In cats this age it has been my experience that these are not polyps. It is more likely that this is either chronic rhinitis or a nasal mass.
I don’t know enough about your cat to provide much guidance but if you are concerned about a polyp I recommend that you go to a university vet school for help if you don’t feel confident in your local vets abilities.
Oropharyngeal polyps in my experience can be visualized after the patient is placed under general anesthesia as demonstrated in the video you refer to. Please call your local rescues and shelters to see if they can recommend someone locally to look for it and remove it if found.
I’m sorry I do not know anyone local to you.
I hope this helps. Don’t give up on your kitty. There are vets our there who will help. Use social media. Keep calling and asking local friends and family and reach out to rescues, feline practitioners and local vet schools.
Good luck.
It looks like it might be a tapeworm? You can bring it to your vets office and they can help identify it. Also.
There is a lot of information about them online. I tell my clients to treat for fleas.