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Angela | 5 years ago
My Cat, Nala, Has Kidney Disease And Her Levels Are Going Up. She Is Currently Getting …

My cat, Nala, has kidney disease and her levels are going up. She is currently getting fluids 3x a week. She’s not eating much and has tried two appetite stimulants and was allergic to both. I have a new medicine to try this week but was wondering if there are more natural ways to stimulate her appetite? Also, does anyone have experience with kidney support gold? It’s a supplement from pet wellbeing.


Any advice is greatly appreciated.

2 Responses


  1. Shiria

    How is Nala doing? Did the new medicine help and if yes what was it? My cat Gino has kidney disease, too. He is a picky eater. He may eat soemthign now, but not the next time. Since April this year I offer him dry food, too (he didn’t eat anything back then, so I was happy he was eating that). He is back to wet food now, but on bad days still prefers dry food.

    When he absolutely doesn’t like to eat, medication against nausea sometimes helpes him. When he was so sick in April he would only eat cooked chicken breast and only small amounts. I had to feed him with a syringe and he hated that. But he pulled through. By now he also gets something to keep his stomach acid down, that helps, too.
    Otherwise I can’t give him much supplements. I tried various things, but when I do something in his food he won’t eat it. So I can’t help much with my experience here.

    1. Angela Post author

      She’s doing OK, numbers all went up ???? but she’s acting fine and eating here and there. At this point she’s just eating treats and people food (Turkey, chicken, ham, lunchmeat). The new appetite stimulant (oxazepam) didn’t do anything for her. I started her on the kidney support gold, hoping that helps. How did you know Gino needed the stomach acid medicine? Thanks for the reply!

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
David’s Feline Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
David is a 6 month old kitten who was brought to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center for ongoing veterinary care and to be neutered.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Natty The Rescued Stray Kitten’s Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
Natty is an 8 month old domestic shorthair kitten who was rescued as a stray. His owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center for ongoing veterinary care as well as neuter surgery.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Inky’s Story: Feline Neuter In A Rescued Feral Kitten With A Suspected Oronasalpharyngeal Polyp
Treatment Cost (USD): $385.00
Inky is a rescued feral kitten who originally came to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because he had what was thought to be a recurrent upper respiratory infection, which turned out to be a suspected oronasalpharyngeal polyp behind his soft palate. Inky was scheduled for an oral cavity exploratory surgery in which the treating veterinarian would attempt to remove the polyp. Since Inky was going to be under general anesthesia for this procedure, it was determined that he should be neutered at the same time.
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Julie | 5 years ago
Is It Normal For A Cat In Heat To Have Abdominal Swelling? My Cat Is 3 Yrs …

Is it normal for a cat in heat to have abdominal swelling? My cat is 3 yrs old and we have been meaning to spay her, but she goes into heat so often it’s hard to find time to do it. She is currently in heat and has been for over a week, and last week she had shown asymmetrical swelling on the left and right of her belly. The next day it went down so I figured it was nothing serious and probably swelling from being in heat. Now it has been a week she is still in heat and her abdomen seems just ever so slightly fuller on the right and left and firm. She is crazy in heat and doesn’t show any signs of being sick, acting normal, eating drinking, playing and jumping.

Is it possible for a cat in extreme heat to cause extreme swelling of the ovaries to where they would be palpable? I’m worried it could be early signs of pyometra, or if this is normal with heat. Her cycles have gotten more intense and extreme, as well as longer and more often, which makes me think it could be possible her reproductive system is simply engorged with blood causing it to be palpable.

If that (the swelling) is not normal with heat then I’ll take her to the vet ASAP, but again she is not grossly distended, she just appears “full”. Also there is no chance of pregnancy. Thanks.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would get into the vet for an exam and probably an X-ray or ultrasound ASAP. I just would not want to chance it- and I would definitely spay her for her benefit and everyone’s peace of mind. Best of luck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I wouldn’t ever say that something is impossible, but, I get very concerned if anyone mentions abdominal swelling. Please see your vet ASAP for an examination. Certainly I would be worried about pregnancy but I am also worried about fluids and Organ enlargement which are both indicative of a problem and need to be addressed by your vet. I would recommend an exam ASAP. Your vet might also want todo an X-ray or ultrasound. If everything is Normal. I would spay her as soon as possible to avoid all of this from hopefully happening again. Please let us know what happens. If you are tight on funds ask for her to be spayed and while they are doing that take an internal exam of her to make sure everything looks grossly normal.

  3. Julie Post author

    Wanted to post an update. She had a lot of discharge suddenly so I took her to the vet. It indeed was pyometra and she had an emergency spay. Hoping for a smooth recovery.

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Diedra Cardamone | 5 years ago
I Recently Purchased A “furminator” Brush For My Cat With Medium Long Hair So That I …

I recently purchased a “furminator” brush for my cat with medium long hair so that I can brush her daily to help cut down on her hair balls. The brush works great! So, I am working on brushing daily and have purchased over the counter hair all control dry cat food to use with basic wet food. What is my next step if she is still vomiting Hair balls once in a while? Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Great questions. If you are still having issues talk to your vet about having your cat shaved down. You can also try otc catlax. But if you have excessive vomiiting don’t forget to ask about a possible medical issue. I worry some of these guys have an underlying medical condition that causes them to be chronically nauseous so they over groom and Chronically vomit. Chronic vomiting can have a huge range of causes but for these cases I start with a thorough history, exam, bloodwork, X-ray and ultrasound. Then I talk about an anti nausea medication trial highly digest able food and managing stress. But like I said this can be a long rule out list. Start at the easy and most likely and go from there. Monitor weight closely and document the vomiting with time, amount and vomitus description. It call help to identify the location of the primary issue. Let us know what happens. And ps I love the Furminator. It works great!

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Oliver’s Feline Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $113.00
Oliver is an 8 month old domestic shorthair kitten who was recently rescued by his owner. He underwent feline neuter (castration) surgery at Jarrettsville Veterinary Center.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter For Nicholas, 7 Month Old Domestic Shorthair
Treatment Cost (USD): $115.00
Nicholas is a recently adopted 7 month old kitten who was brought to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter Surgery For Butters
Treatment Cost (USD): $108.00
Butters is a 7 month old Domestic shorthair kitten who was brought in for neuter surgery.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
7 Month Old Alfie’s Feline Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $113.00
Alfie is a 7 month old domestic mediumhair cat who was brought to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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