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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter: Bartholomew, Rescued From A Feral Colony
Treatment Cost (USD): $115.00
Bartholomew is a 5 month old orange tabby kitten who was rescued from a feral colony. His owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Ollie’s Feline Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
Ollie is a barn kitten who was rescued by his current owner. He now lives indoors and gets regular veterinary care. When Ollie was about 6 months old his owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center to be neutered.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Neuter Surgery For Oliver
Treatment Cost (USD): $100.00
Oliver is a 6 month old kitten who underwent neuter surgery.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Ellie’s Story: Feline Spay Surgery (OHE)
Treatment Cost (USD): $206.00
Ellie is a longhaired calico cat who was brought in for a spay surgery (OHE, or ovariohysterectomy) when she was 7 months old.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) For Harley
Treatment Cost (USD): $188.00
Harley was a stray who was found at the beach when she was about a year old. Harley's mom brought her to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center for her spay surgery (OHE, or ovariohysterectomy.)
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Allie’s Story: Feline Spay (OHE) In 1 Year Old Domestic Shorthair Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $188.00
Allie was a stray kitten who was found on a neighbor's porch. Her owner took her in to care for her, and brought her in to be spayed when she was a little over a year old.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Bailey’s Story: Feline Spay Surgery (OHE) In 7 Month Old Domestic Shorthair Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $173.00
Bailey is a 7 month old kitten who presented to the clinic for a spay surgery (OHE, or ovariohysterectomy.)
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) For Mary, An 8 Month Old Domestic Shorthair Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $228.00
Mary is an 8 month old domestic shorthair cat that presented to the clinic for a spay (OHE, or ovariohysterectomy) surgery.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Feline Spay (OHE) In 10-Month Old Kitten: Prudence
Treatment Cost (USD): $206.00
Prudence, a 10-month old domestic shorthair tabby cat, presented to the clinic for a spay (ovariohysterectomy or OHE) surgery.
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Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Malibu, A 14 Yr Old Indoor Cat With A Pyometra
Treatment Cost (USD): $455.00
Eating some. Lethargic. White discharge from vulva? Licking a lot. No vomiting or diarrhea. Indoor only. Patient is NOT spayed. Last heat cycle about 8 weeks ago.
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