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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Emmitt. He Is A One Year Old Indoor Domestic Cat Who Was Neutered. Cost And Description Of Surgery.
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
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Kelly | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat That Is Experiencing Sneezing, Nasal Discharge Followed With Blood In …

I have a 12 year old cat that is experiencing sneezing, nasal discharge followed with blood in one nostril as well as some wheezing. Took him to emergency room and he was given steroid injection and clavamox for two weeks in December. After the two weeks experienced same thing, they stated it could be nasal polyp. Regular vet gave Orbax which did nothing. After calling around because everyone wanted 2500 for a ct scan i found a vet that performed a rhinoscopy and he removed three polyps. One looked abnormal so he did a culture and biopsy. He put my cat on doxycycline. The cat is still having wheezing but breathing better. The meds do not seem to be working. So went back to vet and he gave my cat a steroid injection. The biopsy came back negative for cancer and the culture negative for respiratory viruses. He doesn’t know whats going on. He says either my cat has a immune issue with inflammation where he will prescribe some predisone pills or that the cat has a tumor deeper than his rhinoscopy can go. He is suggesting i put my cat down. My cat has been behaving more energetic since receiving the predisone injection days ago but the wheezing and stuffy nose wont go away. Any ideas, i don’t want to put down an otherwise healthy animal.?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? So glad that you were able to search out and find a vet that could help you. Have you had a heart to heart with him about other management options for your cat?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    i see lots of cats with lots of nasal issues. In general most older cats are some degree of inflammation and irritation, or even perhaps an allergy component. I think that before any suggests euthanasia it would be helpful to get a second opinion. I would ask to see either an internal medicine specialist, or, a feline specialist. If she is happy, eating and functioning I would give her more time an try a few other treatment options. In some cases long term cerenia nasal drops, a steroid, or even an inhaler can help. Also look at her environment. Remove all potential allergens, even think about litter. Anything that might be in her environment that might irritate her nose and nasal passages.. No perfumes, air scents, or powders anywhere. No diffusers, no smoking (even outside), no pollutants of any kind. Tghen try lits of different antibiotic treatments, and even perhaps an antiviral.. Everything should be tried before succumbing to euthanasia. Even with the worst cases (the facial neoplasias) I can often buy some good tie with some medial therapies. And I never give up until I know my patients have exhausted all options and can no longer find relief.
    I hope this helps,, please ask your vet for more help,, or find another who will help you.
    good luck,, let us know what happens.


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Gina Lastner | 5 years ago
Good Afternoon! I Volunteer At A Local Rescue In Their Feline Only Facility. We Received A …

Good afternoon!

I volunteer at a local rescue in their feline only facility. We received a young cat, named Cami, recently that is 9 months old. She has a right head tilt that started about 2 months ago (7 months of age) according to the person who had her since she was a kitten.
A local vet attempted an exam but did not have a scope small enough to look into her ear and the exam became very uncomfortable for Cami. The plan was to get a smaller scope, knock her out and do the exam. Unfortunately, they are unable to acquire the scope at this time. The suspicious is that this is a polyp.
Any ideas what this could be? We are currently wondering if this could be something treatable with medication (to try first) or should we pursue the polyp investigation. Since we are a rescue we are trying to balance the cost but still address Cami’s needs.
Cami shows no distress because of her condition. She does not scratch the ear or shake her head. And is awfully cute!
Thank you, in advance, for any help you can offer!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In cases like these I really prefer to get a good exam before jumping on other treatment options. After I am sure there is nothing abnormal in the ear we talk about other possible causes of head tilt. I think it might be best to sedate and examine for ear issues and even a polyp in the oropharynx area. Start here. Try not to do otics until you get an exam done. I hope this helps. Let me know what happens.

    1. Gina Lastner Post author

      Thank you! I appreciate your advice – I’ve seen your videos on polyps and you’ve seen a friend’s cat for nasal polyps. Will let you know what we find out.

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Victoria | 5 years ago
Cat With Feeding Tube Vomits Water And Food Post Surgery. Hello, My Cat Had A Squamous …

Cat with feeding tube vomits water and food post surgery.
Hello, my cat had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from the left side of his face. He wasn’t interested in food or water after the surgery, so the vet installed a feeding tube. After one day of tube feeding, he started vomiting everything out – can’t hold down water or food. He was treated for nausea twice – with a Serenia injection one day, and with Zorfan (forgive the spelling errors) on the following day, but he continues throwing up (within minutes of administration of the medication. He hasn’t pooped for 11 days now, but x-ray found stool in his colon – but he is too weak to excrete it. So currently he is at the ER on IV fluids. Any ideas on why his vomiting can’t be treated? Could he have a gag reflex to the feeding tube? Is there an alternative to tube feeding (he won’t eat or drink on his own). Thank you.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    i am sorry this wasnt answered in a more timely fashion. I will try to answer it for others sake. I would say that the issue is the primary cause to the vomiting has still not been addressed or resolved.. I think its time for a review of the diagnostics you have run, xrays, blood work and possibly adding or rechecking an ultrasound. Also at some point we talk about biopsies of the stomach. I hope your kitty ended up doing ok.

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Eddie | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Been Diagnosed With An Ear Polyp. We Were Referred To A Specialist With …

My cat has been diagnosed with an ear polyp. We were referred to a specialist with an estimated cost for removal at $1500-$2500. I saw a video with Dr. Magnifico about removal of certain ear polyps, and how the procedure can be done much less expensively than what we were quoted. How might we go about scheduling a consult for removal (and/or removal)?

Thanks, Eddie

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If your vet isn’t willing to look in the mouth for this then I would call everyone around you and ask for a referral to someone who will. I usually say to call the rescues and shelters as they know the affordable and capable people. If you tell me where you are I might also be able to help. If you want to come to the clinic we have to arrange this. You would need to call the clinic and ask for the hospital manager to arrange this. Her name is Jenn. Please tell her who you are where you are and what you are looking for. Let us know what happens.

    1. Eddie Post author

      We are in Woodbridge, VA and would be willing to come to you. 🙂

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Yvonne Phipps Yeager | 5 years ago
For 20 Something Years, My Male & Female (a Year Older) Older Cats Who Were Neutered & …

For 20 something years, my male & female (a year older) older cats who were neutered & spayed for about 17 years. My female cat has now started to do number 2 on the floor over in the corner floor areas around the litter box. I don’t get it? Why now after All these years? How can I stop this? If I get another litter box, he will have to use it as well. And I can’t keep them in a room apart (that would be cruel) – they’ve had the run of the house for 26 years. I’d appreciate the help. Oh! The only real thing that has changed has been that our dog died (we took him outside to potty ). I’m wondering what’s going on & how to stop this? Thank you.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    When my pet’s behavior suddenly changes to some this big completely out of the norm, I try to find what has changed either in the environment (like the dog passing away- so sorry about ????that) or I try to find out what has changed with them. The latter takes an appointment to the vet. I would make an appointment and let your vet know everything that is going on and let the run some tests to make sure kitty is ok. Best of luck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I have found that in a huge number of cases there is some difficulty getting into the box and posturing to defecate due to painful old cat joints. So maybe try a very low sided box (or even a cookie sheet) to see if this helps. Also the box should be kept very clean and new litter places in it every week. In some cases I also offer a different kind of litter. Maybe even play sand (plain play box sand, or pitting soil) to see if this helps them Reacclimate to the box. Also make sure your vet checks for things like anal sac issues (had one last week in a cat) and urinary issues. I hope this helps. Please let us know what happens.

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Stevie Marie. She Is A Very Small Persian Cat Who Was Spayed. The Special Precautions, Procedures, And Costs Associated With An Exotic Cat Breed Spay.
Treatment Cost (USD): $472.00
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Alea | 5 years ago
I Have A 15 Y.o. Cat Who Was Attacked By A Feral Cat And I Treated 2 …

I have a 15 y.o. cat who was attacked by a feral cat and I treated 2 abscesses and they healed–now 2 weeks later one has re-abscessed. I’m a retired doc on a fixed Army pension and vets here in Hawaii charge $100 just to be seen, not including procedures! Can I puncture the abscess with a sterile scalpel and drain it myself again or did I miss something? The local pet store sells OTC Abx. Would I treat as a person–same staph type Abx?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    these cases need an examination, assessment of the size, depth and severity of the injury and then medications like an antibiotic, analgesic and ecollar,

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Amy | 5 years ago
Looking For Resources Or Help Finding A Clince For A FIC Cat Thst Needs A PU …

Looking for resources or help finding a clince for a FIC cat thst needs a PU within reason or cost an location. I do not have many resources or money.

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Anna Was A Rescued Stray Juvenile Cat Who Found A Loving Home. Here Is Her Spay Story.
Treatment Cost (USD): $150.00
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