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Justin | 3 days ago
Cat Had Bloody Soft Poop, And We Found A Big Long Dark Brown Stringy Thing Running …

cat had bloody soft poop, and we found a big long dark brown stringy thing running almost all the way through it. I couldn’t get a picture but it looked like a worm but it wasn’t moving so idk. A few years ago he had a uti but i dont think its that cause he isn’t going back and forth from the litter box and he pee’s just fine and doesn’t seem in pain but idk what else it could be

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Gloria | 1 week ago
Not Sure If Pawbly Is Still In Operation. Does Anyone Know If Dr. Magnifico Does The …

Not sure if Pawbly is still in operation. Does anyone know if Dr. Magnifico does the Urethrostomy surgery on male cats? We have a much beloved cat (Blackie) who is peeing just everywhere. Has been peeing and spraying for years but it’s gotten much, much worse. (His urine contains no crystals, according to our vet.)

As a next-to-last resort, we want to find a vet who can do this surgery. (You know what the last resort would be.) Thank you for any help, tips, info, etc.

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Scott | 1 week ago
Not Sure If You Answer This But Had A Question About Our 5 Year Old Cat. Since …

Not sure if you answer this but had a question about our 5 year old cat. Since November she has been experiencing a fair amount of nasal discharge. We tried to rounds of antibiotics, a flush, and the vet searched for a polyp using a spade hook on her soft pallet while she was sedated. The vet was unable to see a polyp and the nasal xray didn’t show much either. A month later we saw no improvement on the nasal and over the past ten days our poor cat has been breathing terribly. When she is standing up and moving around it is clear her breathing is obstructed and it sounds like she is snoring. We have noticed a large decrease in her nasal discharge but her breathing is just awful. She is still eating and drinking as normal. We have been referred to internal medicine in St. Louis but aren’t excited to spend $2-3K for a CT Scan and scoping. Is it possible the poly behind her soft pallet has grown since they first looked for it or could a polyp be some where else? Do you think a CT scan us necessary or should the scope do the trick. We love our cat but are reluctant to spend $3K on her only to find out the couldn’t do anything to help her.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry everything in vetmed is so expensive right now. It sounds like your vet has done what I would do for my clients and that the next step is a CT scan. You can certainly see if another vet will look for a polyp for you, but you may be back where you are now if that isn’t productive.
    There are also CT scans available outside a referral hospital for a lower price (I don’t know if this is the case in your area), but the dilemma there is that this will only help diagnose. You may still need that IM vet to help with the treatment plan.
    I hope things work out for your cat.

    Dr Magnifico

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Rose | 2 weeks ago
Hello, We Have A Cat Who Has Been Sneezing, Making Noise When Breathing, And Has Had …

We have a cat who has been sneezing, making noise when breathing, and has had discharge (sometimes bloody) from a nostril. She has had these symptoms for several months and they seem to be getting worse. Our regular vet has treated our cat with antiviral, antibiotic, and steroid medications. The medications have not helped.They are not sure of the cause of these symptoms, but a visiting vet suggested our cat may have nasal polyps. We were referred to a specialist vet who suggested testing (biopsy, CT scan, X-ray) with a quoted price of $8,000, which is more than we can afford. We saw your video on nasal polyps and wanted to see if you are able to help us and our cat, Koshka. Thank you very much!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry it’s so expensive to do these cases at referral centers.
    If you have not looked for a polyp in the oropharynx yet I would start there. If you cannot afford the referral hospital and referral vet see if you can find a vet locally who will help. If you cannot afford find anyone locally I will do my best to help but I am not an internal medicine specialist and I don’t have a CT scanner. If the polyp can’t be found you may have no other options other than advanced diagnostics (CT or endoscopy).

    Best of luck
    Dr Magnifico

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Nate | 4 weeks ago
Needing Help With A Blocked Kitty! My Baby Latte, 8 Months Old, By All Appearances, Seems To …

Needing help with a blocked kitty! My baby Latte, 8 months old, by all appearances, seems to have a blockage. She has been vomiting it’s all just been clear or pale yellow with white foam no blood no worms. We don’t know if what she ate is passable, and it’s been 2 days since she’s eaten anything but a lick of food. She isn’t drinking much water either, and she hasn’t gone #2 since this all started to boot. We have an appointment tomorrow t have her x-rayed but I have no idea how much it will cost. I’m really nervous I won’t be able to avoid surgery if it’s a blockage. What are my chances it’s just really bad constipation, or if they can remove blockage without surgery? Or if surgery is needed how can I get financial help for it?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Until you have a diagnosis it’s hard to speculate the rest of it you are concerned about cost I would recommend seeing a veterinarian who is in a privately owned practice and not a vet practice owned by a corporation. They are often more affordable and might offer payment options.
    You can also ask for multiple treatment plans. If they examine your cat and then only offer one treatment plan option that you cannot afford ask for others. Tell them you are on a budget and ask for treatment options that are affordable. Ask them to provide everything in writing. You can also look into starting a crowd funding campaign like
    If your cat is blocked you can ask for at home conservative options like pain meds antibiotics and sq fluids.
    I have also allowed people to monitor their cat at home with a urinary catheter in place for days to help relieve the obstruction and inflammation.

    Ask lots of questions and remain steadfast on finding help that works for you and your cat.

    It is possible to find affordable help. You just have to not give up.
    Good luck. Keep us updated

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Cathy | 2 months ago
My Cat Has Been Waking Me Up Very Early And I End Up Sleeping In My …

My cat has been waking me up very early and I end up sleeping in my recliner. I believe when my husband gets up to use the bathroom, Leo is waking up and I guess thinks it’s time for me to get up. I would love to sleep in my bed again but I don’t want to close the door to the cat or my husband. I have asked my husband to cut back on liquids after dinner but he won’t. I could use suggestions.
I don’t give him treats when he wakes me up. I bring him downstairs with me and he’s fine. If I sleep all night in the recliner or another room, he sleeps all night.

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J | 2 months ago
I Have A Poor Feral Cat Out Back Who Got An Abscess. I Did Not Know …

I have a poor feral cat out back who got an abscess. I did not know what was going on about 8 days ago when I noticed her face or side of its head swelling. The cat seemed to be disoriented. In retrospect, I think the cat was febrile and suffering.

The next day the abscess popped. It was a big open sore for 2-3 days. Now it is healing, and the cat seems more comfortable. The cat is moving, and eating food & water in a couple of different locations. It has also slept in two different shelter spaces. (I replace the bedding in those.)

The wound on the side of its face appears to be healing. Given that the cat is feral, I did not want to try to administer antibiotics topically or orally. I considered putting the cat in a cage, and taking it to the vet. However, given its bad physical health, I almost sure the vet would rightfully put the cat down. Also, the trauma and stress of trapping the animal would be counterproductive.

The sore is very large – but as I said healing. I am afraid of secondary infections or chronic, growing infections. Are there any signs I can look for to determine whether or not the cat has a good chance of recovery, or is going downhill?


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  1. J Post author

    Cat seems old and enervated, but is stronger. I have now twice applied a topical antibiotic to the abscessed area – which appears to be healing some. (I am surprised I could touch the animal with a finger – and that is a function of weakness.) It ate pretty well this evening.

    I am on the fence on whether to euthanize the cat. I am afraid it will pass away over the fence in the neighbor’s yard.

    Right now, I am good with letting it live out its remaining days in this yard, and her shelter.

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Sandy | 3 months ago
My Cat Is An American Short Hair And Is Two Years Old,suddenly He Stopped Eating …

My cat is an American short hair and is two years old,suddenly he stopped eating his food (he eats Smalls, ground chicken and turkey)and started vomiting yellow but when he is throwing out it sounds like he is chocking, he is being acting very different no eating ,no playing and I try to feed him and hydrate him with a syringe but he vomits every time. This happened like 4 months ago too and I took him to the vet and it was so expensive and did not help me at all,they made an x ray and didn’t find anything and I change his food because in that time he only ate dry food. I thought everything was find now with wet and quality food but is happening again. Please help me if you have any idea what can I do?. I have no pet insurance and no budget to spend on vets.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat.
    I’m also sorry but there is not enough information here to allow for an accurate diagnosis and therefore an appropriate treatment plan.
    I recommend that you call the vet back and ask for help on a budget. See if you can drop off a fecal sample without the exam. See if they will allow you to do some diagnostics with a minimum database so that you can get help for your cat. There is a big push in vetmed right now to allow affordable care. Remind them of this. Put us all in writing and plea for your cat to get help. You she already been seen and they already have an established relationship with you. This will help you get care and it is a great case for what the profession is already being challenged with.
    I will add the links below for the public press releases stating that we know too many people are struggling to find affordable access to care. I recommend you use your personal experience as an example and start advocating for help yourself. Or you can try to find a shelter or rescue that has a vet on duty who might be willing to help.
    Please keep me posted.
    Good luck.

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Edie | 3 months ago
Hi. I Have A 17 Year Old Cat( Approximately Calico. She Has Elevated Liver And Kidney Levels …

Hi. I have a 17 year old cat( Approximately calico. She has elevated liver and kidney levels but not too bad and is on KD dry food but loves wet also. About 2 months ago she started grooming excessively. Now her front legs are brown , not white anymore and everwhere she sleeps she leaves brown stains. 2 vets have said it’s iron in her saliva .. she is on a very low dose gabapentin and she has gotten a bit better with the excess grooming . I have been told that all cats have iron in their saliva but why all of a sudden is it so much and is there anything to do. Fecal urine and bloodwork mostly normal

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Kerry | 3 months ago
Hi, I’m Just About To Bring My Cat Home Who Has Multiple Rib Fractures. She …

Hi, I’m just about to bring my cat home who has multiple rib fractures. She was hit by a car. She is not eating on her own nor drinking. I’m not even sure how to pick her up. I’m pretty scared is there any advice that someone could give me.

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  1. Krista Magnifico

    If this just happened (ie last day or so) then I am not too worried about eating or drinking yet. I hope your cat has some pain medication and that some fluids were given. For cases like this I give a long acting injectable antibiotic like convenia and a long acting pain medication like zorbium. Just so clients don’t have to worry about handling or medication administration. After that I recommend cage rest. This includes placing the cat in a cage that is just big enough to hold a pee pad with litter on it (no box so they don’t have to try to get into it), a water bowl, (sturdy and shallow), food (wet preferably) and blanket or towel. Nothing with sides to require extra movement or effort. Also wet food so they don’t get hard feces as posturing to defecate will/might be hard. I also make sure these pets are spayed asap jic there are pelvic fractures. Delivering kittens with previous fractures might not be possible.

    Do not pick up if you don’t have to. If you do use a towel as a sling. Be gentle and careful. Or ask your vet for help.

    Good luck