An aural hematoma happens when the ear flap swells. Sort of looks likes a pillow, a swelling inside the ear canal might be a mass, a polyp, or infection. I’m sorry but I think your cat needs a vet visit to help identify what’s going on.
Hello, on christmas day, I found a cat outside in the rain/cold. He was extremely skinny, I could see/feel every bone in his body, he was shivering & crying. I brought him in. & bathed him & fed him. He has put on some weight since then & is all around an amazing lovable cat. Yesterday he started limping on his front paw. I am pretty sure it is sprained from playing with my much larger full grown cat. I keep feeling it & do not feel anything out of place/”crunchy” & it does not seem to be swollen. I have been putting an ice pack on his leg 2x a day for 15 mins at a time. Times are tough right now & I can not afford vet cate at the moment. I just need advice on what I can do to help him. My children and I have grown very attached to him & he is the sweetest most cuddly boy.
3 year old female cat with megacolon.
I watched the video about Beerus and manual palpation was mentioned. How can I find out how to do this? She is already on Lactulose, cisapride and Restoralax, so hoping to help things along so the megacolon doesn’t get worse.
I just read your blog on UOs in cats. Thank you for your passion on this and all fronts. You mentioned dry, low quality cat food as primary cause. What about dogs? Do you see this frequently with them? I feed a high-quality, all-dry diet to my dogs, and I’m just wondering if you recommend against it.
My 8 yr old male cat is an indoor only cat. He has never had ear mites. He is HIV+ since birth, although he was never tested for it (he appeared on my doorstep during a blizzard, still nursing from his mother who is HIV+). A week ago, I noticed the inside of his ear a light swelling. Now it is quite noticable. I believe it to be an aural hematoma. Would it be safe to drain it by puncturing it with the one of the injection needles I use to test my blood sugar? I really can’t afford spending a thousand dollars for the vet.
I am going through a medical emergency with my cat Kilo. Been very stressful had to take to the emergency vet. He had UTI blockage. Then a few days later I find out that he has tear in his urethra and it just got worse a few days later. I reached out to a vet in my city that could perform a surgery that would fix his blockage problem. Then I get a call back from the Emergency Clinic saying something wrong with one of his kidneys. He’s a good cat and doesn’t deserve this. I just can’t believe how expensive things can get. I am looking for any information or leads in regard to facilities that are reasonable and are willing to help folks who are low income. I live in the South Bay if anyone has any information on the matter.
Thank you for reading and visiting us on Pawbly.com. Yes I think that diet is a very important part of a pets care. I don’t know anything about your pet so I will tell you what I feed mine: I use science diet adult dry and canned. I have for three decades. I also give them a lot of exercise and they come with me everywhere. They have happy, full, engaged lives. I also never buy a pet. I take the weak, broken desperate cases that no one else wants. So karma pays it forward in everything I do.