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tom | 4 years ago
I Believe My Cat Has Hepatic Hepatic Lipidosis Lost Alot A Weight Had Her To Two …

i believe my cat has hepatic hepatic lipidosis lost alot a weight had her to two vets in the past year that did nothing i thought she was doing better but this past month she has lost a lot of weight only 5 pounds she eating but not as much i say hepatic hepatic lipidosis because the last vet said her liver reading was off wanted 800.00 for a biopsy after i already paid for 400.00 for blood work i couldn’t afford it i lost my job during pandemic and just can’t afford a vet visit at the moment anything i can do???

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I am sorry that you are going through so much. I really think you should schedule time with your vet to sit and talk through the diagnosis, what the treatments are and see if you can come up with an affordable payment option. Explain your financial situation – see if there is a way to set up some sort of payment plan ???? so that your cat can get prepped diagnosis and treatment. Hopefully you and your vet can come to a mutual agreement. Best of luck to you!!!!????????

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Ambriel | 4 years ago
Dr Magnifico , We Took Our 3 Year Old Feline To Our Home Vet Yesterday Morning For Straining …

Dr magnifico , we took our 3 year old feline to our home vet yesterday morning for straining and not being able to urinate (happened within 15 hours approx.) they released him at 12:09pm on buprexen 0.35 ml every 12 hours until we can get the culture and urinalysis back Monday, they did an ultrasound and said there was no blockage but to take him in to an ER if things get worse, well 8pm that night it was only getting worse not even a dribble and so we rushed him to an emergency hospital and applied for a loan because the ER told us he WAS blocked and that there was a mound of crystal formed and that he needed surgery ASAP as well as the catheter. They kept him overnight and now today ( the next day) they said if at 430-5 they take out the catheter and he can pee on his own they want to send him home. My fear is that he will get reblocked as he is trying to heal… I saw your YouTube video GET OUT ALIVE BLOCKED CAT and how they should keep him for up to 3 days and monitor him with the catheter still in place? Our home vet doesn’t open until tomorrow and I’m sure they will want more money to keep him overnight again I already applied for the loan and got approved but our expenses are running tight. What do you recommend? This is our cats first problem he has no history of illness or allergies. The ER he is at right now is tanasbourne veterinarian emergency in Hillsboro Oregon ! Our home vet is Milner vet hospital in Oregon city

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- I am soooo sorry that you going through this. I am not a vet- I have however had a male cat who had urinary blockage issues and can tell you what we had to do-
    First off, the vet we had at the time kept him overnight after the. Lock she was removed to make sure his Irvine was running clear and to monitor him. He was sent home to us with very specific instructions- keep him isolated in a small area in case of accidents(which there were) a change in both diet and litter and multiple water sources. He was also put on a Rx food from science diet for the rest of his life. I would contact your vet first thing- explain to them what has happened since your last visit, ask to speak with your vet and see what they advise. We had to change our litter to “low ash” and the prescription food seemed to do the trick????He ended up living quite a long life with no recurrence.

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Allyson | 4 years ago
My Cat Is Taking Short Breaths And He Is Breathing Out Of His Mouth. When Should …

My cat is taking short breaths and he is breathing out of his mouth. When should I be concerned? He is a Persian so he never breaths normal but when is it necessary to take him to ER?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Any time there is a chance of trouble breathing you should be concerned. I reformed you see a veterinarian immediately

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Robert | 4 years ago
I Am On Round Two Of Having My Male Cat’s Urinary System Unblocked. Both Places (…

I am on round two of having my male cat’s urinary system unblocked. Both places (different for reasons about to be discussed) are warm and welcoming and reassuring before $2,500+ paymemts…then seem eager to send him home sooner than expected.
My cat is presently in the second hospital for the blockage and they are already talking about sending him home.
I need advice because I have exhausted all money that I could use for any further treatment.
Should I insist they keep him under observation longer than the few hours they are now telling me he needs post-catheter removal?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello there-
    Years ago, we had a male cat who had to have a blockage removed surgically. They kept him while he was catheterized overnight, and then we brought him home with very strict instructions. We had to keep him confined during recovery, (because while recovering there was a chance of leaking) so we got baby gates and made him very comfy in the family room. I made sure to have a nice big blanket down and a few spares so that I could launder and change them out. We also had to change his diet to Rx food and change his litter to low ash in the hopes that he wouldn’t have a recurrence. We were diligent about his diet and litter and were very lucky that he never did get another blockage, thank goodness, because yes, I remember it was very expensive! I think that, if you haven’t already, you and your vet should have a sit down and let your vet know that you have a budget that is being exhausted yet the problem is still there. Ask for their help and guidance so that you are able to get your cat back to healthy. Ask them what food, litter, recovery plan, etc. they recommend. I hope this info helps. Best of luck to you guys!!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Nothing in vet med infuriates me more than this scenario, which I hear almost daily. In my opinion these cases are that they ALWAYS REQUIRE MULTIPLE DAYS OF IV FLUID THERAPY AND YOU DO NOT PULL THE URINARY CATHETER UNTIL THE URINE IS RUNING CLEAR. I feel the veterinary community is setting these patients and their families up for failure. I would like to hear more about your story. I also think you ha e very little choice other than to consider a PU surgery or find a place who can help you on a tight budget. Please find me on Facebook and pm me if you want to share your story. I would like to try to change the way we treat these patients. Krista.

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi Back In January I Got A Cat And She’s So Sweet However The Past …

Hi back in January i got a cat and she’s so sweet however the past few days ive noticed shes not eating as much as she use too she use to eat a ton of food around 2 cans a day now she barely eats a half a can a day and barely drinking water i called around and none of our local vets can see her because she isn’t a current patient and the er is way to expensive for me i don’t have enough for the emergency fee they told me the exam is 122 dollars plus whatever additional tests are early this morning when i called our regular vet they asked me to check her gums and they look light pink but ive never seen her gums before does this look normal?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Hi there. Unfortunately, she really needs to be seen by a vet. This is quickly becoming an emergent issue, and not something I’d wait on.

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Haejin | 4 years ago
Hi, I Have A Kitten Named Luna. She Is Less One Years Old And We Recently …

I have a kitten named Luna. She is less one years old and we recently discovered she has a nasal polyp. She has the “snoring” symptom while she is awake and has difficulty breathing through her nose. We took her to our local vet and she told us she was able to get the tip removed, but that we needed to see a specialist to get it completely removed. She told us the procedure would likely cost $1500-$2000. We happened to come across your video removing a cats polyp and was hoping we might be able to bring our cat to your clinic. How would we go about making an appointment with you and how much would we expect to pay?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry but we are not a referral practice. Therefore it is difficult to set up an appointment for people who are not local. I also cannot give a price for a procedure I have not seen the patient t for. If you are local you can call the clinic and I will call you back to discuss.

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G | 4 years ago
Hi All Hopefully Someone Can Help Us. Shemp Is 16 Years Old Is A Black DSH Cat. …

Hi all hopefully someone can help us. Shemp is 16 years old is a black DSH cat. I’ve had him since he was a kitten. Always with a hearty appetite and chubby started to lose weight. I took him to a Vet, she did blood tests and said his kidneys might not be at 100% and it was normal at his age. Oh, in February, 2020 he suddenly went blind but everything else seemed normal. She never said he might have (CKD) and never advised getting him on Sub Q. IV’s and a Hill Prescription K/D diet, he was still eating and drinking water but started to get very picky. He became dehydrated losing more weight, i took him to a vet and said we need to get him on IV’s which we did, i am administrating the Sub Q fluids myself to try and jumpstart his kidneys again in my van that we live in 50ML 3 times a day and he has improved and is stable. Issue is he’s stopped eating and i feed him the K/D through a syringe and he’s stopped going “poopie” so ive started giving him enemas and it did help get rid of some backup. He’s now bloated and not peeing as much as he should. Should I stop the IV’s as he must have a blockage in maybe both urinary and bowels as he’s not passing anything on his own, just a little pee. The vets here in Clovis, nm dont seem capable of treating this and super overcharge. Ive had Shemp since he was a kitten and i really believe its treatable. Please help, i live in a dodge caravan and can drive anywhere to get help for him. Thanks

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds a like it might be kidney disease, hypertension and maybe even hyperthyroidism. It also sounds like you might be better served by a cat specialist. If they are available. I am afraid that your cat might have such an advanced case of these that it might be difficult to turn around. The prolonged accumulation of these can cause severe muscle wasting and make everything else hard to manage.

    1. G Post author

      Thank you for your reply. I dont know of any cat specialist. I do realize he’s very ill and im trying to make him as comfortable as possible despite us living in a vehicle. My question is should i continue to give him his IV’s and feed him through the syringe to make sure he’s getting his fluids and nourishment and enemas i am still worried about his bloated belly/bladder.

      I dont want to rupture something. In addition, when i said I realize he is very ill it was meant if i dont do something quickly to help him. Costs, money and someone willing to help him are the biggest factors here. Thanks

    2. G Post author

      Hi, Shemp just passed away after having a violent seizure and couldn’t breath because of a blockage, he died in my van in my arms. I called 3 vets earlier in the day and they all turned me away. I told them he was bloated and had a blockage and needed x-rays and blood work and that it was an emergency and i was denied service. Shemp was 16 years 1 month and 3 weeks old when he passed and was the best friend/companion and family member I had. I will forever miss my Buddy. He died at 1am on May 22nd, 2021. Now i have to try and find a place to have him cremated. ????????

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Nikki | 4 years ago
Hi! So I Have A Dog And Cat, Both Vaccinated… Cat Stays Inside But Has Traveled …


So I have a dog and cat, both vaccinated… cat stays inside but has traveled out to the porch and goes back inside…
Recently my neighbors have been walking their cat (not vaccinated) on a leash around the house…
Where I keep my dog on our side of the yard, my neighbors walk on our side, right outside my windows and on our porch… aside from it being invasive and annoying… I’m concerned about possibly my animals getting sick because of hers…. so my question is Can my animals get sick if their cat goes to the bathroom or something like that on our side of the yard, and say my dog eats it before I see it or something, or if it pees and he licks it on the grass? If it’s putting my animals at risk of getting sick or anything I’m going to say something about it. Thank you

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is very unlikely, and probably impossible, that your animals could get sick if they are not directly interacting with them. I would still recommend that you keep your pets vaccinated and check for and treat intestinal parasites. Your vet can help with these.

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Crystal | 4 years ago
Hi Pawly Friends, My 3-year-old Cat Is Having UTI And His Have Blockage. He Has A …

Hi Pawly Friends, my 3-year-old cat is having UTI and has a blockage. He has a very hard time with urine and sometimes he urined blood. He has no appetite to eat, but when he gets too hungry he will eat his dry food that the vet provided. I brought him to the vet two weeks ago. They unblocked him using a catheter and hospitalized him for almost a week without IV fluids. I brought him back but he’s still weak and wouldn’t eat. After a day of staying at home, he peed in blood in such a big amount. I brought him to the vet again at around 1 am because I was too afraid. The vet uses the catheter again and hospitalized him for another week. Again, I brought him home with some antibiotics and some other meds, he was so hungry because he didn’t eat well in the hospital. I boiled fish for him (no added spices, preservatives, etc) to mix with the dry food because he wouldn’t eat it alone. He ate and drank a lot. After 3 days, he started to pee in the blood again! HELP I don’t know what else can I do to help my baby!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. Was bloodwork, Xray or urinalysis done? It might even be time for an ultrasound? It is time fir a diagnosis and better treatment plan. It is also time for medications and at home sq fluid therapy. I think I would also recommend seeking a second opinion. It just seems like you aren’t really getting anywhere with your current vet and treatments.

    1. Crystal Post author

      Thanks, will bring him to another clinic tomorrow. For the meantime, he’s getting weaker every day. He pees while sleeping or while walking now, more bloods on the floor, sometimes my bed. I’m afraid I will lose him. Anyways, bloodwork, Xray and urinalysis is done. He’s bladder is always full and is now blocked by mucus. We were given cystopro (protexin), and some inflammation meds.

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Elizabeth | 4 years ago
Good Evening! I Am A Client At Jarrettsville Veterinary Center And The Front Desk Ladies Very …

Good evening! I am a client at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center and the front desk ladies very helpfully advised me to post here saying I was a client to ask my question. =) We are in a bit of a kitten conundrum.

Our neighbors’ barn cat had kittens, and they are living under our garden shed. The kittens are about 7 weeks old or so, according to my neighbors, and they are extremely friendly, outgoing, adventurous, playful, etc. We are assisting the neighbors in trying to find them homes, and we are trying to figure out when it is appropriate to separate the kittens from their mother. We have read/heard 12-14 weeks, however we (my husband and I) are concerned for the kittens’ safety. There are foxes and hawks that live around our house, and the mother cat is staying away from the kittens for longer and longer. The kittens are starting to venture out further and further away from the safety of our shed (where they are just…exposed in our yard), and we are uncomfortable with the idea of leaving them outside for 6 more weeks (though they have managed this far okay).

Additionally, the mother cat has already moved the kittens twice, according to the neighbors, and they didn’t know she was over here until we found the kittens and told them. We are worried that she might move them again and we might not be able to find them if she does so. We are willing to bring them into our house for their safety, but the mother bolts, and we are worried about hurting the kittens’ development during this young stage of their lives and causing mama cat undue stress. We also don’t want them to get eaten by foxes or hawks. =\ Any advice would be super helpful!

Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for helping them. If they are eating on their own it is safe to take them inside and separate them from mom. But please have mom spayed and vaccinated. The kittens can be vaccinated at about 6 weeks and rehomed at 8 weeks. Mom should be safely caught in a live trap and transported to the vet in it. We don’t want anyone to be bitten as they are not vaccinated for rabies. We at Jvc are happy to help. We can also help with putting you in touch with rescue groups who can assist with this