Good morning-
My first step would be to discuss the situation with your vet candidly. Explain you frustration in having tried to find out what is going on, and the cost, yet still having no positive results. Ask them if they feel a specialist might be the best route to go at this point. Secondly, i would discuss payment options with them, and the specialist if one is recommended. Your vet knows your cat, their patient, best. They know you have her best interest at heart, and hopefully they are in a position to work with you regarding payment. Best of luck.????????
I have a 12 year old cat who vomits almost every day since I adopted her 5 months ago. She has been to the vet several times and a sonogram revealed she has chronic pancreatitis. They didn’t see any other issues. She was eating canned Fancy Feast with water, but now I have her on NomNomNow because I thought fresh food would help her. But she is still vomiting. It’s usually food at first but then she moves spots and vomits bile or saliva/foam. Once or twice the saliva looked bloody (took her to the vet right after). The vet had her on vitamin E, pepcid, and a round of antibiotics. Nothing helped. She has never been very playful but she is behaving relatively normally, eats, grooms, poops, etc. I don’t know what else to do! Thanks for any advice!
I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.
I have a Persian cat 7 yrs she isn’t breathing that well. I personally think she is stuffed up or has something in her airway causing her to breathing problems. I’ve spent $2000 on testing with no results and I can’t continue to go bankrupt to fix her. Is there anyone in the San Tan Valley area who will give her a cat scan for reasonable price and cure my cat. Thanks.
Just noticed fleas on both of my cats.. what is the safest treatment to use?
My cat disappeared outdoors for numerous days (he’s indoor, but LOVED it out at night) I always had the back door a bit loosely closed, so he could get back in. He was 12yo and could get in.
After days of worry and a small sighting of him, he came to me gaunt and meowing. He wasn’t a big meower— It was sad sounding as well.
After 1 1/2 days of exhibiting odd spots to just lay around the house, he deteriorated in hours. I found him with vomit at his mouth and what appeared to be urine at his backside. He had passed.
My husband was convinced that our new dog just bothered him enough to the point that he’d gone to our neighbors, outside. Or was being fed somewhere. I looked for him constantly and only once did he attempt to come up to me. After a few days, to see him in such weak and fragile state, I’m so horrified at what was going on; to which I have no answered questions and regrets.
*He weighed considerably less upon returning home
*He was a WELL fed cat (didn’t eat after returning)
*He recently (2mo prior) had blood work done and his shots. Not cancer/diabetes
*He deteriorated very quickly (when he couldn’t walk and use his back legs, he passed before anything could happen; ie; vet etc)
*He didn’t seem to to be able to eat? My last time trying to feed him, he’s s head repeatedly tapped the bowl. Uncontrollably and he couldn’t get food. This being before he went. -It was awful-. I left food by him and went to explain the severity to my husband.
Prior to disappearing, he seemed in perfect health at 12.
So overnight he couldn’t walk and within the hour of dying, function. He laid and went. Vomit at his mouth (some food by his head partially chewed)
And urine stain backside.
I’m devastated. Please help!
Had CT done of my cat Lucas due to no resolution of respiratory problems with antibiotics. Here are the results.
Moderate to marked thickening of the roof of the nasopharynx
• Otitis media bilaterally
• Lymphadenopathy left medial retropharyngeal lymph node
The marked thickening of the mucosal lining of the roof of the nasopharynx in conjunction withthe enlarged left medial retropharyngeal lymph node are highly suggestive for neoplastic
, and round cell neoplasia is the top differential diagnosis. Differentials include mast-
cell tumor, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, other. The mucosal thickening of the roof
of the nasopharynx can explain the bilateral otitis media due to mechanical obstruction of the
openings of the auditory tubes into the nasopharynx. A differential to neoplastic infiltration is
marked non-infectious inflammation (e.g. lymphocytic plasmacytic, eosinophilic) or
granulomatous inflammation (e.g. Cryptococcosis) but the later one is considered far less likely
here. The findings are not typical for inflammatory polyps.The bilateral otitis media is explains the history of head tilt and Horner’s syndrome.
Rhinoscopy/retrograde pharyngoscopy is recommended for further evaluation including FNA
sampling and biopsy. FNA sampling of the left medial retropharyngeal lymph node is warranted
as well. The prednisolone treatment may influence results of the samples.
I think all the tests and surgeries that may follow will be out of my budget. Already spent over $1000 to date with no resolution.
Wondering if there are veterinarians who would go in and remove the polyp – appears to be a poly under soft palate – just to give the cat some relief and time.
Opinions and suggestions are welcome.
I’m so sorry you’re having such a time trying to help this cat. Has your vet ruled out everything else as far as a diagnosis? Perhaps there is something else that is worsening her initial issue? Have you tried feeding more meals throughout the day, but smaller portions? (A little at a time)
I would suggest you talk about a few things with your vet like a sensitive stomach diet like i/d or even try a stomach protectant like sulcralfate or even maripotent or metoclopramide. I often try medications with a diet change. Ideally a wet food diet fed in small amounts with increased frequency. Or ask about an ultrasound or even upper gi endoscopy. My point is that there are lots of options to discuss and try. I would first start with a fecal exam for intestinal parasites. Hope this helps. Let us know what happens.