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Holly | 5 years ago
Hey Everyone! I Was Hoping I Can Get Some Insight On How To Battle For Ringworm …

Hey everyone! I was hoping I can get some insight on how to battle for ringworm in my household? we adopted a cat from the humane society and they were not aware that he had ringworm and it has passed to the 2 humans in the house and the other cats.

I’ve been doing the daily cleaning, washing the sheets, vacuuming, spraying Lysol, wiping surfaces down, etc. I got topical medicine for both humans and cats.. I have lime sulphur on order. I also have deep played my couch covered with plastic and tarp and sheets. Cat towers are outside to be cleaned and stored away until it’s over.

Is there any of suggestions? If I would lock my cat’s in the basement and keep them away from the living quarters could that possibly help keep it contained and help eliminate the issue?

Thanks in advance! I appreciate any opinions!/advice I may get! ????

5 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- ringworm is usually medicated with an anti fungal treatment from a prescription. I am not sure if anything over the counter is safe for your cats- you should call your vet about that. Meantime, quarantining your cats will help. Be sure to wash your hands after you handle them. It sounds like you are definitely on top of things as far as laundering and cleaning. I would recommend li trolling your furniture and then throwing the tape out- just to help get all the fur the vacuum may miss in case there are spores on it. Best of luck!!!!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Have you spoken to your vet about this? There are OTC medications that can be tried and oral medications, and like the lyme sulfur topical shampoos. In some cases I shave the cats down (if they are long haired) and make sure they are otherwise healthy. I have seen it happen many times in newly rescued cats. It will run its course and it is a big nuisance I know but it passes. Please call your vet and ask for help.. There is a lot you can do.
    although I am not a VCA hosptial fan this is a good article
    now Maddies Fund I love;; this is helpful too

    I guess i would just say to please stay calm, be patient and practice safe handling.. your kitties will be well soon..

    be safe and best of luck!

    If it is any consolation I once had 10 of my clinic cats all get it.. We had to move them to our adjacent house for two months,, but they all got better!

    1. Holly Post author

      Thanks so much for the info! I appreciate it! I have talked to a vet who suggested lime dip and OTC cream. She said I can to oral, but since I caught it at the beginning I may not need it. So I ordered so lime dip, pet collars and going that route. The ringworm spots have almost disappeared with just the topical cream and only 1 more spot has popped up. However, I am still going to treat them all with the lime dip and keep up with the excessive cleaning for a couple more weeks.

      Thanks again, I really do appreciate the info!! 🙂

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Jagoda | 5 years ago
Hi, My 2 Years Old Cat Doesn’t Want To Eat Wet Food (I Have Tried Every …


my 2 years old cat doesn’t want to eat wet food (I have tried every kind and brand ). He only eats small amounts of dry food (urinary).
In the result he is skinny (weights only about 3,5kg) and has ongoing problems with urinary tract and struvite crystals.
We’ve been dealing with these problems since he was a child and I am afraid the situation won’t change unless he starts eating properly.
I can’t afford such frequent visits to the Vet clinic, especially since he recently had a blockage and the treatment costs a lot ( vet care in Poland is really expensive too).
He is such an active cat and despite the poor diet, he still has the energy to play.
I’ve examinated his blood and everything seems fine. His teeth are also fine..I honestly tried every internet trick to encourage him to eat.
I don’t know If he is picky or sick. Is the urinary porblems affected by diet or he doesn’t want to eat becouse of the urinary tract issues..
What should I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is ideal that your cat eats the right (prescription) urinary food, but, it is even more important that he eats. For these cases I talk to my clients about trying high quality urinary friendly over the counter diets. I also talk to them about adding little bots of the urinary prescription food into the OTC food they will eat. If all else fails I try watered down over the counter wet food. Also ask your vet about giving subcutaneous fluids at home daily to help keep the urinary system diuresing. I also think it might help to add an appetite stimulant. Also think about toys, playtime and lots of things to keep him active, engaged and feeling good. I also take a long hard look at the litter boxes, the type of litter and where the boxes are placed, along with making them impeccably clean. Please talk to your vet about all of these. Also an antiinflammatory might help?

    Very best of luck!

    keep me posted.

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michelle | 5 years ago
I’m Taking Care Of A Siamese Who’s Over 10, An Indoor/outdoor Cat. I Did …

I’m taking care of a Siamese who’s over 10, an indoor/outdoor cat. I did a cbc & chem bloodwork. His BUN is only slightly elevated. His issue is throwing up daily, weight loss, & diarrhea. His vomit is undigested food & liquid. He eats very little wet food & his owner just feeds all of them the worst dry food. I give him sq fluids as needed & started cerenia. Yet this is not treating the underlying cause. Does anyone have any advice on this? I have vet bills for my cows & my cats. Yet i still want to help all the animals I can. I obviously have very little money to help though. Thanks

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for helping. I honestly feel like the best course of action right now is to get a diagnosis. Even a presumptive one. For this I think you should do the following. Find a cat vet or a very reputable vet that you trust for an exam. And then I would talk about checking the thyroid a fecal and probably also a urinalysis. For most of the cases lien this I just feel that I need a full set of basic diagnostics before I can begin to offer treatment plans. Otherwise I am eating precious time guessing and very likely guessing wrong. Things like intestinal parasites and hyperthyroid disease can be affordably treated. But cannot, and definitely should not be treated without confirmation. After that I talk about xrays and an ultrasound. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you what to do without knowing what it might be. And that list is very long. Start with the basics. An exam and a fecal. Talk about thyroid and go from there. Good luck. Let us know. Thank you for helping.

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. Our Cat Boogie Was Recently Seen By Dr. Ahrens For His Constipation Issues, …

Hi Dr. Magnifico. Our cat Boogie was recently seen by Dr. Ahrens for his constipation issues, and also to have blood drawn to check his hyperthyroidism. I have a couple questions for Dr Ahrens.
I prefer not calling the office, as I do not want to pull her away from whatever she is doing at that time, and it is really hard to reach me by phone.
Can you please ask her to email me at ——— or if you could give me her JVC email address so I can email her, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    i notified Dr Ahrens. please reach out to me anytime if you need anything,, be well,, stay safe and hugs to Boogie!

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Karen Hesch | 5 years ago
So I Have A 2 Y/o Female Cat Who Isnt Fixed Yet But Soon Will Be. …

So i have a 2 y/o female cat who isnt fixed yet but soon will be. I also have a 2 y/o ferret. They have always gotten along as they both have free range (no one yell about thre ferret having free range please, that isnt the issue and he’s very safe) i found a 4 week old ish kitten about a month ago and decided to keep him. My fear was my cat… but to my surprise she fell head over heels in love with the kitten and now seems to think she’s his mom… that’s being said she cleans him, watches over him, sleeps with him, disciplines him and PROTECTS him… with that being said everytime my kitten and the ferret play she goes aggressively at the ferret and he runs n hides… i feel terrible and have tried to encourage them to play and distract her while they play but she’s relentless. Help!!! All my life ive had different combos of animals and have always found ways to make them get along but im at a loss here… getting her fixed should help this???

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Spaying might help. Big emphasis on might. I would say this is going to take time and boundaries. There is no other way around it. It is very common for the family dynamics to change with the addition of a new pet. You can try to isolate and spend time independently with everyone. Or try caging the aggressor intermittently to see if that helps de intensify the situation (but better wanted it might make the stress worse). Or find a separate place for your ferret and get him his own friend. Really my biggest concern is the ferrets safety. It will take time to see if they can work it out. But I don’t want to risk him in the process. Whatever the resolution might be I encourage you to stay optimistic. Try not to make matters worse with stress or reprimand (Never ever works on animals!) and just trying lots of options. Like adjusting feeding placement and attention rewards for the food behavior.
    Ask your vet for help from a behaviorist. And get the cat spayed. If needed ask the vet about behavior modification assistance. There are lots of options there. Very best of luck!

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Myiesha | 5 years ago
Hi Dr Mag I Noticed Alittle Over A Month Ago My Cat (Zedicus Aka Boo Boo) …

Hi Dr Mag

I noticed alittle over a month ago my cat (Zedicus aka Boo Boo) was sneezing alot and sound like he was snoring when he was up. I took him to his VET where he was diagnosed with polyps. My vet referred me to a specialist for a rhinoscopy. In the process of searching for a reasonable priced specialist. I discovered your youtube page while doing research so I could be better prepared and I had to rush Zed to the ER b/c one night he woke up vomiting up foam. Once we got to the ER he was fine. I had the ER vet take xrays and told them what my Vet said. The Dr vet didnt think it was polyps but perhaps allergies or asthma. She prescribe Clavamox for 2 wks and to revisit the Vet and take another x-ray. The medicine helped the runny nose but nothing else. I’m getting frustrated because I don’t want my cat to suffocate and seems no one really knows what’s wrong with him.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry that this has been so frustrating. I think the best advice I can give is to call all of your local rescues and shelters and ask them who they use for cases like this. They know the local affordable and reputable places where you might get better direction. Also ask about a feline specialist. They too are more direct and often helpful. You need a vet willing to work within your budget and concerns who is able to give you meaningful assistance. It is the best place to start I think. Best of luck. Let us know what happens.

    1. Myiesha Post author

      Thank you so much for your quick response. I will followup with an update. Stay safe, healthy, and blessed.

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Bella Is An Indoor Cat. She Was Brought To The ER For Vomiting And Not Eating. They Cut A String Under Her Tongue Bc They Couldnt Afford Surgery. Linear Foreign Body, String Surgery.
Treatment Cost (USD): $950.00
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Merci Is A Rescued Cat Who Was Spayed. Routine OHE For A Feline At JVC.
Treatment Cost (USD): $150.00
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Stacey | 5 years ago
My Male Cat Keeps Biting And Taking Chunks Of Hair Out Of My Female Cat Who …

My male cat keeps biting and taking chunks of hair out of my female cat who is very fluffy. He plays rough like that with her and I don’t know how to make him stop. She cries and it obviously hurts her having hair ripped out. I yell at him, put him in a separate room but nothing stops it from happening again. They both are fixed and he’s not trying to mount her. He will bite anywhere, tail, leg, side, etc.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Are they playing too hard? How sold are they? In some cases they don’t have any idea to respectful boundaries. Like the male is way to excited and gets aggressive about playing. Can you give him toys and help him play with toys, laser pointer, etc do he is a little worn out before he sees her? Anything to try to relive the playmate birder she carries alone. Also be careful with yelling. Cats just don’t get reprimand. It usually backfires.

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Chloe. She Was A Found Rescued Kitten Who Lucked Out And Found A Wonderful Home. Here Is Her Spay Surgery Story.
Treatment Cost (USD): $173.00
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