took him to the vet and said he needs to have catheter because his bladder was full and blocked, so they did insert a catheter and IV fluid on him and saw some blood coming out too. They said he’s a bit dehydrated as well since he didn’t eat and drink for a day. Unfortunately I can’t afford to admit him to the vet for another day because the admission per day is way too expensive, I only admitted him just for today and I will take him home tomorrow because i have no other choice.

is it okay for me to take him home after cathetherized for 1 day? his vet suggested at least 3 days for him to stay but i cannot afford it, only 1 day but they removed the blockage already.. what can i do after taking him home after catheter? can i take him home with iv fluids just in case he wont eat?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I don’t know what to say about this as I don’t know the full extent of his issue. If the vet thinks he needs the urinary catheter in place for multiple days is it possible for him to go home with it in? Or be transferred somewhere that is more affordable? I would ask these questions. Also can he be given medication to help with anything? Perhaps a steroid or anti inflammatory?
    See if there are any options for you?

    Best of luck

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Also ask about long term diet options. I recommend a high quality canned food with water added. And stop or reduce feeding dry food.

    1. Jam Post author

      thank you so much! ???????? another question, is boiled chicken breast, liver, squash and carrots be alternative? its blended as wet food. is it safe for him to eat it every day?

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Noelle | 2 years ago
My Cat Coco (female Three Years Old) Has Blood In Urine. After Bringing Her To The …

My cat Coco (female three years old) has blood in Urine. After bringing her to the vet and having a Urine analysis done, the vet decided to give her antibiotics. He mentioned that they could see a bacterial infection and thought it was coming from the liver. After treating her with a round of antibiotics for 15 days, the quantity of blood in Urine was lower but unfortunately still there. He switches the antibiotics to amoxicillin and treats her for 7 days. It went a lot better but still blood in the urine and Coco was developing a fever at this time. Blood analysis came back alright with no specific sign except an infection showing. So the vet changed the antibiotic and used on for the kidney this time. He mentioned that if nothing gets better then, it might be a pancreas infection and as our cat is obese (very tall cat 16.7 pounds), the kidneys are suffering and gorging or are inflamed from the pancreas and it might be why she is bleeding. We were giving kibble to my cat and for now a full month, she is eating only one can of food a day (a small can of Nulo). He told us to continue the third antibiotic (Baytril)and if at the end of the 10 days, she still bleeds, we should treat the pancreas with some other tablets and do eventually an ultrasound to see where we are staying at. I am getting worried for my cat as she is developing a fever, starting to sleep more, and searching for comfort, pee still blood, and even more as when we brought her the first time! She is not dehydrated, she drinks normally and pees a lot, with no blockage. She is going to her litter multiple times (too often for sure) and does not seem to be in pain. She strangely loves to go into our bath tub now and lays there. My worries and my question is how long can a cat keeps going on like that with rounds of different antibiotic and not getting better? Should I consult another vet for a double opinion?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If the first round of antibiotics isn’t helping I would consult about a blood work being done to look at internal organ function. If that isn’t helpful an X-ray to look for a bladder stone or ultrasound is the next step. Before trying multiple antibiotics you. An also ask about a urine culture and sensitivity test.
    Ask about these.
    For cats with persistent blood in the urine I worry about idiopathic cystitis which is best treated with a diet change to a urinary prescription diet and anti inflammatories, or, bladder stone which is either treated by a prescription diet based on what kind of bladder stone I think it might be (this is based on urine ph and appearance of the stone on X-ray) and cancer.

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Andrea | 2 years ago
Last Summer My Healthy, Energetic 6 Year Old Cat Stopped Eating, Became Lethargic. A Trip To The …

Last summer my healthy, energetic 6 year old cat stopped eating, became lethargic. A trip to the vet turned into a trip to emergency where he spent a day and a half. The dx was hepatic lipidosis – or at least that’s what was happening to him due to something else. He got better. Didn’t return to previous weight (which was okay – he was a couple pounds overweight at the time) but he was back to his happy self.

A couple of months ago, he dropped a bunch of weight, but was still eating. Off to the vet for a blood draw. Low RBC. A trip to the emergency, where he got a transfusion, an ultrasound, and a huge variety of in-depth blood tests to find out what was happening. My vet thought cancer, but the results weren’t showing cancer. The results weren’t showing much of anything. I had no diagnosis. He was placed on prenisolone and an antibiotic. He went for weekly bloodwork. No significant change – and then it was going down again (RBC). Off the antibiotic since it wasn’t doing anything.

We were going to start him on B12 (cobalquin) and then he took a turn for the worse. Hiding away, no eating, no moving. I used a syringe to feed him and still gave him his steroid. He hid in his cat condo, peed in there but wouldn’t move. I set up a temp litter box and feeding area by the condo, and slept on the floor with him. I didn’t expect him to live through the night. In the middle of the night he came out and sat on me. The next day he moved more. And then – he got better. Moving, eating, jumping. Except for being too thin, he was acting just like his normal self.

That was about a month ago and I have been working to give him calories to have him gain weight. A week ago – we’re slowing down again. Sleeping a lot, not eating at the food bowl. So, I have begun using syringe feeding with kitten food (for higher calories) and a calorie/vitamin supplement. He gets B12 and the prednisolone daily. I’m assuming he’s going through the lipidosis issue again, but now that I recognize it I can catch it early and get feedings going.

My questions – how often should I be syringe feeding? I know my cat will only tolerate so much before he gets irritated and walks away, but I can get 10-20 ml in him at one time. I understand a feeding tube would probably be easier, but this cat has been through a lot and I’m trying to make him comfortable and happy and relaxed.

What could be causing this? My vet has been great at trying to find solutions, the specialist/internist didn’t really have any other suggestions, and I’ve been trying to find anything online about illnesses that could cause this drop in health so quickly. (This is an indoor cat, and my other cat is fine.)

Thanks for any help!

0 Responses
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Theresa | 2 years ago
My Cat Has Hematoma In One Has Been Drained Several Times But Keeps Filling …

My cat has hematoma in one has been drained several times but keeps filling up and gets puffy.he had Lazer done a few times is puffy again can it just go away on its own or do I need to get drained again

1 Response


  1. Autumn

    Typically it needs drained in order for it to go away.

    Has your vet prescribed any medications? We often do antibiotics, anti inflammatories etc. to get everything calm and feeling better.

    Is your kitty scratching? If so, add a cone in. If very active, maybe ask your vet to add in a sedative to keep calm while the ear tries to heal.

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Lloyd | 2 years ago
Middle Stage Of Urinary Blockage Of 7 Year Old Neutered Male ‘tux’ Cat. I Hasn’t …

middle stage of urinary blockage of 7 year old neutered male ‘tux’ cat.
He hasn’t peed in a day and very little before that, is very needy, but still reasonably active. His abdomen
Doesn’t feel hard but he isn’t well.
My last vet here retired and he’s such a horse I lagged finding another.
The local spay/neuter service has a vet but am not confident, nice folks that they are…
I got a tiny amount of Apple Cider Vinegar down him and have ordered the UTI Drops from amazon which should be here tomorrow but am quite worried.
It’s jut me and him now, we have outlived everybody.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These cases need to be addressed as a medical emergency. There is no safe advice I can give outside of seeing a vet and going from there

    1. Lloyd Post author

      that is my general plan. this will be our 2nd trip, a month ago he did this and in the hours before we went to the night vet he started peeing again and seemed OK, his bladder isn’t hard, he went a few time in the past few days but not much.
      I think I am to blame for this by giving him people food while feeding him cheap dry food.
      Hopefully we can get in tomorrow night, he’s a handful though and gets very scared/aggressive on the table.

      1. Lloyd Post author

        thank you for your quick and honest reply. I am retired and will end up staining credit for this but he is my best friend.

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Lori | 2 years ago
Hi, I’m Watching A Cat For A Neighbor For About A Month In My Apartment. …

I’m watching a cat for a neighbor for about a month in my apartment. The cat throws up food every 6 days or so. It smells horrible, like raw sewage. I’ve had cats of my own before and I don’t recall any of them vomiting and having it smell as bad as this cat’s vomit. She actually eats relatively slowly, so she’s not inhaling her food in 3 seconds. She’s not that big of a cat, I was told to give her 1 can of Fancy Feast per day ( broken up into 3 feedings per day for that 1 can). She eats it all on the spot, no leftovers. I also give her small handful of dry food when I’m at work for 8 hours so she doesn’t get too hungry during that time. And maybe a few more grains of dry food if she begs me. Dry food isn’t her favorite, but she’ll eat it there’s nothing else. Can anyone offer advice about why her vomit smells like raw sewage? It’s so bad it makes me wretch. She’s basically a happy cat, doesn’t seem otherwise sick or displaying any odd behaviors. Thanks so much for any help.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are a few things that this might be.. diet,, maybe try a different food, one that is made for cats with sensitive stomachs, intestinal parasites ( this is determined by sending a fecal sample to your vets office for analysis), or a disease of the gi tract… maybe even bad teeth? My point is that this is a case where a veterinarian should be consulted to help rule in or out, some of these.
    Good luck.

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Dimitra | 2 years ago
My Cat Lowered His Right Ear And Shaking His Head And When I Look In His …

My cat lowered his right ear and shaking his head and when i look in his ear it had dark red spots and it was a litle bit swelling inside.i brought him to vet and also i said him that he closes his right eye and when he sleeps his left eye does not close-it is closed halfway.he gave me drops for eyes and something liquid for the ears.thing is that i can see the white tissue on his left basically the problem seems to be the left eye which do not close-it closes half way when he is bot awake and asleep.i can also see that his ears are not in the same position.he moves the right ear(which was the inflated)when he hears a noise,but the other ear is not moving(i am not sure about this).also note that a week before they injected him for anesthisia and i am thinking the possibility of nerve damage or that his left eye was injured by a scratch.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. But I cannot provide much assistance based on what you’ve provided here. Certainly things like infection , trauma and other diseases might cause this. I think the vet needs to be consulted again.
    If needed go ask for a second opinion from another vet,, maybe even a cat specialist

    dr magnifico

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Mary | 2 years ago
I Saw The YouTube Video About Constipated Cats. I Really Need Help With My Cat. We …

I saw the YouTube video about constipated cats. I really need help with my cat. We have been through so much starting with elevated liver enzymes that are finally back to normal,  diabetes that has resolved and now constipation.  He was at the ER over the weekend and had an enema, and is on Lactulose and Miralax.  I live alone with him and my dog. I am a grad student and completely exhausted from all the  care I have given him and and my dog (who also has elevated liver enzymes) in addition to trying to keep up with school and the bills.

Please contact me with any help at or 415-754-9587. After watching your YouTube video, I took away the dry food. I should have thought of that sooner. I want to know how to care for him and my dog.  They are my babies and all I have. Please contact me.  Thanks.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry for the delay.

    These cases can be really frustrating. If at all possible try to find a feline only veterinarian.

    I scrutinize diet, environment and do a thorough physical exam and talk about blood work, xrays. ultrasound and try to identify any underlying causes that might be causing the difficulty in ability to defecate.
    im sorry but i can only provide medical advice and care for established clients. if you are near northern maryland i am happy to see you at the clinic, jarrettsville veterinary center.

    you can ask your vet about trying to identify the cause(s) and trying medications to see if they help,, like metocolpramide., motility agents, even anit nausea medications and providing fluids at home (we sell sq fluids kits at my practice).

    I really wish you the best of luck

    1. Mary Post author

      He has been on sq fluids and now on a motility agent. He passed 4 small single round pieces of poop throughout the day on Friday after I gave alittle Lactulose. Nothing Saturday and now I’m debating on giving alittle more Lactulose to help him out going into Sunday. I don’t want to use the laxative too much not wanting him to depend on it but also don’t want to go through another enema. He has now had two of those (Saturday morning and Wednesday morning last week). I’m trying to stay on top of it. It’s very frustrating and scary.
      I wish I was in Maryland. I’m not. I’m across country in Bay Area, California if there is anyone you can recommend here. He has been seeing an internist since we started with the elevated liver enzymes back in December. I’m looking for a feline only vet. Found a couple. He doesn’t have a primary care right now since we moved just before the pandemic hit. I’ve been trying to find a good one. So hard trying to find a doctor I trust.

      He was playing with his toy today and I have been walking around the house having him follow me for exercise. He has been sleeping comfortably and the meds seem to help with urination. That was being retained too after getting off the steroids. I’m really hoping the steroids were the cause of this. All blood values are normal. He had x-rays along with the enema and had an ultrasound back in January with the liver enzymes. That can be repeated if needed. The x-ray showed he had a large bladder both times but didn’t see anything else. I’m hoping since the meds helped him empty his bladder that the poop should follow soon.

      I’m trying to keep fluids up by offering gravy from the canned food a couple times throughout the day in addition to the sq fluids. Trying everything I can…. please pray we get through this. Thanks for your help.

    2. Mary Post author

      Hi Krista,
      I am overwhelmed with joy and had to share the news. He just had his 1st fully formed, normal sized, normal color, alittle soft POOP!!! This is the first since the 2 enemas and starting on the laxatives. We have an acupuncture appt in the morning and hope he continues to do well from here.

      Thank you again for your help. Thank you for posting that video and validating that I was on the right path to helping him. I am sooo grateful. ????????
